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My year 2020 in gaming

All of y'all's year reviews made me want to do the same, so I wrote down a few sentences of everything I played last year. I was surprised it was so much as my partner moved in with me and I expected to have a lot less time, but that actually didn't happen and Corona did its thing. I'm a bit late to the review party, but I needed time to write down my thoughts and didn't want to do it in one session.
Standard platform is PC, everything else is labelled.
Darkest Dungeon – halfway through (most tier 2 bosses). it was a nice and interesting start to a game I thought I liked, but 40 hours in I realized I was in fact not having fun. It was repetitive and the payout was very low for me as rewards felt small and especially upgrades to the village took a lot of time. I did play the game with too much emphasis on keeping every character alive, in a game that wants you burn them, so maybe that’s one me. But maybe it’s just not my type of game. Visuals, presentation and the IDEA of the combat system were nice, though. 5/10
Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4) – finished story. Kingdom Hearts has become a burning pile of tires, but I hold it dear since the first game and I want to know what is happening. The visuals are amazing and the combat system is engaging, at least, yet a bit much at times, with way too many special interactions going on at all times. But KH3 is basically if the story has an alignment which is just true chaotic. The main story is…there, for most of the game, but nothing happens with it. Each world has its own story and both them and the overarching plot are almost completely irrelevant to each other. What a pity. Also, so many minigame and once-and-gone game mechanics, what the hell. I had fun, but it could have been so much better. And they skipped over most FF elements. 6/10
The Wolf Among Us – 100%. Played it with my partner who had already finished it years before. It’s one of the prime Telltale games and the first that I wasn’t familiar with the source material with. It has a very interesting lore and visuals for sure. Other than that, very much a standard Telltale game and you either like it or you don’t. I did enjoy it a lot with its interesting plot and characters. 8/10
Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Switch, digital version) – finished story. I like me some occasional space game. Starlink was an oddball in many ways for me. I probably wouldn’t have looked at it as I thought it’s just a toy merch game, but Starfox and the existence of a toyless version drew me to this. I know I could have played nicer looking version, but the tie-in with Starfox was actually not that shallow and came with a small unique storyline, so that’s the most Starfox I will get until Nintendo releases (and doesn’t fuck up) another full game. Due to its toy origins, the game has a few unique quirks, like the weapon, ship and pilot switching on-the-go to match enemy vulnerabilities and combat styles. The mix of planetary and solar exploration and gradual faction growth with even a few RTS elements sprinkled in worked for me. It was a lot of fun! 7/10
Injustice 2 – finished story, some achievement hunting, trying out all characters a bit and dabbled in the multiverse mode. I’m not a huge Beat’Em’Up player, but some concepts are too interesting to pass up. Given how few Heroe League (Avengers and Justice League) games come out well, I had to take my chances here. The story is…forced, but it works for this kind of game. The interactions between the heroes are pretty entertaining to watch. I can’t really judge if the combat system was good or not or balanced or not, but it worked for me, although some fights were pretty frustrating. 7/10
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales – 100%. Gwent really got to me in the Witcher 3. It was kinda sad to see that this is an entirely different card game (although closer to the online Gwent), but it was still a great one. Telling the really interesting story of Queen Meve, the game not only expands the lore of the really intriguing Witcherverse, it also tells it through this mix of roaming through a map and army fights presented by card battles. The visuals weren’t all too exciting, although the art style worked for me. The score was awesome, though, maybe even better than the one from W3. I can absolutely recommend this game to any person interested in card games and in the Witcher. 9/10
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden – finished story and most content. I have so many tactical RPGs on my backlog, all with very interesting settings, but animal mutants in a postapocalyptic Sweden? That’s one of the freshest ideas in a while. The top hat wearing duck really sold it to me. Unlike many other games of its genre like XCOM, the areas are connected with each other like in more classic RPGs. Stealth kills played a huge part in this game as open combat makes the game a lot harder. It’s not a very long game, which I appreciated. However, the initial premise of its animal mutants really fell short as there were actually not that many in the game. I also would have liked to have more of the characters in my team, but the stealth advantages made some characters a lot stronger than others, so there was little choice in which people to take. Itemization and progress were alright, the combat is pretty much as in XCOM etc. 7/10
Cities in Motion – played some scenarios. Preparing for Cities: Skylines, I figured I should play this first. It’s an alright public transport planning simulation that made me excited for planning stuff throughout several cities. However, I have some serious issues with it. For once, this game punished you hard for planning public transport like in real life and creating ridiculously tiny lines (like 2 stations per metro line) was the only way to any meaningful amount of money. Also, the German scenario pack has 12 scenarios, but only 4 cities (other packs are similar). It’s interesting to revisit cities in different eras, but to rebuild everything every time is annoying. And the tasks you get are borderline asinine, like building a line with three stations in far ends of the map, which I circumvented with temporary lines that I immediately deleted after completing it. In its core it had great potential, but felt lazily executed. 5,5/10
BATTLETECH – finished story, some flashpoints and fooled around with mech components for a bit afterwards. Been a while since I dived into MechWarrior games, maybe a good 17 years. Battletech is…GOOD. Maybe my favorite game I have played that year. The campaign is great, has a good plot, but also gives you an open galaxy to explore at your own leisure. The hunt for new mech chassis in the midgame was the most fun I think. Building mechs, balancing your finances, keeping your people alive and trained, random events on board of your ship and upgrading your ship all felt meaningful and well interconnected. It’s also a turn-based tactical RPG, but it works with its own rules (like weapon groups and destroyable sections) and does so very well. 9,5/10
Batman – The Telltale Series – 100%. A solid game for both Batman and Telltale fans. The story was original enough and I always enjoy a plot that isn’t focused on the way overused Joker – who has his part, but a very interesting one. Not really much more to say here. 8/10
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) – finished story and most of the map. Finally, I tackled this behemoth of this generation. I haven’t played a Zelda since Majora’s Mask and the reason for that was a lack of drive to finish either of the N64 installments. Now, 20 years and a friend with a copy available later, I felt urged to play it as I wanted to give back the copy. Didn’t expect much despite the hype, but I have to say this game is (almost) as good as people say. It’s one of the few games that really lets you do whatever you want in the order you want (after a brief tutorial). My partner is playing it right now and it’s interesting to see how different our approaches to the order of quests and also specific challenges are. It rewards creative problem solving due to its physics engine. It is not perfect, especially the weapon system is weird and non-permanency in weapons feels just odd. NPCs are not very well written. The world is rather empty and while that has a plot reason, it feels like there should be more at times. But despite that, the game is a lot of fun and deserves its reputation. 9/10
Monster Hunter World + Iceborne (PS4) – defeated everything up to Furious Rajang, about 350 hours played with a fixed group of 3 and sometimes two other RL friends. Probably the game played most intensely this year. I bought a PS4 Pro in February and soon after – also thanks to Corona – I started playing this with two other friends, almost daily for several months. I had played Tri a decade ago and liked the general idea, but hated a lot of outdated conventions (both from Nintendo and the game itself) back then. World does most things I hated so much better. The monsters are engaging and (mostly) fun, the weapons are diverse and have their niches, the progression system is addictive, I love the Palicos & the private suite customizations and there is so much to see and find in the few maps they have. Great game if you like the combat and if you don’t focus too much on story because that one is paper-thin. 9/10
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4) – finished story. I liked U2 and U3 a lot, so this was a must-play after getting the PS4. It’s probably the most graphically impressive game I have played so far. The combat felt a little forced at times, but I guess that’s the genre. Although sneaking felt more possible and rewarding than in previous titles (as far as I remember). The story is a typical “one last gig” thing, but I liked the inclusion of Drake’s youth and especially how they concluded the Drake saga (maybe?). It’s a very solid game and definitely a must-play for PS4 owners. 8,5/10
EVERSPACE – finished story, post-story and most side missions. I don’t like losing progress, but like Rogue-likes with in-between progression systems, so despite my first hesitation, I picked up this game as I was craving a new space game. Though having a VR, I never got to play it in that mode, but still, I had a lot of fun with it. Some runs were intense and discovering new elements always put an excited wtf face on my head. The in-universe explanation for it being Rogue-like worked for me and getting funds to improve your ships between runs was addictive enough to try again and again. Same with weapons, they were different enough to try out different ones. Just don’t expect too much content out of this, it’s not a big game. 7/10
GRID (2019) – finished base game and some of the season pass content. I was a big fan of the first Grid and played all games in between. But like them, this one did not manage to be as engaging as the first one. While I enjoyed playing through the different leagues and liked the variety of cars and inclusion of a team mate, I did get bored to go through every cup as some of them had a severe lack of cars within them. There was no upgrading of cars, money was meaningless for 99% of the game and a overall career feeling of the ‘story’ mode was absent. At least I didn’t have to basically only race against Ravenwest anymore and other teams were still relevant. I feel like Codemasters could do a lot more with the foundation they have created here, but fail to connect the races in a meaningful way. 6/10
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4) – finished story and most side quests. This was one of my most wanted PS4 titles before Horizon: Zero Dawn came out. I loved Star Ocean 1, 2 and 4 so much. 4 in particular was just great enough to fill the small void that FFXIII had left back then. I heard about the mediocre reviews of IaF. And it was…actually mediocre. What I forgot or never knew was that I got released as a PS3 game in Japan first. And it really, really shows. The game was UGLY. Not ugly ugly, but playing it directly after Uncharted 4 was quite a shock. Not that it matters too much. However, the second problem I have with this game is directly aim at its soul. The other games had you jumping between planets and several distinct locations. And IaF started very promising, hinting at similar qualities. But then, it just…went into its climax and ended. Sure, some parts are in actual space. But you have seen about 80% of the locations within the first quarter of the game, which is ridiculous. It’s such a pity as the game’s story and combat are actually very enjoyable and I loved just grinding, which is quite unusual for me. But the narrow scope of the game wastes a lot of potential and that’s a real disappointment to me as a fan of the series. It could have easily done so much better. 6,5/10
Risen – finished. Oh boy, this game was sitting in my backlog for a LONG time – probably since its release I wanted to try it out. Unfortunately, this is a case of being TOO patient. The game is horribly outdated nowadays, the combat is not much fun and punishes you hard even on easy difficulty. The quest flow, general plot, start and choice of character skills are good, but I do think everything else – graphics, item flow, combat, sound, art design - was pretty bad. This was two years before Skyrim, but it feels like it’s been 10, honestly. I am still curious about Risen 2, 3 and Elex, however. But I might skip the first two after this. 3/10
Team Sonic Racing (Switch) – finished story. Yes, story. It’s as good dumb as you would expect from a Sonic racing game. Weirdly enough, I performed a lot better in handheld mode. The minigames are frustratingly hard as drifting is way overdone. The actual racing is nice, but no match to Mario Kart 8, although I do appreciate the idea of teams with ultimate boosts and item sharing. 6,5/10
Yakuza 0 – finished story and most major side activities. God, this game completely surprised me. I was absolutely 0 interested in crime settings, but Humble gave me this gem of a game. My partner suggested to try it out together, but lost interest in it, so we stopped for 2 months. I then picked it up again by myself and got increasingly invested in the story, the combat system and the bajillion of side things to do. THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO! And most of it is fun, doesn’t overstay its welcome too much and helps develop the main characters a little bit. The Real Estate and Hostess Club minigames are basically entire games-within-a-game, the pocket racer would also work by itself and the Karaoke songs were absolutely adorable and are a must-see in all of gaming. While I thought that the game got bloated a bit due to the two characters both having their own full-blown story, but sharing a single game, the interconnection made it kind of necessary to not separate them. But the game felt a bit long thanks to that (and all of the minigames that felt kinda mandatory at times). Anyway, I am now completely hooked on the series and look forward to the next entry – although I really need some time off lest I encounter the good old Assassin’s Creed-like fatigue. But given I couldn’t give two shits about Yakuza – even though I fucking majored in Japan Studies – this is an amazing feat. 9/10
Additional note: Getting into Yakuza memes alone is worth playing this, but the more I read and watch about this game and the series, the more and more I appreciate this franchise.
Endless Legend with a few DLCs – finished two full games (~38 hours). I was in the mood for a 4X game and this one was poking in my side for a bit. Endless Space was quite enjoyable and the overarching plot kinda works? I enjoyed expanding, researching and the quest system as well, but it felt just like Civ5 in general, with a few exceptions of course. It was weird that the ‘ages’ weren’t really differentiated visually and that you kept using the same units throughout the whole game – also there are not many of them, but there is an intriguing RPG-like customization system baked into it instead, which was cool enough. The winter and sea fortress system was also refreshing (but probably brought in from DLCs). Factions had some differences that went beyond what Civ would do, but the really deviating ones (like lava or fungus people that need different ways of city building) were hidden behind DLCs I do not have. Two games were enough for me, but I may come back in the future. 7/10
Need for Speed: Payback (PS4) – finished story. Being a PSN+ freebie, I got a bit excited over the silly F&F story that I felt like seeing with my own eyes. And the game delivered on that - but not much more. My last true NfS was Hot Pursuit (2010) (and my NfS favorites: Shift 1+2), so it had been a while. But I realize that I do not need that speed anymore. While the game was ultimately enjoyable, especially cruising around, finding stuff and customizing the cars, I especially disliked the offroad races with their weird rubber band perfect traction AI which was really frustrating. The driving in general revolved too much around drifting everything, but I guess that’s full arcade racers for you. And the automatic car reset was a bit too eager at times. 5,5/10
Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) – finished story and Croft manor side story. Also a PSN+ freebie. I have played the first game and was quite entertained by it. As I played Uncharted not too long ago, I was able to compare those two games a bit and while Uncharted looks undoubtedly better (and I prefer non-supernatural stuff in this kind of game), I think that Tomb Raider is the better game overall. This might be due to the usage of a skill and weapon customization system, which made exploring places and looking for XP, resources and parts fun. I also think that limiting the game’s world to one location (outside the prologue) helped immersion a lot. The game has quite a bit of a different feeling than the first TR, but mostly due to Lara being kickass from the start instead of allegedly being a frail grad student that 20 hours later massacres armies of armed and trained mercenaries. I liked it quite a lot of the backstory with her dad and caretaker were quite interesting as well. 8/10
Not done / on and off:
League of Legends – almost exclusively ARAM, sometimes bot games for trying out stuff. Not much to say to this, it’s a notorious, but ultimately good MOBA. The new items overhaul was a bit of a big change, but now I am getting the hang of it, I think. Some of the new champions of this year are fun to play, like Samira, Lilia and Seraphine. One of my friends quit the game for good, I think, so only one other is left, and it’s the go-to game if it’s just the two of us. Sometimes I play by myself, but I try to play more single player games then.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) – some 70 hours to built my house, the island is my partner’s. This is my first Animal Crossing and after hesitating at the beginning, I did enjoy it quite a lot. It’s very relaxing, you can work towards small goals, but without any stress. Interactions with other villagers will become repetitive, but at the beginning it feels very sweet. It’s also nice that Nintendo supports the game with free updates every month. 8/10
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution! (Switch) – played through story mode until midway ARC-V. I have my YGO phases every now and then where I watch a show and play a corresponding game at the same time. The Switch game is pretty nice as it lets me play through all TV shows’ stories, lets me play with most characters’ decks, has reverse duels for every story battle, but I also can always use my own decks which is sometimes very necessary as some matches are VERY one-sided. There are also challenge battles against very good decks which are as difficult as I imagine actual competitive dueling. Two things I don’t like about this particular YGO game: No free battle vs. CPU and only 30 custom deck save slots. The Tag Force games were still ahead in that regard. Still, it’s a solid entry that can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment for YGO enthusiasts and is a great travel companion. 8/10
Undertale – I just can’t get into it, sorry. This is my second attempt and I got a lot further than last time (about one third in). But something just doesn’t click with me. Maybe the humor feels forced, maybe the retro graphics do, or maybe I get too hype-talked by people. I don’t know.
Super Seducer – almost done with the first one. We mostly play it together or with other people, to have a good time. I got this from Dunkey, but I have to say the first one isn’t even that funny. A lot of the explanation in how to approach women are cringy at best and predatory at worst. I guess it does teach how to behave better for some very inexperienced guys, but in general it shouldn’t be used as a guideline in how to get girls to talk to you.
Katamari Damacy REROLL – almost done. It’s a fun game for a silly afternoon. The controls are garbage, but it doesn’t matter too much. The humour is great and rolling up increasingly bigger things is weirdly satisfying.
Borderlands 2 – Playing with friends every now and then. It’s still fun and I haven’t explored all characters yet (although leave me alone with Krieg), so there’s still more to get out of it.
Jackbox 1-7 – I was a huge fan of the early YDKJ games 20 years ago, so I’m happy they are still around and have adapted new technologies to further their game concepts. The Jackbox games have become staples in many parties and were a major driver during corona to get people together online around the globe to play a few rounds of whatever minigame we wanted to enjoy. Some games are not good, of course, but the ever-growing library of minigames always manages to add refreshing new titles to the list. My favorites are Quiplash, T-K.O. and Champ’d. 10/10
Risk of Rain 2 – unlocked all characters, had a couple of runs with friends and by myself. I have to say I might not like the game too much. The characters are interesting and the upgrade system is addictive, but losing progress without much being gained from a run (except lunar coins and unlocked characters/skills) feels like making no progress at all, in a way. It’s fun to play with friends and you can somewhat relax and chat while jumping and shooting around. 6/10
Beat Saber – half of campaign mode, but mostly custom songs. I LOVE Beat Saber. It’s the reason I got a VR system this year (a used 2017 Vive, but I don’t need more for that) and I had a lot of fun (and exercise!) with it. It’s sad when your wanted songs have not been mapped or mapped really bad, but the existing database is really big and a lot of fun to go through. There are a lot of gameplay additions (like one-handed, 90° and 360° modes), but the standard mode is still the best (or most-supported). The latter half of the campaign is dumb as hell, tho - hitting a specific amount of combos within a very small threshold in both min and max is such a dumb thing. Mods make the game a whole lot better and some stuff should really be in the base game. 9/10
Audica – played through campaign mode and some custom songs. Not as good as Beat Saber, but it’s still very enjoyable. It’s hits the same spot, but with a twist. Mod support is not a big here, but still there. 8/10
Cities: Skylines + most DLCs – still working on my first city after 40 hours. Depicted as the penultimate city builder, I had to get into this at some point. I have to admit, it’s pretty good. As good as imagined? Maybe, maybe not. The base formula is not that complicated, but the DLCs add a whole lot of flavor to it. I can definitely recommend it, but I still have a lot of time ahead with it.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch) – I started and had a lot of fun with it, but stopped after roughly 5-10 hours as my partner was taking over the Switch with BotW (she played Witcher 3 before, so I was able to player with the Switch in the meantime) and switching cartridges all the time is a pain in the ass. Will continue soon and am very excited to do so.

Summary: 2020 was probably the most intense gaming year for me so far, mostly thanks to Corona. My top three are probably BATTLETECH, BotW and Yakuza 0, with some honorable mentions to Beat Saber, MH:W and Jackbox. My gaming year 2021 is going to look similarily awesome and I already planned to play so many very high-profile games: Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Paper Mario: The Origame King, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Starpoint Gemini Warlords (almost finished this one already), Darksiders 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Gran Turismo Sport, Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Borderlands 3, GTA V.
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2020 recap, top 10 and awards

I started 2020 with my fourth 12in12 list in as many years, and my goal was to experience the best from my backlog, curating my list to only include GotY-level games. And it has worked, as I had a stellar gaming year (the only good thing about Covid-19 being the additional gaming time). I had my best completion rate ever, with 17 games completed out of 20 (it also helped that I ditched the month/genre requirements), and 97 games completed overall. Funnily, only 4 games from my original "GotY list" ended up in my top ten, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, and strap in for a very long post.


Here is the spreadsheet if you're interested, with some graphs.

Trends of the year

Ever-expanding backlog
This year, the backlog was again assaulted from all sides (on PC): Epic gave away games like candy, itchio made the biggest bundle ever, and Game Pass solidified itself as the best subscription service around, with critically-acclaimed and recent titles added on a regular basis. I was able to take advantage of all these titles thanks to my new laptop. Plugging it into the TV made it easier for me to properly get into the games, making PC titles a greater part than ever of my playtime. Crucially, this also allowed to have a shot at games I would not have taken a risk on otherwise, shorter (Observation, A Mortician's Tale), weirder (Yoku's Island Express, Hidden Folks), flawed or just plain games (Sunset Overdrive, Steamworld Dig 2). This provided a vital breather in between more ambitious and long-winded games (Yakuza 0, The Last of Us Part II). Those AAA were generally of a very high quality, but it was still disappointing to see the same design trends pop up everywhere: loot, RPG mechanics, collectibles, and generally way too long running times, all these factors diluting the experience of their respective games, even in series that didn't have those before (God of War, Assassin's Creed Origins).
Platform usage
Most of these AAA were played on PS4, but the Switch has also found its place. I didn't play it much last year, and I was afraid it would go the way of the Vita (i.e. rarely played outside of holidays), but I've been playing it a lot inside the house, most notably when my wife is watching TV. It's been helped in no small part by the instant suspend/resume feature and by Slay the Spire, the infinitely replayable turn-based deckbuilder, enjoyable for any length of time, without audio or even one handed with the touchscreen. All this contributed to make other platforms irrelevant: I didn't play any PS3, PSVita or Android games this year.
Variety of games
I'm very happy with my progress this year (no shit). I finally experienced revered classics, old and new (Half Life, Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Into the Breach, Celeste), completed some of my longstanding backlog titles (Undertale, The Witcher 2, Left 4 Dead), kept up to date with some of the latest releases (The Last of Us Part II, Paradise Killer), and found the time for some lovable indies (A Short Hike, Ape Out, Night in the Woods). I kept coming back to a couple of games during the second part of the year (Slay the Spire and Rocket League), but for the first time, I did not feel like it was a bad thing: I had a good time, and it didn't prevent me from experiencing new games either.
Purchasing habits
I noticed I paid very little for all the games I played this year (less than 3€ per game): in fact the only purchases I made were a couple of highly anticipated releases for PS4 (The Last of Us Part II, Spelunky 2), games I intended to play coop with my wife (A Way Out, Overcooked 2), additions to my Switch library to prepare for holidays (Mario & Rabbids, Ashen) or extensions/sequels of games I already knew (Control DLC, Yakuza 6). Everything else came from my backlog and the aforementioned trifecta of Game Pass (a whopping 24 completed games, 6 abandoned ones), itchio bundle (12 completed, 2 abandoned), and Epic giveaways (3 completed, 1 abandoned). In fact, I'm now very reluctant to buy any new game, except my most anticipated games, games I intend to play on the Switch, or if they're exclusive to console. Thanks Game Pass.
Youtube on the rise
Even with all the time dedicated to playing, I have also found the time to watch a lot of gaming-related Youtube this year. I was already watching reviews and game design videos (IGN, GMTK, Errant Signal, Super Bunnyhop, No Clip, or even Girlfriend Reviews), and I have kept watching those. My favorite channel for this type of analytical content was Noah Caldwell Gervais', whose long form analyses of Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us Part II and Kentucky Route Zero were unrivalled in my opinion. But this year, I've started watching people play as well, often content originating from Twitch, which meant less focus on carefully edited and scripted high-value content, and more emphasis on the streamer. I used to think this was drivel, that all streamers were vapid, overreacting for clicks, but I was able to find streamers whose high-level play brought tremendous value in and of themselves: either their skill were awe-inspiring and entertaining in their own rights (like Rocket League eSports players), or they helped me improve at the games they were playing (Jorbs explaining his deckbuilding decisions during Slay the Spire runs). I'm not planning on watching these live, but I'm happy I got to discover a new side to my hobby that I can watch on my own time.

Top 10

10. Kentucky Route Zero
Weird and poetic, beautiful and sad and powerfully moving, sometimes inscrutable or confusing, this literary adventure following a cast of misfits and down on their luck outcasts in a decaying America had bold touches, especially in the writing and the DLC interludes, and I loved the art direction and the soundtrack. I don't claim to have understood it all, but after a rocky start, I was left impressed, like I had experienced a title thoroughly singular and remarkable.
9. Night in the Woods
I loved the characters in this one, and the moments they share. They're the heart of the game, as gameplay wise, there's not much, but the writing is very sharp, funny and relevant, dealing with young adulthood and socio-economic concerns, which sounds preachy but cuts deeper than most other games. The protagonist is a bit insufferable at times, but the coming of age arc she goes through feels real and earned, and you get to experience beautiful moments with her friends and family, like band practice, crazy hijinks and honest heart to heart.
8. Eliza
Another narrative game, and this one also strongly resonated with me. The main character, an engineer at a bit of a crossroad in her life, felt very relatable to me. The game tries to discuss how technology can be leveraged to contribute to therapy, and the ethics side of it, and I thought the subject matter was handled very well, mostly avoiding sci-fi tropes. The therapy sessions featured complex characters brought to life with great performances, with thought provoking subjects being brought to light, and even though there was minimal input from the player, I was involved and cared deeply from start to finish.
7. Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus
I played the whole trilogy in a month, and it left a big impression on me. The first remarkable thing was the world building, a unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre, set in the Moscow Metro, where people survive in settlements in each station, factions emerge, and the irradiated surface is crawling with mutated monsters. The sequel brought a better stealth and a better pacing, and the latest one blew the formula open, mixing Far Cry and Fallout, letting you roam in mini open worlds, scavenging ammo, influencing the plot by your actions, surviving tense fights, in every location your train stopped at. It also focused on the community you built aboard that train, and even though the writing wasn't great, the sense of belonging was real, and perfectly capped off a gripping saga.
6. Assassin's Creed Origins
What made the game so good for me was the Egyptian setting. It was a delight to walk this land, I was constantly impressed by the architecture of the monuments, the cities, and the evolution of the series to mimic The Witcher 3 allowed the setting to be brought to life even more by the numerous quests. The writing wasn't always satisfying, but it all contributed to paint a rich tapestry of a fascinating civilization. I have a high tolerance for Ubisoft open worlds, and I love stealth games in general, so it wasn't a hard sell to look past the few issues (RPG systems and loot), especially with the most charismatic leads in the series.
5. A Short Hike
A charming and masterly crafted experience, that felt like the best distillation of Nintendo principles: rewarding unguided exploration and play, with surprises around every corner, easy to grasp climbing mechanics, satisfying flight, quests that you stumble into on your own and provide natural incentive to keep going forward, all this with cute writing and presentation. It was the complete package in under two hours of playtime.
4. Ape Out
An even more stylish and primal Hotline Miami, starring a gorilla on a rampage through semi-randomized levels to the sound of jazz drums. It's not the most elaborate of games, but it is just so satisfying to splash enemies on the walls, to advance blindly in the levels following only your gut to a cool and perfectly synced soundtrack. Each level has a new twist, the challenge is perfectly tuned, and the whole game ends at just the right time.
3. Lonely Mountains: Downhill
I love the fantasy of riding bikes in deserted mountain tracks, making spectacular jumps or simply riding peacefully, and this game allowed it all. The game lets you enjoy the simple but deep gameplay, only setting achievable goals and providing ample ways to achieve them, with tracks that beg for experimentation. I'm not one for high score but I loved challenging myself in this game. Even if my scores weren't anything special in the end, I felt like I achieved extraordinary things all on my own.
2. The Last of Us Part II
The most impressive of AAA titles, with unparalleled technical prowess, arresting performances and narrative ambition to match, rich and tense combat encounters. I may not have loved what they put the characters through, or found issues with the pacing, but it's hard to argue it didn't make its mark. If only we could have some news from the multiplayer, it'd be perfect.
1. Slay the Spire
This roguelike deckbuilder grew on me like no other. When I reviewed it after 10 hours and my first win, I thought it was too hard and random and frustrating, and now I can consistently win any run on the standard difficulty with all characters. The depth here is really impressive, there are a number of viable decks, scores of relics, which make every run a bit different. Each beginning is tense, as you try to shape your deck with what you get along the way, and it often culminates in ludicrous synergies at the end of runs, which are so satisfying. I've played this game for about 250 hours now, and I've yet to beat the most difficult modes. It's been my go-to game for half of the year, single-handedly justifying my Switch purchase. It's easy to play, hard to master, pick up and play in the extreme thanks to the turn based system and the Switch suspend/resume, runs are always challenging but not overly long (about an hour). I've even bought the game again on PC to try some mods. I've watched hours of Youtube videos to improve my game, and it's been on my mind the better part of the year, so it's no surprise this tops my list.


And for some complimentary awards, to hopefully highlight the full range of worthwhile titles I experienced this year, beyond the top 10.
Best setting

Best combat

Best cute & chill indie game (appears to be my genre of predilection)

Funniest game

Best guilty pleasure

Best music (here is a playlist with my favorite tracks)

Most disappointing

And to end on a high note:
Favorite characters (in no particular order)

Congratulations if you made it this far, I'd love to read your comments, I wish you the best for the New Year and I'll see you for my 2021 list soon
submitted by Pahlan to 12in12 [link] [comments]

TWIG #41 [Eminem on PS5, Cyberpunk Bugs, Optimization & Controversy, PoPersia delayed, TGA 2020 and games, Project Athia exclusive for 2 years, Free Epic games, Gundam motorcycles, Kanye West in Demon's Souls, new games and more...]

Unto the End Steam PS4 XBOX
Cyberpunk 2077 Steam GOG PS4 XBOX
Call of the Sea Steam XBOX
|TGA Games|
submitted by sigmaborne to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

Games that are a 10 out of 10 in my heart even with their problems.

Too Long / Didn't Read version:

I wanted to do this list ever since the start of this year, i'm currently 22 YO and i've played a lot of games ever since I was a kid, and that got me thinking about, what are those games that I myself, without the opinions of others, consider being a full 10/10, even considering their problems I can still love them fully, and I also wanted to talk about these games to express myself.
I think that a lot of the time i am really negative about things but i wanted to try to be positive for a change
This is my list, out of order:

Starcraft's franchise:
Specifically Starcraft 2:
This game man, this game, its been a ride ever since the first teaser dropped around 2009, I was 12 at the time, and it was one year after Iron Man dropped I believe and it was me being hyped about everything that was that movie, and then that trailer dropped where they create a Marine that says "hell, it's about time" and i lost it, I has hyped as fuck at that time, i played the first starcraft a lot with my brother and i also loved it, but first, you see how Iron man is "assembled" and then you see THAT trailer? holy fuck man, holy fuck, it was the best, it sold me the game that alone. After that, i remember entering to starcraft2.com EVERY SINGLE DAY and seeing how sometimes they updated it with a new unit they've created for the game, seeing stuff like the Colossus or the Immortal, I was hyped, i couldn't believe in THOSE graphics, the game looked like a true sequel to the 1 in every aspect, they showed everything they were making and even though I didn't knew English at the time, I tried to understand it with everything I had, I scrolled and scrolled through the page to see anything new, it was fantastical.
Then the game dropped, and couldn't play it for a lot of time, I believe that my brother bought it so I played the Raynor's campaign to completion just right before he left the house to live with his girlfriend and couldn't play it till 2019 where i found out a lot of the game was free now and that Raynor's campaign was fully free too so I jump right in again, recently bought and passed the other two campaigns too and those three campaigns were so goddamn cool, I can't describe it, i know a lot of people disliked them, but holy shit, fortunately for me, I loved everything, even the characters. Now, the campaign was great, the systems they had, like buying mercenaries or upgrades before a mission in Wings of liberty, or how you can do evolution missions for Heart of the swarm, or with Nova's campaign you were able to change what unit had a certain upgrade, was really cool and a really good way to feel like you were progressing the game instead of higher HP and higher attack damage (although this was present in Heart of the swarm but it was really irrelevant).
Now, I haven't touched a lot of the PVP side, but thats because i like playing the game against the AI in this case, as I've played in Arcade with tons and tons of different modes that people created for the game, and that they are extremely fun too, but the biggest thing that got me hooked in this game is the Coop mode, I can't tell you how much I love it, basically, they grabbed 15 missions of the campaigns and rebalanced them so you can play with someone else, but not only that, you have more than 10 different heroes to choose, everyone totally different from another, you start at level 1 with one commander up to 15 and then you can choose to do one of two things, go up to level 90 that will increase some stats that you choose and they are called Masteries, really similar to what League of legends once had or you can prestige that commander, that will make them go to level 1 again and you have to level up to 15 again, you can do this up to 3 times, and what this does is that you get a new way to play that commander each time (you can choose the others after that too anytime you want)
What I like about this mode is that is non-competitive, you have a lot of ways to play, different difficulties too, there are no cosmetics nor battlepass to worry about, it's pure bliss and fun all the way.
My most loved four commanders that I have to recommend you buying are Tychus, Dehaka, Nova and Kerrigan (although Kerrigan is totally free to play, she is really, really damn fun to play, specially at higher levels and with her prestiges too, I can't believe you don't have to pay her, she feels really good to play)

Persona's (half) franchise:
Sadly, I've tried getting into Persona 1 and 2 but couldn't, this doesn't mean they are not great, they are not for me. So I gotta start with Persona 3
Persona 3: the first one that I've played and for PSP, jesus christ man, i never knew a turn based game could be this fun and challenging, I remember playing pokemon red, blue, emerald and some others but the same problem always appeared, where the only way I myself was able to defeat most of the enemies was by having a higher level, and that meant a lot of grinding that sucked the fun of the game, in this case, although you have to grind, you are not required to do so as I was able to defeat a lot of bosses while being under leveled and it felt great too!, this game, and the same for the other 2, have a theme, you can see this game like the depressed one, as it has a some-what borderline suicide theme, blue-colored UI, when you choose your next move, you do it by moving a chamber of a revolver, hell, your character will shoot in his or her head to call their persona, the game feels SO good to play that I can't believe it was made for a PSP, you have a group that helps you and you can use them in battle, and mixes this turn-based strategy with a visual novel game where you can go fuck around the city or attend school, the great thing is, that you can be friends with someone in the game and they have their own side-story that you follow along and by talking with those characters again and again, you will be able to fuse personas that are linked with this person to make them even stronger, and if you complete one of those side stories, you'll be able to invoke an even greater and even stronger persona that is linked to that character.
The game is superb, the story is fucking good, the characters are likeable (except jumpei, I didn't liked him) the music was, holy shit, it made me love OST even more and now the only things I hear while doing stuff is OST from games or Lo Fi Hip Hop if I have to study.
You can feel the characters, they have their struggles and their passion, I loved Mitsuru and her side-story too, and holy shit I'm glad that i've played the PSP version and not the original because of some horror stories involving her and the last boss of the game.
As a side note, I have to give Atlus credits for making constant quality of life upgrades for every entry of these games, every sequel feels like a true sequel and not a downgrade by any means, this is not me saying that I liked 5 more than 3 or vice versa, I love them in it's entirety.
3 was great, and I wanted to play 4 but couldn't all over these years because the supposed best version was only for PSVita and I wanted to play that one but couldn't, so instead of playing the 4, i jumped straight to 5
Persona 5:
This, this is what I said about improvements
This game is one of the first games I knew i had to get after acquiring a ps4, and I'm so fucking glad I did, THE FUCKING UI THIS GAME HAS, the scenes, the music, the "graphics" the vibes, the EVERYTHING this games does it with STYLE, as I've said before, each game has a theme and a color that represent that theme, in this case red, and is for rebellion basically.
you have what is a longer game than 3, now with a lot of QOL involved to improve the gameplay, and its glorious, there are a lot of things that I said with 3 that are still relevant here, such as the side stories and characters, this time, I loved everyone (except for Mishima) you basically are here to be a rebel against everyone, you have so many things to do, your band is full with cool characters, I personally loved Ryuji and Morgana here.
The story is more>! "soft" than the one in p3 but it touches some really dark stuff too and!< I enjoyed it from start to finish.
With this game I started searching for the lyrics of the songs because they are so good to not noticed, my favorites being Rivers in the desert and I believe it was called Behind the mask. Just, look it up man, Rivers in the desert feels you with hope, its fucking dope.
Persona 4:
So, I wasn't able to play this game because, first of, I am in a shitty country, second, It's hard to get a PSVita in 2018, so what happened? one day they just dropped the announcement that THIS GAME WAS COMING TO STEAM IN 2020 OUT OF NOWHERE. Then I bought it, then I loved it too.
This game was all I was thinking it would be, its great from start to finish, again, the Theme this time>! might be happiness, with the color being Yellow, and you are here to solve a mistery!<.
This time i fully loved the cast, there's not one single soul here that I didn't loved... (except the copycat guy) (Naoto and Kanji were pretty damn cool)
As before, this game has some really damn good music around here and because it starting to feel repetitive, Everything that I loved from p3 and p5 is still here in p4, great music, great characters, great story. Please if you don´t spoiling yourself, listen>! to Heaven, its damn cool!<
My biggest dislike of these three games is how bad the new game plus feels, I'll try to make everything positive but I have this complain, the New Game Plus is horrible, I always finish the game one time and no more than that, all because of this.
Basically, you start the game again from the beggining, you might or might not lose all your inventory, there are some equipment you still have, all the Personas you've got are going to be where you left them with the skills and the build you've made for them, but EVERYTHING ELSE will reset (except money). And this makes two things that I really dislike about them, first of, it would be nice to keep your companions instead of waiting to get them in their respective order, this way you can enjoy them all the way more while also mantaining their Personas's second or third awakening, the other thing is rebalancing the enemy so you can fight them IN A FAIR FIGHT TOO, you can basically grab your best Persona and oneshot everything with a single turn, its fun for the first 5 fights but then it gets boring to use that one persona that cost you so much to obtain, I can see a lot of games doing things like this really well too, like Borderlands or Diablo and I'm sure that there are better examples of it, It would be nice to also have infinite days too in a New game plus. Now i'm trying to undestand a lot of the things in the modding side of P4G for PC to try and make a mod like this, but i'm a dumb idiot so don't expect much from me with this one.
p3, p4 and p5 are fucking amazing, from start to finish.

2 metal gear games:
Metal gear Peace Walker: Imagine a stupid idiot like me going to school everyday, depressed because he lost his dad the year before so he said, fuck school, i'm going to spend every hour in class playing one game, and that game was... this one
Is one of those games that you just can't believe it's for the PSP, its stuffed with tons of missions and content that you can't believe it, its fucking great, it helped me cope with the loss of my dad, and let me keep living in a place where not a single adult cared about me in those moments, not mom nor teachers and so on. This game has the best controls I saw for PSP in a third person shooter, you basically have what Metal Gear Solid V should of been and the story is completed too!
the bosses this time are metal gears, tanks and other stuffs, most of the mechanics you see in MGSV come from this very game, the base construction, the way you obtain soldiers, the "money" and other stuffs too, you can change your character to your soldiers too.
The story, as every story of hideo kojima, is weird, but gets you hooked in an instant, the gameplay is fucking great, and it's controllers tight, plus, you can configure them.
you can upgrade your weapons, and I consider it, along with P3 and one more game that i'm going to talk later, a must have for PSP.
I can't put it into words but its just an amazing game.
Metal gear Rising: This is a game that surpassed my expectations when I played, and I pick it up again and again over the years to replay it again and again, Its short but that doesn't stop how great it is.
You control Raiden this time, you play the game like a devil may cry or bayonetta, the story is cheesy but I cant help but love it anyways and its great for that too, you fight bosses that will make you remember them for years, and the coolest thing is that every boss has their own theme and music based on how they feel about themselves and their story, the music kicks really damn good when you start hearing the vocals it feels like the climax of the battle is arriving at the perfect moment and oof, jesus christ, its damn great.
The gameplay is so good too, and it creates a system that i just didn't see used anywhere else sadly, and it's the zandatsu mode, SEE THAT? YOU CAN DO IT TO EVERY ENEMY IN THE GAME IT'S SOOOOO COOOL I was SO hyped to see it and, atleast of me, it doesn't get old, never.
Now, every boss is so cool, you have another guy that fights you that would be your rival in the game (although you fight him 2 times) the name's Jetstream Sam, he is a BEAST, he steals the show everytime he appears, and its so cool how much of a "polar" thing is to Raiden, you are a ninja and an cyborg, he is a Samurai and has almost no "upgrades" and he still fucks your ass, you just can't help but love him as much as raiden here. just, c'mon, hear his OST. One thing that I love about this game, and even though I don't know much about symbolism and music and a lot of other stuff, is how the music represent the characters so damn well, instead of being just dumb music dropped in the background, it adds and spice up the game, leveling everying up, this can be said about Persona too, and about symbolism.
I have something really stupid to say about these games, you can hear at the start of the song of Jetstream Sam how the guitar stops rapidly and leaves a second to "breathe" and I can't help but imagine that is is also how Sam works ingame while fighting you, see, he is a Samurai, his best attacks are when he sheathes his sword, charges an attacks and dashes towards you, just to unleash his sword and hits you HARD, and then you have other bosses that do these things with their music, Monsoon's music will say Dissapeaaaa-a-a-a-a-a-ar stopping at each "a" and I cant help but imagine that this is made because Monsoon's body is pieced by segments of his own body chopped off and those things can disassemble and reassemble at will. Then you have Mistral's OST she attacks you with Pole Arms... no mate, you read me right... Pole Arms, not Polearms... Pole Arms, and because she uses these, the vocals of the song extends some of the words she says, I can't exactly describe it, but she says things like "IIIIII FOOOOOUND WHAT I WAS LOOOOOOKIN FOOOOOOR" like she elongates the words, like Mistral's long polearm.
I might be onto something there but I wouldn't hold my breath about it either, hopefully I was able to describe these things well enough, the music also has other things symbolizing the bosses but those are more difficult to describe.
Anyways, just a beast of a game this one, and it made me choose this game over the other metal gears even though I loved the others that I was able to play and I can't recommend them enough, you can also play as Jetstream Sam in one of the DLCS that you don't even have to buy if you buy the Steam Version.
I have one last thing that I want to say about this particular game though, and it was Monsoon's Fight, the "Parry Teacher" basically, because you basically can't win against him if you don't know how to parry. I played this game in 2013 for the first time and I always remember this fight because at the time my dad was alive, After I come back from school, I was able to play for 1 hour in the Xbox 360 before studying, so I tried for two weeks beating him, every damn time I failed for an hour, but I didn't gave up, I was so mad that one time my dad grabbed me and said that there are games that you just can't win and that they are rigged and didn't wanted to see me mad about something that I can't change, but then, watching reviews of the game... I discover the parry... I went to try it, my hear was pumping, the music was louder than ever, I couldn't focus in anything more than in>! Monsoon's attacks!< and my life bar, and as I was close to dying and restarting again I hit him enough to win and was one of the best feelings I had with games, It felt SO great for various reasons. My dad being happy that I've made it against the negatives, me learning more and more english to finally understand what the dude I saw was saying about the Parry system, me upgrading my real-life skills about understanding games enough to surpass them. It was FUCKIN great. Thats a game that never gave up on me, and I never gave up on it.

Now Im going to talk about 5 games but I don't have much to say about them that wasn't said before
(this is, sadly, a game that came really recently, i didn't knew how much of recent it was)
No Straight Roads:
I don't have much to say about it, Its really really sweet of a game with what felt like a really wholesome ending, I loved every boss and every character was good, the story and the gameplay can feel really repetitive but its a nice experience overall, it as a lot of problems that hopefully will be improved in a sequel, but still, its one of those games that you play and like it, it might be casual, it might have problems, it might not have tons of mechanics like the other games i've listed but overall, a nice 4 to 6 hours experience, I really liked the final boss and Eve.You can see inspiration from other games here, specially some aspects of Persona 5's UI
I've finished it a week ago and hopefully this is not the last time I see those characters, they all are adorable.
The Witcher 3:
This is one of those popular games that almost everyone knows, have played or didn't and loved it or not, luckily for me, I was able to like it a lot, there are millions of reviews and other types of content on youtube where they describe this game better than whatever I could ever say and whatever I could say has already been said too and you already know why I loved this one, sadly i'll skip this one just because of this, I loved it way too much, Triss is the best, Geralt is the best, Ciri is the best, the music is fucking good too.
Its one of those short games that can get you hooked instantly, the gameplay is superb and really damn precise, and is a constant battle about improving yourself, and is one of those games that THANK GOD IT DOESN'T HAVE YOU WAITING FOR A LOADING SCREEN EVERYTIME YOU DIE BECAUSE OH BOY I DIED A SHIT TON OF TIMES, this is one of those things I hate about gaming, you don't rage because you lose, you rage because of HOW DAMN SLOW IS TO GET BACK TO THE GAME AGAIN!, if Celeste was like this, I would played it for five minutes and then gave up forever, but instead, it's replay is instant, you died, then retry right fucking now dood, you can do it :D, every single time. Its a really good experience and I would love it if more games implemented something like this, I remember playing Yakuza 0 and being so frustrated with the>! "Rush style training"!< where if you get hit, it was like a 5 minute loading about that told you "youu loooose" all the time and was so frustrating that i stopped doing that mission and focused on other things.
Celeste has everything that I've said about the other games, style, music, characters, story, 10 out of 10 in every part, it was a pleasure to play
Into the breach:
I got it thanks to the epic free games (As well as Celeste), I saw some youtubers recommend it so much that I always wanted to try it, and know i know why they recommend it, its so fun, the gameplay is really solid, its so, so goddamn great that gets you hooked for a lot of hours, the game is damn short but with a lot of replayability, letting you buy new units every time you finish it, then you can mix and go jam with units YOU choose from the variety you bought. It's like xcom and chess all in one while being able to see what the enemy is going to do, its fucking great I tell you.
Disgaea 2:
This is a game that combines visual novel with a gameplay sort of like xcom, I've played it on PSP and yeah, an overall great experience, the story is great with funny things going around and good plot twists too, what I loved about the game is that you can replay it a lot of times and does something like a "new game plus" extremely well, you can "create" a character and customize it as you wish, but with a lot of characters, sort of, againg, like xcom, but without the permadeath and a lot more lighthearted, this is a musthave for PSP because of how well translated the controllers are, they feel really damn well to use and responsive as fuck, specially if you go and disable animations and other stuffs (you can get really tired of seeing an 10 seconds long attack)

Souls Franchise:
Here i'm going to talk about the ones that I've played, because I couldn't play DS3 and Demon Souls
Dark souls 1: Everyone loves this one a lot, including me, that's why i'm not going to talk a lot about this one specially and try to give a little more of love to Bloodborne and DS2. This doesn't that I don't love one more than another, I love them Equally, but this time I'll let it to DS2
Dark souls 2: Its the first one that I've tried to play with a friend of mine, we were in loved, there is a lot of this game that was so mysterious and full of secrets, its one of those games that let's you explore a lot, and you want to too, I loved Majula's scene the most, it was such a beautiful view from the world that is one of those little moments in a game where you stop and actually look at the environment just to appreciate it, the warm colors makes it so warm and has this "home" feeling attached to it too.
The bosses aren't that great but the areas that this game has are so interesting to watch, and one thing that is notable when you play every Souls game is this feeling where, you remember a scene and you know exactly where it is located in the world, everything has this "tangible" feeling that makes them so good, when I played this game I stopped at the first try after 50 hours and being stuck in that area where the final boss is in a ship, that there are a lot of vikings in that area too.
But then I played 1 and got good, then I played bloodborne and then finally, started again with DS2 and able to complete EVERYTHING including the DLC and was able to complete it under 48 hours, I felt so proud of my self with that improvement.
The game is a joy, a frustrating one, but a joy nonetheless. What I also liked it about this, is how difficult to learn parry was, and that made me relay in other stuffs such as dodging or blocking instead of oneshotting an enemy after parrying it.
Now there is something that a lot of people is not going to believe me, maybe, but at the first try I've played this game, I was able to win against every boss (except one) at the very first try without dying, I don't care if you don't believe, sadly I don't have anything more than my word because I didn't recorded jack shit, because i'm an idiot.
I can say that my strategy was trying to learn their moves as much as I can, without actually attacking them, and once I was comfortable enough, then I fought, I also prepared my self well enough to fight for longs periods of time, farming up to 24 "estus" (I don't remember their name in Bloodborne, I also used a build to exceed the 20 limit) there where two cases while fighting bosses though
ONE: Against that boss over the roof of a castle, I was a huge pussy because I run out of estus and my only option here was leave the fuck out that place using the teleport everytime I was low, this never happened with other bosses though.
TWO: that one time I died was against>! Ebrietas!< (I believe?) everything was going relatively well until it went relatively bad, I though I could tank an attack at full health... It turns out I wasn't able to tank that attack at full health, I still regret being that confident in that fight
Anyways, I fought every boss in that game except Ebrietas without dying, and even fighting the two last bosses in a row without having to recall or anything at the very first time and it felt crazy great.
Now about the game, it has a lot of good improvements about the series and its enjoyable too, I would loved to play the DLC but i'm a cheap bastard and didn't bought them, but i'm sure they are worth it.
I loved how you have to>! fight against other hunters too,!< but it can feel really cheap against more than 2, specially when there are three attacking you at the same time.
And for last and fucking least holy shit this took three hours to write
Resident Evil 6:
This is a game that shouldn't have had this type of gameplay, the game that shouldn't be about action nor being four different stories stories, it shouldn't be a lot of stuffs, but holy fuck that i love that it was like this.
I'm not someone who played a lot of Resident Evil, so this might be why I love this one specially, I've played it on the xbox 360 when it came out, and though it was all right, BUT THEN, I played it on PC with a friend of mine and IT WAS SUCH A BLAST, the fun you can have with this game, the different characters and how they interact with each other is funny, goofy and everything I wanted the game to be, every character has their own style of fighting, plus one gun that's only for them.
You can play with your friends in every level and these levels are really different one from another (most of the time).
I love how sometimes you encounter NPCS of the other characters that would be in that point of the story when they interconnect, every story feels different too, hell, even ada's story was for only one player but they took the time to shoe in an, although blank character there just so you can play her story with your buddy. This game is fucking worth it alone and its even more worthy when you play it with a friend. And even when the gameplay can feel janky and weird, it still has a lot of really damn cool moments.
As I said before, the game is goofy, but I just can't help but love it for what they tried to make here, its a 10 out of 10 in my heart and hopefully, someday I'll see a spiritual successor of it.
That's all the games I wanted to express my love, I don't care what anyone says, I love them so much that they are a 10/10 perfect score, even if they have bugs, bad controls or other stuffs than can make the gameplay miserable, sometimes, as Gestalt psychology says, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, thats atleast, how I see these games.
So after all this text, what are those games that are a full on 10/10 in your heart?
submitted by KNDWolf2 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

List of PS3 and Console exclusive games playable on RPCS3 right now!

List of games that are not available on PC but can be played with RPCS3 emulator. First list has PS3 exclusives plus playstation exclusives(PS3/PS4 or PS3/PSV). Second list has all games that are console exclusive. Third list talks about the big unplayable PS3 exclusives and their current status.
Do note that your PC needs to have the required specs to play these games. Go to https://rpcs3.net/quickstart to see the required specs. Also note that some games require specific settings to run at full speed or display graphics correctly and you should see the wiki or forums for info, plus go to the discord if you have problems with games.
Final note. Go to https://wiki.rpcs3.net/index.php?title=Help:Game_Patches for various game patches that unlock the framerate of exclusive games. Certain games can also do 60fps with Vblank settings in advanced tab of rpcs3 settings so no need for patches.



So thats the end of the list of playable console exclusives, so many Karting and Pachinko games... Now onto the ingame but unplayable PS3 Exclusives.

submitted by Digitaldude555 to rpcs3 [link] [comments]

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What you are looking for is..... (Link in the Desc.)5
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submitted by RingSnowboard to u/RingSnowboard [link] [comments]

[US-CA][H] A few Pokemon Games, OG .hack 1-3, Random Assortment of PS1, 360, 3/DS, GBA games [W] PayPal G&S

Hello again! Second post with a few things added and I compiled all of the games that I didn't really think there would be any interest on.
Higher priced items were researched and tested and I'm less likely to budge unless they're bundled. Lower priced items I pulled info from PC and, for the most part just dropped the price a few dollars. I don't think I'd be willing to sell those individually, but let's see what happens. Prices do not include shipping
The Loose PS1 and PS2 games have noticeable scratches on the discs but they've all been tested and work fine on the PS2 system that is also listed.
The Xbox One system.... Has seen better times. It seems like the previous owner attempted to open it up, possibly unsuccessfully, since everything seems to work fine. Fifa 17 is also in the disc drive that I forgot to take out. Everything functions, just needs some cosmetic work and a few shell replacements. Comes with the OEM power brick and 2 controllers, one of which works perfectly fine. The other left stick is drifting. Both controllers do not have back covers.
Let me know if you want individual pictures or additional pictures of anything.

Game System Price
Xbox 360 Games - everything CIB unless mentioned
Borderlands GOTY (Sealed) 360 $15
CoD Black Ops II 360 $10
3DS and DS Games - Loose Unless Mentioned
Soul Silver (with case and outer box) DS $150
Pokemon Black - CIB DS $50
Godzilla Unleashed DS $20
The Sims 3 Pets 3DS $15
Horses 3D 3DS $20
Harvest Moon 3DS $10
GBA Games - All Loose
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles GBA $10
Super Mario Advance 3 Yoshi's Island GBA $10
Super Mario Advance 3 Yoshi's Island GBA $10
Sonic Advance 3 GBA $10
Wario Land 4 GBA $20
GBA Video Shrek 2 GBA $15
Mario Kart Double Dash (light scratches, but installed 100% on a soft modded Wii and tested on my gamecube and ran the first cup completely with no problems. Priced and sold as is.) Gamecube $40
Orange Nintendo Brand Controller (Used to test MKDD, had no issues running through the cup) Gamecube $35
PS1 and PS2 Games - All Loose
Hogs of War PS1 $25
.hack Pictures (Infection Sold) PS2 $
.hack Outbreak (CIB with Anime DVD) PS2 $60
.hack Mutation (CIB with Anime DVD) PS2 $35
Yakuza 0 Blue Label PS4 $40
PlayStation System PS1 $20
Playstation 2 System PS2 $50
Xbox One System 1540 - Damaged but works Xbox One $100
Blue 3DS w/ stylus and OEM charger 3DS $80
Dualshock4 v2 PS4 $25
DS4 v1 PS4 $20
White Xbox 360 Controller 360 $15

Would like to see if I can get any interest in these so will try selling at 4 games for $18 shipped. All are loose except the 360 games. If all 4 selected are 360 games, I might have to adjust the shipped price a bit as they're CIB and fairly heavy.

Game System
Batman Arkham City 360
Bioshock Infinite 360
CoD 4 Modern Warfare 360
CoD Black Ops 360
CoD MW 3 360
Dishonored 360
Fallout New Vegas 360
Farcry 3 360
Forza Motorsport 2 360
Halo 3 ODST (CIB, but case damage) 360
Halo 4 360
Halo Reach (Loose) 360
L.A. Noire 360
Madden 08 360
Madden 11 360
Madden 13 360
Max Payne 3 360
Mirror's Edge 360
Red Dead Redemption 360
Tropico 4 360
Play Action Football GameBoy
Tamagotchi GameBoy
Tennis GameBoy
Dora the Explorer: The Hunt for Pirate Pig's Treasure GameBoy Advance
GBA Video All Grown Up Volume 1 GameBoy Advance
GBA Video Dora the Explorer Volume 1 GameBoy Advance
High School Musical Living the Dream GameBoy Advance
Pac-Man Collection GameBoy Advance
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl GameBoy Advance
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3 GameBoy Color
Centipede GameBoy Color
Disney's Dinosaur GameBoy Color
Spiderman 2 The Sinister Six GameBoy Color
Tarzan GameBoy Color
Tony Hawk GameBoy Color
Tony Hawk 2 GameBoy Color
Ultimate Paintball GameBoy Color
2 Games in 1 Double Pack: SpongeBob GBA
Battlebots Design and Destroy GBA
Battlebots Design and Destroy GBA
Beyblade Grevolution GBA
Beyblade V Force GBA
Bionicle The Game GBA
Bionicle The Game GBA
Butt Ugly Martians BKM Battles GBA
F-14 Tomcat GBA
Justice League Heroes Flash GBA
Kong 8th Wonder of the World GBA
LEGO Knights Kingdom GBA
Lego Star Wars GBA
Lego Star Wars GBA
Marvel Ultimate Alliance GBA
Nicktoons Unite GBA
Nicktoons Unite GBA
Operation Armored Liberty GBA
Peter Pan Return to Neverland GBA
Power Rangers Wild Force GBA
Robotech The Macross Saga GBA
Robotech The Macross Saga GBA
Shrek Hassle in the Castle GBA
Shrek Superslam GBA
Spiderman GBA
SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom GBA
SpongeBob SquarePants Revenge of the Flying Dutchman GBA
SpongeBob SquarePants Revenge of the Flying Dutchman GBA
Spyro Season of Ice GBA
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith GBA
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith GBA
Star Wars Trilogy Apprentice Of The Force GBA
The Incredibles GBA
Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective GBA
Yu Yu Hakusho Tournament Tactics GBA
Monster Rancher Explorer GBC
Tiny Toon Adventures Buster Saves the Day GBC
X-Men Wolverine's Rage GBC
Madden 2006 GC
Drawn to Life SpongeBob SquarePants Edition NDS
LEGO Star Wars II Original Trilogy NDS
Mario and Sonic Olympic Games NDS
Mario and Sonic Olympic Games NDS
Mario Kart NDS
MySims NDS
Naruto Ninja Council 3 NDS
Naruto: Ninja Destiny NDS
Need for Speed Prostreet NDS
Nintendogs Chihuahua and Friends NDS
Nintendogs Dalmatian and Friends NDS
Nintendogs Lab and Friends NDS
SimCity Creator NDS
SimCity Creator NDS
Star Wars Lethal Alliance NDS
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam NDS
Transformers Decepticons NDS
Warhammer 40000 Squad Command NDS
Gran Turismo PS1
Gran Turismo 2 PS1
Gran Turismo 2 PS1
Madden 2001 PS1
Metal Gear Solid PS1
NBA Showtime NBA on NBC PS1
Star Wars Episode I Jedi Power Battles PS1
Supercross Circuit PS1
Tony Hawk 2 PS1
Tony Hawk 2 PS1
Twisted Metal 2 PS1
Vigilante 8 PS1
War Games Defcon 1 PS1
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role PS1
WWF Warzone PS1
Driver Parallel Lines PS2
Madden 2001 PS2
Need for Speed Carbon PS2
submitted by hbacorn to GameSale [link] [comments]

Ultimate challenges half-year progress

After half the year has passed, I thought I'd check how I'm doing in the Ultimate Challenges suggested by the mods here. I haven't seen many posts talking about it yet, but maybe this will reignite some interest!
There are too many challenges to go into details into how I got there, but here it is. Main thing is I played so many games this year due to Covid-19 that a lot of these hallenges were easily achieved.

Resist the urge to splurge : Missed
Bought 1000+ games through the itchio bundle, so this one's definitely missed.

That moment, when your name is "Quinn" : Tier 3
3 games completed starting with H. Half-Life, Halo Combat Evolved and Hidden Folks.

One free afternoon is all you need: Tier 3
Beat three games that take less than 5 hours to beat
A Short Hike, Ape Out, Old Man's Journey got me there first.

Blow off the dust: Tier 2
Beat a game that you purchased before 2018
Beat The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings (bought in 2012), and beat the second oldest game in my backlog with Left 4 Dead, but I still have Silent Hill 2 to play.

Achievement hunter: Tier 3
Get 100% of the achievements in any game (minimum 15)
Got the Platinum for Control (also A Plague Tale Innocence and The Last of Us Part II)

Fresh out of the box: Tier 3
Beat the two games that you've acquired most recently
I beat Control and A Plague Tale: Innocence the month I bought them in January

What's all the fuss about?: Tier 3
Beat a game with an avg. Metacritic rating of 95+
Beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Half Life.

Don't judge a book by its cover... and a game by its Metacritic rating: Missed
Worst rated game I played was Night Call at 68. I'd have to dig up Escape from Dead Island to reach Tier 3.

I'm never gonna give you up!: Tier 3
Beat three games that you started but haven't yet finished! (started playthrough 2+ months ago)
Finally beat Left 4 Dead, Splinter Cell Conviction and Yakuza 0 which I had started at least a few years ago each (a decade ago in Left 4 Dead's case).

Hello there, stranger!: Tier 3
Beat two games in a new series
Started and finished the whole Metro series

Older than civilization itself: Tier 3
Beat a game that was released before 2001 (remakes do not count)
I beat Super Mario World (on Switch but not a remake), and Half-Life.

Master of all platforms: Tier 3
Beat games on three platforms
Control on PS4, Into the Breach on Switch, Kentucky Route Zero on PC

Be loyal: Tier 3
Beat ten games on one platform
Reached 13 games on PS4 (and 38 on PC...), so I'm okay.

It's been 84 years: Tier 3
Play and beat a game that takes 50+ hours
I beat Yakuza 0 (about 75 hours)

Mommy, I'm scared: Missed?
I don't know if the Metro games or Left 4 Dead count as horror, but if they don't, probably not.

Real life? What's that?: Tier 3
Beat three RPGs (of any kind)
I'm going to give myself this one, having beat Yakuza 0, The Witcher 2, West of Loathing and Undertale. I have more classical RPGs to beat, namely Dragon Age games and KotOR II, but I feel the ones I did fit.

No days off: Tier 1
Beat at least one game in two different months
With no completion in February and half the year past, I've lost my shot at Tier 3.

The unique and not-so unique protagonists: Tier 3
Beat a game with a non-human protagonist
Beat Ape Out, starring a gorilla. I also beat games with a male and female protagonists.

Hello, old friend: Tier 3
Beat a sequel in three different series that you've yet to play
The Witcher 2, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, Yakuza 0

What's on the agenda?: Tier 3
Beat six game in accordance with the specific months highlighted genre(s).
Almost got this on May alone, and then again in June.
May: Action/Stealth: Assassin's Creed Origins, Splinter Cell Conviction, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Metro Exodus
June: Adventure/Walking Sim/Visual Novel: Wide Ocean Big Jacket, Far From Noise, Night in the woods, Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story, A Mortician's Tale

Stay active: Tier 3
Make six progress report posts throughout the year
Every month since January.

The Backlog King!: Tier 3
Beat 12 games this year
Over 50 at the moment

Score total: 54 out of 66 possible points.
Overall, it confirms the very good gaming year I had so far!
submitted by Pahlan to 12in12 [link] [comments]

yakuza 0 ps4 controller pc mod video

And if I add non-Steam games in the program and I launch 'em via Steam, the controller works. Y'all should know that, of course, and I was coming to terms with my DS4 acting as a XB1C proxy. But as I was playing Yakuza 0 on PC for the first time with the controller, it had me startled. The game recognized my DS4 controller, because it showed How to show ps controller icons on yakuza 0 instead of xbox controller icons on pc/steam version of yakuza 0 without mods? I use a USB xbox 360 controller for the steam games I own and I'm not used to the controls of xbox controllers for tempo/rhythm games (esp the sidequests), since I was a ps owner before. This mod now supports PS4 icons everywhere in-game. It also has the PS4 image in the "Controller Scheme" window instead of the Xbox controller. Instructions: 1. Extract "modPS4" to <Witcher 3 Dir>\Mods\ 2. Use Script Merger as needed Known Limitations/Bugs I hope “Yakuza 0 PS4 Controls” helps you. Feel free to contribute the topic. If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us. More of this sort of thing: Yakuza 0 – How to Save Anywhere; Yakuza 0 – Mahjong Numbers Mod; Yakuza 0 – PS3 Button Prompts for Xbox Controllers; Yakuza 0 – Secret Options and Audio Fix; Yakuza 0 – Card Added new version to the OP, changed the minigame info screen to use PS3 controller and also added a few screenshots to OP. First of all thanks for your effort on this, appreciated. I have a ctd issue with that 'ui_e.par' file which is the file that contains minigames' controller scheme. Although, 'sprite_c.par' mod works fine as expected. Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami save files can be imported. General information. Official controller presets for Steam Controller, Generic Gamepad, PlayStation 4 Controller, as well as Xbox 360 Controller. See Helix Mod: Yakuza Kiwami 2. Issues unresolved Like the title says, I want the game to show me playstation button inputs instead of the default xbox ones. Is there a mod or something to add this? Yakuza 0 is a great game on PS4. (Looks great too!) If you want to play Yakuza 0 in 4K (If your PC can handle it.) get the PC-version. I preorderd the PS4-version when it was announced and preordered the PC-version the same way, just to support the team behind the Yakuza-games! Home > Guides > Yakuza Kiwami 2 – PS4 Button Xinput Controllers PS4 Button Xinput Controllers Replace XBOX button prompts with Dualshock 4 ones. This mod replaces the XBOX button prompts with PS4 ones. It’s made for the release version. It should also work with all future updates, unless they ↑ YouTube - DigitalFoundry - Yakuza 0 PC Port Tested! Performance, Settings + PS4 Graphics Comparison! - last accessed on 2018-08-09 ↑ Steam Community :: Guide :: High resolution characters textures ↑ DualShock 4 gets full native support but its inputs are all wrong ↑ Verified by User:Blackbird on 2019-09-16 Tested using DS4 V1 controller.

yakuza 0 ps4 controller pc mod top

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