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Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics is such a delightful yet simple little game.

It's really a dumb little package, and I nearly skipped it because of that. I mean, it's a collection of old board/card games, it's not that big of a deal. Plus, you can get many of these games free online through a browser anyways, not to mention as free apps on your phone.
But it's more than just the sum of it's parts. Sure, it's possible to get many of these for free, but the presentation here is just fantastic. All the games are just beautifully rendered, like it's right there. All the animations fit perfectly without being indulgent in any way. The little "skits" when selecting a game in single player are charming and do a great job explaining the basics (and there's more rules available if necessary). The UI is clean and intuitive and easy to use. Even loading is pretty darn minimal, as booting the game up to playing an actual board game is less than a minute. What is here is absolutely lovely.
So what is here? I'm not going to list all the games, as you can get that elsewhere. But we do have 51 games, and if you spend just 20 minutes on each game, you will have played for 17 hours! Sure, some games you can play through all four difficulty settings in 20 minutes, but that's not taking into consideration replaying games as well as multiplayer! Obviously, some games are not designed to be played multiplayer on one system, usually due to requiring a player to hide some information. It's natural limitations of games, not just arbitrary Nintendo reasoning that we see elsewhere in the game, such as with three player Chinese Checkers, or not being able to customize bets in Texas Holdem. But I digress. Online play is a cinch, and I love how you can pick up to three games to try and queue for. This has turned into my primary gameplay mode, and I play primarily with strangers. Sure, there's some lag, but 90% of the time it doesn't matter because everything is turn based. My biggest complaint about online is the lack of matchmaking, especially in more complex games like chess. I dunno... maybe it's just that I keep getting my butt whooped in online chess...
Despite there being 51 games in this collection, I can't help but feel this game really is lacking in a few titles. Where's something like Hearts, Spades, or Euchre? How about Rummy? I've always wanted to learn Bridge or Cribbage. Maybe for something not card based we could get that peg jumping game that you see at Cracker Barrel. Or how about some generic Battleship or Jenga? I would love to see a version of the Royal Game of Ur or Senet, the oldest known board games. There are just the ones off the top of my head, and I'd be totally find if got rid of some of the throwaway titles like War or some of the "Toy" titles. In general though, the game is ripe for some DLC. New games in particular, but I could also customizing cards/pieces/boards/backgrounds. Then again, maybe what's so nice about this package is that it doesn't worry about crap like that...
Overall, Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics is a delightful package. It does exactly what it sets out to do: it gives you the chance to play some classic games in a very polished package. It reminds me a bit of Tabletop Simulator on PC, except that game almost gives you too much freedom. I get what Tabletop Simulator is trying to do (and it does it well), it can be a bit much for your average person. Clubhouse Games takes that concept and just refines it with a focus on playing the games rather than freedom. The rules are in place, the controls are intuitive, the UX in general is just more pleasant.
This is an easy game to dismiss simply because it isn't flashy and it isn't sexy. But what it is is a wonderfully crafted collection of games that have stood the test of time. Sure, there are some flaws in the package, but this is quickly becoming one of my more played games on the Switch. It's not a game to play and beat and never pick up again. It's a game that stays in the rotation because the games are so timeless. It's just so easy to wind down and play a few games, especially at the end of the night and you don't want to play anything too exciting...
submitted by AimlessPeacock to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

How I shipped my game solo on consoles & how you can do that too (Q & A)

After a good launch for my game, i started to get some random questions from users across all the channels, but there were one user on reddit (u/TamoorGames) who had many questions and he sent them in a very nice and organized way (mostly asking about the Xbox and Nintendo Switch for each question), i did answer him. Although i own the answers, i did ask his permission to put his questions alongside my answers in public, just in case it can help someone. So, Enjoy it, and feel free to AMA.

Q.1: Have you signed up as Individual or as a company? Or enrolled into Xbox Creator Program? Can you please share the overall process in a quick brief.
- Singed by myself for both platforms, i only had to contact the ID@Xbox team, show them my game, they first didn't approve it as it was not polished enough, so i did try once more time after a couple of years, and then it was approved, and everything started from there. No not Creator Program, and tbh i don't even know what is Creator Program, will google it later.
For Nintendo, I did reach out the Nindies guy who was always on the youtube videos and on twitter (he left by now, a new guy came, and that new guy just left a year ago or so). But in general, this is how i showed my game, just reaching out the nindies team leader.
Q.2: From which country you’d signed up? Is the Xbox Developer program available for developers all around the world? I’ll signup from Pakistan
- I did from China while I'm not Chinese, i would say Microsfot is the most open company, they don't have per region issues, like for example if you are in China and try to sort things with Sony or Nintendo, it won't be that easy...not at all. Because you've then to go through Japan office (due to region), but then you targeting the western market and English only becomes a lot of communications and troubles.
Q.3: Can we publish any game on Xbox? Or first we need to get concept approval from Xbox and then we can start our development. Or does Xbox have any categories on which we can only develop our games? e.g. shooting, puzzle etc
- While the certain answer for this question is not from me, but I would say any game. Xbox & Switch are platforms, mostly for gaming, despite the fact there are some apps in there (YouTube, Netflix,...etc.) so whatever your game genre or type is, I'm sure if they like it they won't mind it on their platform.
Q.4: Which Game engine have you used to develop your game? I am using UNITY. Is it good for Xbox or i’ve to consider any other game engine?
- Unreal. Any Engine is good for any platform. Don't let the engine be your biggest issue, we're are in 2020, all Engines are great and most of them are cross platform. if you are not so confident about Unity, you can just remember it made Cuphead, Ori franchise, Max & Magic Marker, and many more Xbox exclusives. And if we start thinking about Unity games made for Switch, we will have endless list! Even more than Unreal based titles, as Unity already prove that it is super optimized engine for Nintendo devices since the WiiU and 3ds.
Q.5: Can you please share the list of Hardware that you used for Xbox development and testing? E.g. Does Xbox have their own development kit or we can test our game on any Xbox? Which Xbox you used?
- Yes, i used devkits. With that said, i learned that any Xbox One (consumer device) can be turned to a devkit mode. I tested my game on Xbox One S & Xbox one X (the weakest and the Powerful one, so i can grantee the performance).
For Nintendo, i can't explain what hardware i did use, but once you are approved you've access to the documentations where you can read about the different hardware types, and then you can based on your use and game type or development type request the hardware that you need.
But all in all, for any platform, you need their hardware (aka devkit). And at least one device per platform.
Q.6: What are the main reasons for rejection from Xbox? And what factors do I need to consider while developing my game?
- If you mean rejected as a project to be released on the platform, I guess when my game rejected first time, because it hasn't a "Full playable loop". Start, Play, End, Restart if you want. It was a punch of levels, not connected, no UI & lots of Debug menus. Xbox team (or any other platform) they need a very clean and clear vision so they can decide..
Q.7: What kind of Legal document and other Document Xbox require? This will help me to save time by preparing in advance.
- Most of the documents as far as i can remember, they send to you. You don't produce documents, you just read and sign (of course if you find it make sense and nothing against your goals or considerations). Xbox was the least demanding, Nintendo was fine, no magical papers were requested. But Sony for example would require your last fiscal year revenue breakdown and documents to proof that!
Q.8: Do Xbox have their own tools for leaderboard, cloud, ranking & in-app purchases?
- Any Xbox player already know, all that called Xbox Live (which is a set of services), and most of the engines does have high level interface to deal with those services. Don't worry :) and there is always documentations and pages to help you, either at Xbox websites or at the engine (Unity at your case) site.
For Nintendo it is different, i don't have any online features in my game, because online in Nintendo is treated differently, where any user on Xbox have online access and online features, in Nintendo the online features you purchase as a product (per month, per year,...etc.), so it is common to find many games doesn't have leaderboard or clouds save,...etc.
But again, all engines already have the high level interface for those features, regardless you will support them or no.
Q.9: Can you please share the complexities of the Xbox development as you’d mentioned in your message? Like which development steps i can follow to avoid delays and rejections (Any Tips and Tricks)
- I was already familiar with the platform[s] (remember I'm already a game engine programmer), but what was new and seemed complex to me was the "rules" of the platform. Those are things you must read about at your first days of developing for the platform, due to NDA i can't talk further about that. But what i meant by the rules it is for example how to save, when to save, for example a platform would give you limit/bandwidth for saving calls per second, where other platform won't care and give you unlimited calls. Or what is the status of a player while playing (online/offline), some platforms won't care, where others would care a lot about that. Can a player change account while playing or not, some platforms would require, where others would not even allow.....etc. those are thing that vary between the different platforms, and they were the reason for any rejection i had (the ignorance of the rules). Because even if your game is already complete and finished before the port, the port to a platform is not just hit "Build", you have to "re-adapt" the game for the platform.
Q.10: What advice would you like to give yourself, if you are starting today as an Xbox Developer?
- Don't rush things. And try to "Understand" the reason behind any thing in the platform. If you just adapt the game for the platform rules, you will have lots of complications, because you could make something to fit a rule, but it break with another rule. If you understand perfectly the platform, and the reason behind everything, you will not suffer during development.
Q.11: What are the things you wished you knew when you were starting as an Xbox Developer?
- as i said, the platform set of rules. It takes time to know them correctly.
Q.12: Can you please share any other tips and tricks or would like to add any point/Question if i am missing?
- just focus on the game more than on what platforms you need to target. If your game is good, solid, bug free, the platform stuff won't take much time. Also some info about how to be recognized by platforms could be changed, I've been Nintendo developer for long time, even before the Switch device announced, and I've been Xbox developer since 2014 i guess, when the ID program was announced. So things might be different, might be easier or might be harder now, not quite sure.
Finally, few more points:
submitted by VikongGames to gamedev [link] [comments]

GME Original Analysis and Thesis for why I bought in at $13.

Evernote link for better formatting
Thesis: With the advent of online gaming and e-sport, Gamestop is prime to make a turnaround and grow again assuming it will change direction and adapt post Covid. The support of Ryan Cohen, a e-commerce marketing guru, has brought hope to a once-beloved brand and ignited the flame of this reality. The stock is also enticing because of its 138% short interest which is the highest percentage in the market. Thus, a remote chance of a short squeeze could occur. *Majority of investors do actually believe in the company and is not in it for just the short squeeze opportunity. *  

Background: Gamestop was once the most prolific gaming retailer in the brick and mortar time period. They made their profits by rebuying used games/gaming paraphernalia at low prices and marking them up greatly. They relied mainly on foot traffic due to a subpar online presence and they were slow to change. The low price and convenience of online shopping had won over shoppers causing the demise of brick and mortar. Large brands started disappearing left and right and now it was Gamestop's turn with a boost from Covid. Investors wrote GameStop off as a dinosaur company with its shares eventually dropping to $2.5 dollar.

Results: Hedge funds saw this and decided to go short on them, betting on their demise like all the others. The funds abused the mechanism of the market to cause a large selling pressure onto the stock, forcing the stock price down and accelerating the demise. Could this be manipulation? If a hedge fund were to short a company out of spite, they could very possibly bankrupt a company.

How did Gamestop survive for so long? Even though they weren't raking in e-commerce profit, they were still profitable. It was just that that profit stream was shrinking. The profits were also concentrated at a fraction of their stores. As they closed unprofitable stores, they were able to offset cost slightly. Investors were also holding on to the imminent release of the new console super cycle. Investors noted that the golden days were right after the new consoles were released and Dec 2020 couldn't come quicker. Gamestop was patience and managed their financials well with a strong balance sheet. Investors had underpriced the real estate of theirs. They were not valued for growth anymore so they weren't in a situation to raise capital risk free. They have several billions in short-term and long-term debt but they had 600 million cash in hand to cushion with. Lastly, the Nintendo switch had just came out and was the best selling gaming console ever. Gamestop rode the tailend of Nintendo success all through 2020 with Switch sales offsetting losses in the other gaming segments.

The turnaround: A new management team had join in August 2019 that set to slim down the company. They were much more aggressive and sought to aggressively close stores. A comprehensive turnaround plan called GameStop ReBoot was announced with 4 elements:
  1. Optimized the Core Business Reducing unprofitable stores and focusing on what works
  2. Become the Social / Cultural Hub for Gaming Turning Gamestop into a experience center and not just a store
  3. Build a Frictionless Digital Ecosystem Revamp the supply chain to be e-commerce focused
  4. Transform Vendor Partnership Rekindle and make new partnerships
Like all new managements, this one needed time but unfortunately Covid complicated the plans. Investors became increasingly doubtful and even bearish. However, they had underestimated the future of gaming.

The first significant move was bringing Reginald Fils-Aimé onto the board of directors. Reginald was known for his market prowess bring Nintendo to what it is today. Investors loved that.

As Covid happened, working from home and home entertainment exploded. Logitech, Corsair, Bestbuy exploded. Online gaming was projected to be very ludicrous in the next decade and Covid had shorten this timeline. Online gaming took off. Activision, Electronic Arts, Zynga, Tencent all exploded. Apple app revenue from their gaming segment exploded. Investors had repriced these stocks higher taking advantage of the first player advantage. One notable company that changed in valuation was Logitech, they were a value company but relabeled to growth. What was missing from this list was Gamestop. The bullishness in gaming was there and everyone else profited. If there was hope of a GME turnaround, their valuation model would certainly flip to a growth model at higher PE multiples. It was only fair.

The next big event that occurred was in October 2020. Gamestop announced a partnership with Microsoft which was the first real tangible milestone on the turnaround plan. Investors started to give the company a second look. Microsoft Partnership caused shares to rally 30% in a day. A bullish sign that the big players haven't given up. However this was short lived as shorts continue to drive the price down as there was no concrete details on the revenue sharing partnership, only that "for every Microsoft Xbox console that GameStop sells going forward, GameStop will get some percentage of the revenue from every digital full game download, DLC, microtransaction, and any subscriptions as well." To me this sounds very bullish that Microsoft still believes in Gamestop.

Next came news that the well-respected businessmen Ryan Cohen released that he had bought up 13% of Gamestop shares, becoming a minority owner. Ryan Cohen was the founder of Chewy, a Petsmart online branch that outcompeted Amazon. Investors labeled him an e-commerce guru/genius. He had bought shares at $4.81 and slowly gobbled up more as the price increased. Rumors started speculating that Cohen would takeover and transform Gamestop and it was materialized when Cohen sent the management a very aggressive letter.

"GameStop’s leadership should immediately conduct a strategic review of the business and share a credible plan for seizing the tremendous opportunities in the rapidly-growing gaming sector. GameStop needs to evolve into a technology company that delights gamers and delivers exceptional digital experiences – not remain a video game retailer that overprioritizes its brick-and-mortar footprint and stumbles around the online ecosystem."

It was a do this or else there will be a hostile takeover. The letter was sent three weeks before Q3 Earnings and investors were now watching intensively for details of a roadmap or of a Cohen reference during the earning call. ER came around and management was mute beside the announcement of a shelf offering of 100mil. Company performance wise, they were negative on profit but had still beaten expectations. The expedited closure of unprofitable of the stores helped. The stock would have soared had not an offering been announce (offering dilutes shares) so instead GME dropped 17%. From the conference calls, many bull investors felt reluctantly weary of this turnaround while some even dismissed management consideration of Ryan and piled on to the shorts. A week later, a filing by Ryan Cohen showed that he had continued to believe that the stock was undervalued and bought even at $14.83. This news rekindled the speculation that Ryan Cohen was going to do a takeover. Stock bounced and soared to $22.35 dollars for the next few weeks before dropping to $17.35.

Jan 2021 - The first squeeze: Shorts were still convinced that Gamestop would not be turn around and so they held steady with a short interest above 130%. Some short sellers had left while new ones piled on.

Monday, Jan 11th, Gamestop decided to drop bombs to the short: - First with an announcement that there was 309% increase in e-commerce sales from 2019 holiday season, 4.8% increase in comparable store sales, 3.1% decrease in total sales. - The biggest takeaway was that their new e-commerce strategy was working. 309% increase is massive. Also this followed their original plan to concentrate on their core. Rise in sales of profitable store was also shown. The closure unprofitable stores hit their total sales but it was not much and implied that these stores were dead weight. They slimmed their bleeding cost segment and increased their profit. This was super bullish. - Secondly, a board of advisor switch up was announced. Ryan Cohen and two main Chewy guys were hopping on, replacing 3 other people. - Ryan essentially brought Chewy Management to Gamestop. They know have 1/3 of the company's vote. - GME Management knew that a takeover was happening, hostile or not and so they opened the doors. They also expanded Ryan Cohen's ability to buy up to 20% of the total shares - Permit And Hestia Capital also align more with his vision so that would put them at a 5/9 majority Result: Even with the news, the stock price stayed range bound at 20.5 and volume was extremely low for that Monday and Tuesday. Shorts were once again depressing the price. However, Wednesday came and the first of the shorts closed their position while bulls bought calls. The stock soared. This catalyzed into a gamma squeeze to kick off the huge rally.

The analysis stopped dead of the gamma squeeze as these recent events have been a gray area of interpretation. Enjoy.

Links: Board of Director annoucnement, Partnership, Ryan Cohen aggressive letter,


GME formula cheatsheet aka Bingo board  
= MOASS, Mother of all Short Squeeze  
Position: 400 shares GME.
EDIT: Formatting
submitted by Deonneon to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

6th Fate/Grand Order User Survey Translation

Here's a translation. Kind of late, but I figured I'd post it anyway in hopes that it may still be useful to someone. If I made any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them up, thanks!
Survey here
Please enter your game ID (friend code) (お客様のIDを教えてください)
Please enter your age (年齢を教えてください)
First option is under 10 Last option is 70 or over
Please enter your gender (性別を教えてください)
Please select the prefecture you live in. Choose whichever one you want. (お住まいの都道府県を教えてください)
Please state your profession (ご職業を教えてください)
How long do you use a smartphone or tablet on a given day, for weekdays and holidays? (平日および休日で、1日にスマートフォン・タブレットを利用する時間を教えてください)
Weekdays (平日)
Holiday (休日)
How much do you spend on your hobbies each month? Also, within that amount, how much do you spend on smart phone games each month? (月に趣味に使う金額はいくらですか。また、そのうちスマートフォンゲームに使う金額はいくらですか)
Money you spend on hobbies (趣味に使う金額)
Within that amount, money you spend on smart phone games (そのうちゲームに使う金額)
(1 yen is about 1 cent these days, so take off two zeroes to covert roughly to dollars.)
What media or services do you normally use? Please choose all that apply. (あなたが普段利用しているメディアやサービスをすべて選んでください)
From the following magazines, please choose the ones you subscribe to. Please limit to the magazines you yourself read. (以下の雑誌のうち、あなたが今購読しているものをすべて選んでください。※ここでの購読は自分が読むために購入したものに限ります)
Please state which home game consoles you currently possess (現在所持している、家庭用ゲーム機を教えてください)
Currently, aside from Fate/Grand Order, please state which apps you've played in the last week. (現在、Fate/Grand Order以外で、1週間以内に遊んだアプリを教えてください)
Please state what genres of content you like (好きなコンテンツのジャンルを教えてください)
Please state what genres of game you like (好きなゲームのジャンルを教えてください)
From the following, please select all that apply for what you look for in a smart phone game. (あなたが、スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)に求めるものとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
How do you normally get information about Smart phone games? Please choose all that apply. (あなたが、普段スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)の情報を入手する場合、どのような方法で入手していますか。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
From following, please select all that apply for what caused you to download a smart phone game. (あなたが、スマートフォン向けゲーム(iPhoneやiPad、Androidで遊べるゲームアプリ)をダウンロードするきっかけとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Please state when you play smart phone games. (スマートフォン向けゲームを遊ぶタイミングについて教えてください。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Please state the reason why you started Fate/Grand Order (Fate/Grand Orderを始めた理由を教えてください)
When did you start playing Fate/Grand Order? (Fate/Grand Orderを始めたのはいつからですか)
How do you normally get information about Fate/Grand Order? Please choose all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderの情報を普段どのようなメディアで入手しますか。あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
Within the Fate series, please state your favorite works (up to 3) (Fateシリーズの中で好きな作品を教えてください(3個まで))
Game (ゲーム)
Anime (アニメ)
Book (書籍)
Comic (コミック)
Board Game (ボードゲーム)
Other (50 character limit) (その他(50字以内))
Please state how satisfied you were with Theatrical Release Fate/Grand Order -Camelot- Wandering; Agateram (「劇場版Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- Wandering; Agateram」の満足度を教えてください)
Please explain your answer to the above question (optional) (上記でお答えいただいた回答の理由を教えてください(任意))
How often do you play Fate/Grand Order? (Fate/Grand Orderをどのくらいの頻度でプレイしますか)
Please state how long you play Fate/Grand Order in a day (Fate/Grand Orderの1日のプレイ時間を教えてください)
Within the main story of Fate/Grand Order, please state which story chapter is your favorite. (Fate/Grand Orderのメインクエストの中で一番好きな章を教えてください)
Among the Fate/Grand Order in-game events held in 2020, please state which event was the most fun. (Fate/Grand Orderが2020年中に開催したゲーム内イベントの中で一番楽しかったイベントを教えてください。)
What do you think about the story of Fate/Grand Order? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderのシナリオについて、どのように感じますか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the battles of Fate/Grand Order? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderのバトルについて、どのように感じますか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the number of servants in the game? Please select the answer that fits best. (Fate/Grand Orderで実装されるサーヴァントの数についてどのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください。)
What do you look for most in a servant? Please select all that apply. (Fate/Grand Orderで実装されるサーヴァントに求めるものは何でしょうか。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What do you think about the frequency of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの開催頻度について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the participation requirements of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの参加条件について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the duration of in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントの開催期間について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
What do you think about the amount of story for in-game events held in Fate/Grand Order? Please choose the answer that fits bests. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントのシナリオの量について、どのように感じますか。もっともあてはまるものを選んでください)
From the following, please select all that apply for what you look for in Fate/Grand Order in-game events. (Fate/Grand Orderで開催されるゲーム内イベントに求めるものとして、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください)
If any out of game Fate/Grand Order events are held in 2021, would you want to attend in person? Please select all that apply. (2021年にFate/Grand Orderのゲーム外イベントが開催される場合、会場で参加したいと考えますか 。以下からあてはまるものをすべて選んでください。)
What developments do you want in Fate/Grand Order? Please pick 3. (今後、Fate/Grand Orderにどんな展開をしてほしいですか。3つお答えください)
The questions within the blue box are for those who have not played Fate/Grand Order in over a month. For everyone else, please choose the last option. (Fate/Grand Orderを1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがある方へ質問です。)
Please state why you stopped playing. *For those who have not stopped playing for over a month, please select "I have not stopped playing for over a month" (遊ばなくなった理由で、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください ※1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがない方は「1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことはない」を選んでください。)
Please state why you started playing again. *For those who have not stopped playing for over a month, please select "I have not stopped playing for over a month" (再び遊ぶようになった理由で、あてはまるものをすべて選んでください。 ※1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことがない方は「1ヵ月以上遊ばなくなったことはない」を選んでください。)
Please state what aspects of Fate/Grand Order you like and what you are looking forward to (Fate/Grand Orderの好きな部分、期待していることを教えてください)
Please state what aspects of Fate/Grand Order you want to be improved (Fate/Grand Orderの改善してほしいところを教えてください)
Are there any works you want a collab with? (Optional) (50 character limit) (今後コラボしてほしい作品はありますか(任意) (50字以内))
Regarding Fate/Grand Order, if there is anything else you're looking forward to, or opinions, or requests, please state below. (Optional) (400 character limit) (その他、Fate/Grand Orderに期待することや、ご意見・ご要望がございましたらご記入ください(任意) (400字以内))
submitted by lig0schndr to grandorder [link] [comments]

Pokémon HOME Event Megathread

Shiny Meltan is back! This event is in local time, so it'll be a slow roll-out. Let us know what you're seeing on the ground.
A lot of these pieces will be verified by the Silph Research Group, so throughout the post we'll use the formatting:
Note that (s) will be used for species whose shiny form is available.
Have fun and stay safe this week!
Event Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. to Monday, November 23, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. local time


Field Research

Just looking for event tasks. Full list can be found here:
Task Reward
Catch 2 different species of Pokemon Nidoran♂ (s), Nidoran ♀ (s)
Give your buddy 3 treats Slowpoke (s)
Win 2 raids Dratini (s), Bagon (s), Beldum (s)
Catch 30 Pokemon 1,500 Stardust


Announcement implies these will be the only event species. Full list here:

Boosted Spawns

Any nests shifted?
Here's what's listed in the announcement. Anything else to report?

Raid Bosses

Permanent list here:
Again we have a weird transition, with the Sacred Sword trio appearing globally at 22:00 UTC, but the lower tier bosses changing as the event goes live in your region
Home event bosses
Tier Raid Bosses
1 Alolan Vulpix (s), Slowpoke (s), Magnemite (s), Shinx (s), Timburr (s), Klink (s)
3 Walrein, Metagross, A-Raichu (s), Absol (s), Nidoqueen
5 Cobalion (s), Terrakion (s), Virizion (s)
Mega Blastoise (s), Charizard Y (s), Charizard X (s), Pidgeot (s), Houndoom (s), Gengar (s)
Sword Trio non-event bosses
Tier Raid Bosses
1 Gothita,Combustken,Shinx (s), Timburr (s), Meditite (s), Grovyle, Marshtomp
3 A-Raichu (s), Flareon Dodrio, A-Marowak, Poliwrath
5 Cobalion (s), Terrakion (s), Virizion (s)
Mega Blastoise (s), Charizard Y (s), Charizard X (s), Pidgeot (s), Houndoom (s), Mega Gengar (s)

Timed Research

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4

Obtaining a Mystery Box for Meltan

To get many Meltan, and candy to evolve and power it up, you must first obtain a Mystery Box. There are two ways to get this
1) The old-fashioned way requires access to a Nintento Switch console, with the Let's Go game (Eevee and Pikachu versions available), and to have played the game through enough to get to Fuschia City. From here, you then need to pair your phone (over bluetooth) with the Switch, then transfer a Kanto or Alolan pokemon from Pokemon GO to Let's Go. One Switch owner can let lots of trainers get boxes this way, as long as they can get physically close (but please remain socially distant). Google can guide you through the finer points of both progressing the game to the right point, and of the pairing process and it's pitfalls.
2) The new kid in town, the reason for this event - Pokemon HOME integration. This needs the Pokemon HOME app, on your phone or your Switch, which in turn requires you to have a Nintendo account. If you use online features of Nintendo consoles you probably already have one, otherwise you can sign up in the app or at . Once you have an account and have logged into the HOME app, you then need to go into the Settings menu in GO and link it. Then from the same menu, you select "Send Pokemon".
Either way, your GO inventory will now contain the Mystery Box and the Pokemon you sent is forever lost to GO, there is no way to return a mon from Let's Go nor HOME. Be aware there is a 3-day cooldown to obtain a new box which triggers when you finish using the previous box so if possible you should open it right away, or as soon as you have inventory space, balls, Pinaps, etc; timing is even more critical if you're going to wait for Spotlight Hour double candy this Tuesday, and want to complete 3 boxes by 10pm on Monday.
submitted by SilphScience to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

FAQ to help new users know where to start and what software to choose

Q. Can my Switch / Serial number be hacked? A. Check here: If it shows as unpatched then its hackable out of the box, regardless of firmware. If its patched then you will need a modchip. ALL Mariko (red box) and Lites are patched.
Q. How do I mod my hackable system? I don't know what guides to use
A. Use this guide specifically for entering RCM. Do not use this guide to set up cfw if you intend to pirate games, it does not include things like sigpatches or installers which you will need. Use Birb's guide to set up your modded system once you are in RCM. Do NOT use video guides. They are generally full of misinformation, outdated information, bad advice and stupid configurations.
Q. How do I prevent bans? A. Keep your sysnand completely clean, only use homebrew/backup games on your emunand and make sure you either have incognito installed on the emunand or its completely offline.
Q. What is an emunand? A. Its essentially a copy of your system that can be modified separately of the original. If you install homebrew to one of them it wont affect the other. Emunand is NOT the same as cfw.
Q. What happens if I get banned? A. Youll lose access to playing games online and accessing the eshop. Generally accounts are not banned and you can still update the system through nintendo, although this is discouraged.
Q. How do I update? A. Download the latest compatible firmware here Extract to a folder on your sd card, named firmware for example. Then select the folder in your updater app (for atmosphere its recommended you use daybreak, for sxos choidujournx is the usual app). Choose the exfat firmware regardless of sd format.
Q. What format should my sd card be? A. Fat32
Q. But how do I install big games from a fat32 sd card? A. Most people either install over a usb cable (with tinfoil and nut or awoo and nsusbloader) or over shops. If you dont have a usb cable, ftp works as well.
Q. What are shops? A. Shops are basically online collections of games that you can browse and install similarly to how you would on the eshop. They are accessed through tinfoil.
Q. What cfw should I choose? What are the pros and cons? A. Atmosphere is the popular choice right now. Its pros include being free, constantly updated and having a lot of community support. Its cons include not having any out of the box support for installing games, so you need to add sigpatches yourself once they are out.
Sxos is another popular option, and the only option currently for modchip units (although atmosphere is working on support). Its pros include being made directly for piracy, so it supports installing games out of the box and it can load off of external hard drives. Its cons include being paid and being a questionable choice at the moment. Due to multiple members of the group being arrested its unclear if it will receive much more support.
The last modern cfw is reinx. Reinx works out of the box with games and it is free. However it is now no longer being updated and it has fewer features than atmosphere.
Q. Where do I get games from? A. For shops you should check out JITS and Quota shop. Those should provide you with easy and safe access to games. Rebirth is discord server that provides gdrive and tor links to full game stashes for download on pc. Theres multiple websites you can find by googling, and you can find large libraries via torrents. Most torrents and websites will be hosting 'scene' dumps, groups like venom or suxxors, who release privately to ftp servers with other scene groups. These dumps get rehosted to private torrent trackers, and then websites will upload them publicly.
Q. Why are my downloads failing? A. You should probably ask the source of the download. If thats a shop then join the shop discord to ask.
Q. Why wont my switch boot? A. Most likely its in rcm, try injecting a payload. If its not in rcm then its probably just out of battery. Bricking the switch canNOT prevent it from accessing rcm and hekate, so if you cant get into hekate then it isnt bricked. Youre doing something wrong or you broke the physical hardware.
Q. Can I transfer save files between sysnand and emunand? A. Yes. Transferring from sysnand to emunand is easy. When you make the emunand the saves should transfer automatically. After that you can go offline on the sysnand, make a nand backup, run cfw on it to dump the save and then restore the backup. This way the nand will be completely clean. For going the other way around its a bit harder. You can dump the sysnand and inject the same on your computer into the nand before restoring it, but this cannot guarantee you wont get banned.
Q. How do I unhack my switch? A. If you use emunand then its as simple as not booting into rcm. If you use autorcm then disable it in hekate. If you do not use emunand then youll need to format your console with something like this
Q. What are the different game formats? A. The 'standard' format people most often use is nsp. This is the common format used for eshop games. Another common format is xci, which is a gamecart dump. Any cfw can install nsps OR xci to the console to run like an eshop game. However, sxos can also mount xci as if it was a gamecart instead of installing it to the home screen if thats something youre interested in. There is also nsz and xcz, which are compressed versions of nsp and xci which save space and bandwidth. They can be directly installed, the same as nsp and xci, so they are considered objectively better.
Q. What installer should I use? A. Currently theres a few popular installers. The most popular right now is tinfoil, which can be found at It has the most features of any of the installers, being able to run shops, manage save games and cheats, link accounts, install incognito, hdd support and much more. It supports installing any of the 4 game formats mentioned above.
Next we have awoo. Awoo is a popular installer that is based on adubbz tinfoil's install code and xortrolls gui. It is the most popular lightweight installer, being able to support every format the same as tinfoil. An alternative to this program would be tinleaf which is also based on the tinfoil install code and xortrolls gui, giving it a similar feel and functionality but without the anime girl theme.
Lastly of the currently used installers we have goldleaf, which is xortrolls spiritual successor to tinfoil. Goldleaf has some features the other two lack, such as a web browser. However it supports the fewest formats, only nsp, and unlike tinfoil and awoo it wont check if a game is modified before installing, so it would be easier to accidentally install a malicious file using goldleaf.
submitted by Ibcap to SwitchPirates [link] [comments]

[GIVEAWAY— US only] Want a copy of Animal Crossing and a 12 month Nintendo Online Membership?

Hello there! Failed the first time posting this, so here’s to a second try.
Christmas is coming and hopefully with it is also the end of the incredibly frustrating 2020. 🎉 🎊
To spread some holiday cheer and send 2020 off, I have purchased a new physical copy of Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch and I would like to give it to someone in the US. Included with the copy of Animal Crossing will be a 12-month Nintendo Online membership. Playing online with other people makes Animal Crossing more fun, wouldn't you agree? 🤔 I will ship the game this Friday, but the chosen one will be provided with the Nintendo Online membership code as soon as it's been decided. That way, you can at least take advantage of the NES/SNES games with the Nintendo Online Membership.
2020 made me put a lot of plans on hold, but I’m hoping to cross a crap ton of things off my bucket list in 2021. To enter the giveaway— please share with me a description of the NUMBER ONE thing you want to cross off on your bucket list, why it’s so high on top of your list, and somehow incorporate the word ‘cheddar’ somewhere in there so that I know you've read the details. I will be checking every comment to make sure you’re following the rules.
I’ve been looking at other giveaway posts and I see that people often use Reddit Raffler. As such, I will be using Reddit Raffler as well. Please make sure you read this post carefully and follow the rules.
On December 3rd at 2000 EST (Thursday), I will update this post with the name of the chosen one.
Best of luck and I hope everyone here stay safe, have a great December, and let us welcome a greater happier 2021!
Edit #1 at 1905 hrs EST: Last hour before I end the giveaway and use Reddit Raffler to find a winner. Here is a better pic of the box I’m sending out, included is the game and some snacks!
Edit #2 at 1932 hrs EST: I was too enthusiastic and did not check out Reddit Raffler before today. Apparently there is a limit to how many users I can ignore. I apologize for that. At 2000 hrs, I will enter all the eligible usernames to raffler thing and it will choose the winner. It’ll take some time, so I thank you for your patience.
Edit #3 at 2047 hrs EST: At 2000 hrs, I refreshed this Reddit page and started adding usernames who were eligible (those who told me what's #1 on their bucket list and has the word 'cheddar' in their answer) at the time of the refresh into the new raffler site. Here is a cropped screenshot of the chosen one.
Congratulations to u/greatbarrierrif
submitted by cheddarbiscuitcat to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

Some very basic Animal Crossing tips and tricks for all newcomers! Welcome to the AC:NH world!

Hi everyone! I know many people are going to be new to starting the game after Christmas so I wanted to compile a list of basic tips and tricks that might be helpful for anyone who is just starting! Please feel free to comment with extra information to add! Also feel free to ask me any questions! 😇
Fruit energy:
Glowing spot on the ground:
Misc. Info:
I personally really enjoy using the ACNH.Guide app to help keep track and double check in game information! There’s a plethora of amazing online websites and resources though.
Most importantly just have fun! You don’t have to make a big lavish island like the many photos posted. Play the game however best suits you and your tastes! 😊
EDIT: if you check out the main page of this subreddit and sort the posts by hot you will be able to see a pinned mega thread that is supposed to be for tips/tricks/questions! My apologies as I should have double checked for that before creating this post.
submitted by KaitRose to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

10 Overlooked Indie Platform Games

There are also some links within the first link that discuss indie local multiplayer games and upcoming indie games as well.
Note that previous lists were not themed solely around platform games.
We're all familiar with the Shovel Knight’s, A Hat in Time’s, and Celeste's of the world. These are some of the indie platform games that hit the big time. Of course, for every one of these games, there's 100 other indie games that have been glossed over, relegated to a spot in a digital store few people will ever find themselves in. I wanted to bring attention to some of these lesser known indie games once again.
Platformers from Previous Lists
I’m going to list the platformers that were in the previous three lists. None of them will reappear on this new list. 1-6 are from the first list, 7-11 are from the second list, and 12-14 are from the third list. They are as follows: (1.) Four Sided Fantasy, (2.) Daggerhood, (3.) Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, (4.) Biolab Wars, (5.) Gravity Duck, (6.) Penarium, (7.) Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX), (8.) Hayfever, (9.) Duck Souls+, (10.) Cybarian: The Time-Traveling Warrior, (11.) Verlet Swing, (12.) Valfaris, (13.) Primal Light, and (14.) Tamashii. Note that both Biolab Wars and Valfaris are listed as run & guns, but they have platforming elements and are considered platformers by some people. Hayfever and Valfaris were my favorite games for their respective lists and are some of my favorite games in the genre. These 14 games listed range from puzzle platformers, precision platformers, action platformers, first person 3D platformers, Metroidvanias, run & guns, etc. There’s also Flat Heroes from my 10 local co-op recommendations list found as a link within the first post. Guacamelee is on there too, though it doesn’t qualify as an overlooked game.
Details About the List
All 9 games available on Steam are currently on sale. When this post is 17 hours old, the sales for these games will be over. Genre is going to be more like a short descriptor of the game for this list since these are all platformers. I’ve also included games with local co-op mixed in with solely single player games, including one built around the co-op experience for this list (before I did separate lists for single player only and games that included local co-op). I'm going to order them according to Metacritic Critic Ratings. One of the games towards the bottom has a pretty low rating (60%) that I personally disagree with, but it's only fair that you hear from more than just me. Since Steam has 9/10 of the games on the list (Switch has 8 of them, Xbox One has 6 of them, PlayStation 4 has 5 of them, and Wii U has 1 of them), I will be using the Steam Metacritic Critic Rating of each game, except for #9, where I will use the PlayStation 4 version, since that’s the only version of it available currently. I’m going to list 5 2D and 5 3D platformers for this list. For the purpose of this post, I’m just going to stick with saying “achievements” and “getting all achievements” instead of “trophies” and “platinum trophy” since Steam has 9 of the games on the list. You can basically substitute these with “trophies” and “platinum trophy” if you’re a PlayStation gamer. I will make mention of the two games on here that don’t include a platinum trophy however.
Platforms will include a link to the U.S. store page of the game for each platform. Price is in U.S. dollars.
1. Levelhead
2. Splasher
3. Marble It Up!
4. Spark the Electric Jester 2
5. Never Alone - Arctic Collection
6. Shadow Blade: Reload
7. Pumpkin Jack
8. Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure
9. A Tale of Paper
10. Polyroll
Special shoutout to Levelhead which is my favorite game on the list and one of my favorite level creation games ever.
Have you played any of these games? What are some other overlooked platform indie games?
submitted by Underwhere_Overthere to Games [link] [comments]

Among Us for Nintendo Switch - Review

Among Us

Genre: Party Game
Players: 4-10 Team Competitive (8-10 Recommended) (Local Wireless, Online)
Among Us is a Party Game with social engineering and stealth elements that first released on PC and mobile devices in 2018, but absolutely surged in popularity in 2020, with the Nintendo Switch getting a port of that game late in 2020. For those who aren't aware, the premise of this game is similar to classic social games Werewolf and Mafia – there is an impostor among the players (or depending on the settings, two or three), and the other players must either manage to complete a series of tasks or deduce the identities of the impostors before those impostors murder the rest of the crew.
Given that this is one of the most popular games of 2020, I'll cut straight to some of the questions you may have regarding this version of the game – firstly, yes, this game has full support for cross-platform play and it works mostly without a hitch (mostly... but I'll get to that later). Secondly, no, there's no voice chat, not even using the Nintendo Switch Online app – just as with the other versions of the game, if you want voice chat you'll have to supplement this game with a secondary app like Discord. Thirdly, why should you spend $5 on this game if you can get it free on your smartphone? You know, this one I'll take a few paragraphs to go into.
All I should have to say is that “free with ads” isn't really free at all. Or I could say “being able to play it both on TV or in handheld seems like it's worth a measly $5 to me”. But here's the thing – I've played each version of Among Us (I've been loving this game on PC for months), and while I was initially skeptical of how the game would run on the Nintendo Switch, after spending some time with it, I actually think the Nintendo Switch version is my favorite. I swear, I did not think that was going to be the case, and as much as I love the Nintendo Switch, I will absolutely call out a game when it is an inferior version... but for the most part Among Us on Switch is an amazing port.
Players using Joy-Cons or a Pro Controller will find the various tasks to have new controls that are varied enough to require some adjustment – some make use of the control sticks, some make use of buttons, and a few even use the motion-sensing capabilities of your controller. Largely, these controls all make sense, and I would say that roughly half the tasks are actually easier to perform with a gamepad, while half are maybe slightly more difficult, but none especially so. I should mention that playing the game in handheld mode also gives players the option to use the touchscreen instead, where these tasks tend to perform much like their mobile counterparts – however, if you have the Nintendo Switch in handheld mode, you can swap back and forth as you please, and the only limitation is that you cannot use the touchscreen for movement like the mobile version requires.
Speaking of movement, the big difference here in both docked and handheld mode is simple movement and common commands. Having the precision movement of a gamepad is absolutely wonderful, and having every command tied to a gamepad button makes it a lot easier to juggle multiple things at once, like moving and bringing up the map to call for a sabotage elsewhere. While so much of playing Among Us well comes down to having proper strategy and being convincing in an argument, I found the overall mechanics of playing this game to be easier on Switch than on other platforms.
With the mechanics largely feeling natural on the Nintendo Switch, what you're mostly left with is the excellent core gameplay, which plays out like a delightful game of cat and mouse where wits and logic are the most important tools for both sides to win. Suffice it to say, this game is hugely popular right now for a reason – this is a fantastic Party game that is an absolute must-play... under the right conditions.
Ah, yeah, that's the downside, not just to this version, but every version of Among Us. Firstly, not only is this a game that can only be played in multiplayer, but it's a game that requires at least four players to play at all (and ideally you'll want to have 8-10 players). Because of how the game works, there is of course no couch multiplayer either, though this version does support local wireless multiplayer if you can get 4-10 people in a room who each have their own Nintendo Switch and a copy of the game. Also, while you can choose to play with random players online, this is a game that really only shines when it's played by a group of gamers in a private lobby who already know one another. Finally, while you can always type out your arguments using the Nintendo Switch's usual keyboard function (either with a controller, touchscreen, or using a USB keyboard hooked up to your Nintendo Switch dock), this is a game that absolutely benefits from voice chat, meaning that suggestion of using Discord above isn't even a suggestion so much as a strong recommendation if you want to enjoy this game at its best.
I know that is a lot of caveats to make this game enjoyable, but for the most part this is true of all other versions of the game too. Let me say that it is absolutely worth it to go to the trouble of setting up everything to play this game as it's really intended to be played, as the result is an absolutely amazing experience that makes for an outstanding online party game that will have you and your friends tossing accusations back and forth and laughing after the fact when you realize who was really the impostor... or laughing just as hard at how ingeniously or terribly that impostor went about their machinations.
In terms of the presentation here, much as with the other versions of the game, Among Us features mostly simple, colorful, whimsical 2D hand-drawn art depicting its characters and locations. While absolutely not impressive on a technical level, this artwork is nevertheless so expressive that it has been endlessly meme-ified across the internet this year. These visuals are paired with some simple but memorable sounds, and rather than music, most of the game features atmospheric noises to add to the feeling of paranoia the game is aiming for, with only the menu screens, acts of murder, and meetings receiving a simple fanfare. Again, nothing impressive, yet all work well for the game to create something truly iconic.
On the Nintendo Switch, these visuals seem a bit cleaner, and mostly have nicer framerates than I've experienced on other versions, though I've seen these framerates drop somewhat during busy moments. It's nothing game-breaking, but it's noticeable nonetheless. Really, there's only two significant flaws that seem exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game – currently, the Nintendo Switch version of the game is lacking some of the content (skins) of the other versions of the game - namely, as of this writing, there are no outfits or pets, only hats. Also, some of the skins exclusive to each version of the game do not display properly in cross-play games. However, these are overall pretty minor complaints, and ones that may very well be addressed in a patch.
All things considered, the Nintendo Switch version of Among Us is my favorite version of one of my favorite games of 2020 (yeah, it originally came out in 2018, but let's not quibble over that detail). The controls translate surprisingly well to Nintendo Switch and are in my opinion even an improvement, and for the most part the only flaws this game has are the ones other versions of the game have too – namely that you really need a private lobby with 8-10 friends using Discord to play it at its best. However, if you can manage to get together a good group to play the game (using any platform that plays the game, thanks to cross-platform compatibility), this is an absolutely must-play Party game and the Nintendo Switch is a superb way to play it, and for a mere $5 I'd say this is a game you should absolutely consider getting on your Nintendo Switch.
tl;dr – Among Us is a Party game similar to classic social games like Werewolf and Mafia, where players try to figure out which of the others among them are murderous impostors before it's too late. The port to Nintendo Switch is quite good, includes cross-play, and has controls I strongly prefer over other versions. The barrier for entry here is still a bit high thanks to the sort of conditions you need to get a proper game going, but the small $5 price tag and the massive amount of fun on offer here when this game really gets going make it more than worth the trouble to round up enough friends to play it properly. If you can manage to do that, this game is an absolute must-play.

Grade: A-


This game has been nominated for one or more of eShopperReviews 2020 Game Awards:

Runner-Up: Game of the Year, Best Strategy Game, Best Port/Remake, Best Multiplayer, Best Value, Funniest Game, The “Wow, this game was way better than I expected!” Award
submitted by CaspianX2 to eShopperReviews [link] [comments]

Help me understand this please?

EDIT: Thank you all for the outpouring of helpful information!!! I have set up a Nintendo account, and then added user profiles for each child, complete with the parental controls app so I can monitor playtime and activity.
I do have two games, a Harry Potter game and Animal Crossing. I think I'll be paying the $35 fee for a family online account since there seems to be a general concensus that there are many free games there, and sales I can take advantage of when they pop up. We will try it for a year, and see how it goes.
Again, thank you, I'm super grateful for all the help I've been given. Merry Christmas!
Hi Reddit friends,
I am a mom who has had very little exposure to video games. I don't know anything about setting up consoles or profiles.
My kiddos (10 and 7) were begging for a switch or switch lite all year, and I finally found 2 switch lites, just in time for Christmas. They're going to be thrilled, and I can't wait to see their faces!
My problem: the last time I played Mario of any kind was in the early 90's and it was a simple, put in the cartridge and play the game. Now, there is wifi involved, a play store type thing? Profiles? Some games only work with internet? There is a yearly membership?
Can someone please explain these things to me? I don't want to get suckered into paying tons of money for memberships and things that the kids won't use or get a lot of use out of. They are not huge gamers, they're young kids.
What do you suggest for a 10 year old and 7 year old who have played a regular switch before at their friends house and have basic knowledge of how to use it?
Thank you so much in advance for any help. I'm feeling really out of my comfort zone right now!
submitted by heckarooni1288 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

what games use the nintendo switch online app video

[TUTORIAL] How to ADD Games to Nintendo Switch Online ... Best Games For Nintendo Switch Online In February 2021 ... Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online ... Secret Hidden Games Menu on Nintendo Switch OS - YouTube Top Free Games to Play on Your Nintendo Switch - YouTube Nintendo Switch Online: How NES Games Work - Good/Bad ... What Works on the NINTENDO SWITCH LITE - YouTube Nintendo Switch Online: FULL TOUR + GUIDE, ALL FEATURES ... Which SNES Nintendo Switch Online Games are worth playing ...

The Nintendo Switch Online app is compatible with select games, giving players the ability to voice chat during various online game modes, and use game-specific features, such as SplatNet 2 for Splatoon 2.. The app is available for iOS and Android devices. The Nintendo Switch Online service also gives you access to a library of classic SNES and NES games, support for cloud backup of game data, access to the Nintendo Switch phone app and a few The Nintendo Switch Online is getting four new games that most users have probably never heard of. These include three new SNES games - including a former Japan exclusive - and one NES game. Nintendo Switch Online App Open the app on your smartphone or tablet to voice chat in compatible games. Plus, enjoy special features for games including Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Super Smash Nintendo announced four more games will be added to the Nintendo Switch Online SNES and NES apps. The games are Doomsday Warrior , Prehistorik Man , and Psycho Dream for the SNES app, and Fire Nintendo Switch Online, the new companion app for the Nintendo Switch has arrived, and there is plenty to parse out. Unlike the apps for PlayStation or Xbox, Nintendo has gone the game-specific route. You'll now be able to enjoy more features, including inviting friends to play with you, provided you have the app open when you're playing a compatible game. While Nintendo has the Nintendo Switch Online service, they don't support voice chat directly in the games themselves. Instead, you have to download the Nintendo Switch Online mobile app on your iPhone or Android device if you want to voice chat with other players through NSO. The app also has some game-specific services like exclusive items and other in-game bonuses. Nintendo Switch Online is a paid service that launched on September 18, 2018, that lets members enjoy online play in compatible Nintendo Switch games, access a selection of classic NES games with new online functionality, back up save data for most games, and use additional features for the Nintendo Switch Online smartphone app. The entire NES / Nintendo Switch Online game library supports voice chat using the Nintendo Switch Online app. Initiating voice chat isn’t as simple as booting up one of these games. The Nintendo Switch Online app is compatible with select games, giving players the ability to voice chat during various online game modes, and use game-specific features, such as SplatNet 2 for Splatoon 2.. The app is available for iOS and Android devices.

what games use the nintendo switch online app top

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[TUTORIAL] How to ADD Games to Nintendo Switch Online ...

Best Games For Nintendo Switch Online In February 2021 Game Updates#NintendoSwitch #SwitchOnline #RemoteStickFlickingFun Nintendo Switch Online Service JUST LAUNCHED, and we're here to cover all of it! Today we bring you a full tour and guide, from the moment you pick a subscri... Install Raid for Free IOS: ANDROID: Start with💰50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion 💥 on day 7 of “New P... Hi, this video tests different things and ideas to see what works on the Nintendo Switch Lite. Hopefully it might answer some questions that you may have abo... With a Nintendo Switch Online membership, gain exclusive access to a large collection of NES™ games that are great to play anytime, anywhere! For the first t... What happens when you download more than twelve games on your Nintendo Switch? You get access to a new menu that shows off all of your games with no regard f... Nintendo Switch Online has FINALLY launched and today we take a look at how NES games run on Switch and take a look at how it works. The experience is super ... Here's the file you'll need:!HmpTVZxC!Jrhop58Gg4Pns1HGOkEFeg Here's a list of Nintendo Switch Free to play games you can start playing without spending a penny. Of course these games require internet connection. What a...

what games use the nintendo switch online app

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