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submitted by Ouinonyesofc to 2007scape [link] [comments]

[The Earthman] - Chapter 6

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Kyle was awakened by something resembling an alarm. It didn’t seem like it was actually that loud, but in his head, it may as well have been a rocket engine blast.
He opened his eyes slowly, squinting against the bright lights of the bridge. His back and legs were stiff, and his head throbbed, his mouth dry and his bladder full. A voice was speaking over a speaker, the actual words lost in the haze of his awakening.
Violet came rushing in, taking a seat in the co-pilot’s chair. “What’s happening?” Kyle asked.
“We’re here,” she said. “You managed to sleep right through the alarm when we came out of warp.”
Kyle sat up and rubbed his eyes. “You could have woken up as well.”
“You told me this was your ship,” she said. “If you’re the captain, it’s your responsibility to make sure the ship arrives safely.”
“Alright, then, princess,” he snapped. “Get away from the controls and let me handle it.”
Violet glared at him, then lifted her hands up in the air before sitting back, her arms crossed over her chest. “Have it your way.”
Kyle looked over the controls, the words in Zort looking even less legible. Shit. He didn’t look over at the princess, but he could just imagine the smug look that she was giving him, the idea that she knew he needed her help to fly the ship, much less land it.
“Fine,” he said. “Please help.”
“Are you sorry?”
He sighed. “I apologize for insulting your highness, and hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me.”
She smirked. “Much better.”
Anything else Kyle wanted to say he kept internal. No use in pissing her off any further. She was moving now, flipping switches. Ahead, the planet loomed, glowing a pinkish hue in the light of its sun. The land was a mixture of pink and green, and the oceans, smaller than those on earth, shone a deep blue, deeper than any he’d ever seen.
“This is Berol?” he asked.
“It is,” she said. There was something different in her voice, her tone shifted just a bit. “Isn’t it beautiful.”
“It’s something,” he said. “Where are we going?”
“To Rhashel, our capital,” she said. “My home.”
And my payout. “Hopefully they’re ready to welcome you with open arms.”
“They likely think I’m dead. Word likely reached home that the Zort took me, and it is known that the Zort rarely keep prisoners alive.”
“What happens if they don’t realize you’re aboard?”
“They might try to shoot us down.”
“Well, make sure they know that you are alive,” he said.
He took over the controls as Violet leaned in toward the console, pressing a button and speaking into the speaker. “Rhashel, come in,” she said. “This is the Zort ship V’haj calling Rhashel, come in.”
There was a pause, and the princess looked ready to speak again when a voice came over the radio. “You have entered Berol airspace. Identify yourself or prepare to be attacked.”
Violet was quick to the console. “Rhashel, come in, this is Princess Sha’czlanka aboard a commandeered Zort ship approaching Berol. I repeat, this is Princess Sha’czlanka, do not fire.”
There was a pause on the other end. “Continue your present course. Your ship will be boarded, and a Beroli pilot will bring it in the rest of the way.”
Kyle turned toward Violet, but if she was concerned, there was no indication. “Understood,” she said.
They were silent once the radio stopped speaking. Max came in and sat in between them, but even the little creature had nothing to say. It wasn’t long before he saw two small crafts approaching, smoke trails tracing their path from the world below.
The radio came on once more, and a voice spoke. “Zort ship, prepare to be boarded. If you show any signs of aggression, you will be immediately fired upon.”
“Standing by,” Kyle said. “Proceed with boarding.”
“They do know that with the firepower on this ship, we could destroy both of them and jump to warp before the people down on the planet know anything has happened, don’t they?” Max asked.
“Good thing for them, we’re not planning to do either,” Kyle said.
Violet glared over at him, but didn’t say anything. An automated voice over the speaker announced that a ship had docked to them. It wasn’t long before a towering man with the same violet skin and dark hair, clad in a white jumpsuit, entered the bridge.
He saw Violet and immediately dropped to a knee. “My princess. I did not think it was true. Forgive me.”
“You are forgiven,” she said.
He immediately rose. “My name is Plasalik, and I’m here to fly the ship into Rhashel.”
“ know what, I’m just going to call you Paul,” Kyle said. He stood and vacated the pilot’s seat, easing himself into the captain’s chair. “I like this, much more comfortable.”
Paul settled down into the seat and began pressing buttons on the console. He leaned in on the radio. “This is Plasalik, now in command of the Zort ship. The princess is aboard, repeat, the princess is aboard. Bringing her into Rhashel now.”
The ship continued forward, making its way toward the planet below. The atmosphere began to burn on the viewport, the friction lighting up the ship as it entered, the ship shaking. Then, they were in, the flight smoothing out as he caught sight of the vibrant colors below. The pinks and greens and blues were nearly overwhelming, reflecting the sunlight up toward them.
Everything became more and more in focus as they made their approach. He could see the city as they drew nearer, rising out of the pinkish land. The buildings had a hue to match the land around them, but they seemed to be crafted from crystal instead of rock, white and pink and violet and blue, a colorful assortment against a pale sky.
Paul piloted the ship low, flying over the buildings. Kyle wondered how the people below were reacting, the sight of a Zort ship flying so close to the city. If her people hated the Zort as much as Violet had said - and judging by their treatment, they did - then seeing a ship might be causing a minor panic.
Kyle could see the landing pad up ahead, a spaceport rising out of a massive building in the middle of the city with a wide, flat area atop it for landing. He could admit that Paul knew his stuff, as the pilot pulled up and brought the ship down without so much as a bump.
“The king is waiting,” Paul said as he unstrapped himself and stepped from the pilot’s seat. “Come along, all of you.”
“What about my ship?” Kyle asked as he stood, picking up Max and dropping the creature on his shoulder.
“It will be safe,” Paul said.
“Alright, I’m trusting you on that, Paul,” Kyle said. “I’m holding you personally responsible if I come back and it’s been disassembled.”
There was an entire unit of guards awaiting them at the base of the ramp, all dressed in the same body armor, some holding ray guns, others holding what looked like spears. In the center stood a man in flowing robes, his dark hair tied into a bun.
“Princess, you’ve returned,” he said when he saw Violet.
She rushed ahead and embraced him. “Bauka, I’m so happy to see you. Is father well?”
Kyle felt his mouth gape open. Her entire demeanor had changed, as had her way of talking. It was like watching a different person.
“He is well,” Bauka said. “I know he is happy you are home. No doubt he is already having a feast prepared. Although, I fear the timing is a bit unfortunate.”
“Unfortunate how?” the princess asked.
“Maybe he found a better daughter,” Max said.
The princess turned around and glared at them, but Kyle just shrugged. “Stop calling him a rat, and he’ll be nicer.”
“Not that she even knows what I said,” Max said.
They stepped into a long hallway that disappeared into the massive, spiked structure ahead. Bauka continued as though none of them had been speaking. “There’s a war going on, princess.”
“A war?” Violet asked. “With the Zort?”
“No, although I fear if they attacked now with our attention so divided, they would be able to take us easily. It’s the Thizigods.”
“The what?” Kyle asked.
“I thought they were contained,” Violet said. “What happened?”
Kyle turned to Max. “What the hell are Thizi-whatsits?”
“Our intelligence suggests they’ve been building below ground,” Bauka said. “Their colonies never grew any larger, but their numbers have, and they’ve been mounting attacks on our outposts.”
“Maybe they’re green. I hear purple people hate green people,” Max said.
“Have we launched any counterattacks?” Violet asked. “They can’t be allowed to expand like that. Father has always known what a threat they are.”
“Maybe they’re rat people, which is why she hates you,” Kyle said.
Violet turned and glared at him, while Bauka said, “We did, using the normal expeditionary forces, but they were driven back with massive casualties. We weren’t prepared for the resistance we faced.”
“I’m not a rat,” Max said. “I’ll scratch the face of the next person who calls me one.”
“If this is true, then there’s no time for a feast,” Violet said.
“You know your father,” Bauka said. “You’ll have to take it up with him.”
“I’m starting to think we should get our reward and get out of here,” Kyle said, lowering his voice. “I don’t want to get caught up in some war.”
They emerged into a massive room. Sunlight streamed down through multicolored windows, lighting the area in shades of pink and violet and blue and white. Crystals rose to either side, crystals of all shapes and sizes, some for decoration and some holding up the arched ceiling. Even the furniture was carved from crystal.
All eyes turned toward them as they walked the carpet toward the massive throne at the end, a throne haloed by more crystals, upon which sat a large man with a crown of crystal.
“It’s like they’re trying to blind anyone who enters,” Max said.
“I think it’s all they have to decorate with,” Kyle whispered back. “If they have enough crystals to build their palace, I’m sure they can afford a couple to help us repay the debt.”
“We can only hope,” Max said. “Then we can leave the princess and her stupid planet behind.”
“Be nice, she helped us,” Kyle said.
The king stood as they approached, holding his hands out wide. “My princess, my little girl, you have returned.”
“Father!” came the response, and the princess rushed to greet her. They met in embrace, hugging tightly.
“We all feared you dead,” the king said as they parted.
“I thought for sure I’d never be able to come home,” the princess said.
“There’s to be a feast,” the king said. “A momentous feast to celebrate a momentous occasion.”
“Father, Bauka told me that we are at war with the Thizigods,” she said. “How can that be possible.”
“It is nothing for you to concern yourself with, child,” the king said. “Just some skirmishes on the frontier, no worse than usual.” He looked past her at Kyle and Max, then stepped toward them. “Who have we here?”
The princess frowned. “This is Keel. He helped me escape.”
“Keel,” the king roared. Kyle didn’t bother to correct him. “I am King Brabolic the first, and you have brought back my only daughter. You will of course be invited to the feast on her behalf.”
“King...I’ll just call you Bob,” Kyle said as the king put a heavy arm around his shoulders.
“That’s fine, that’s fine,” the king said, leading him away. From the throne.
“Father, what of the war?”
Both the king and Kyle ignored her. “I was told there would be a reward,” Kyle said.
“Yes, yes, a reward, of course. We are generous people.”
Kyle and Max were shown to a guest room to clean up. It was spacious, built from the same crystals that filled the rest of the palace. Even the baseboard of the bed was built from crystals, and with the roughness of the mattress, Kyle was not so certain that it was not filled with crystal sands.
Once they were alone, Max was the one to speak. “Do we really want to stay around for the feast if there’s a war going on?”
“The king doesn’t seem to think it’s a war,” Kyle said.
“That Bauka guy sure did,” Max said. He climbed onto a window sill and began to groom himself.
“Maybe he’s a worrier.”
“Or maybe the king is blissfully ignorant.”
Kyle sighed. “You’re probably the more correct one here.”
“But you want to wait it out, don’t you?”
“I do,” Kyle said. “If we can get the reward here, we won’t even have to go back to that planet and scour it for the crown.”
The creature looked up from its grooming and made a face as though it was about to cough up a hairball. “You can’t possibly be considering doing that.”
“If we don’t get paid here, it’s our best shot,” Kyle said. He was lying on the bed, propped up on one of the pillows. One of the Twins was out in his hand, his other hand absently spinning the chamber.
“Our best shot of getting recaptured,” Max said. “Besides, don’t talk like that. We’re getting paid.”
“I don’t know,” Kyle said. “I have a bad feeling.”
The door opened, and Bauka entered. “The king has requested an audience,” he said. “If you could please come with me.”
Kyle holstered the Twin and started toward the man. He was almost to the door when Bauka stopped him. “If you could leave your weapons here. We want to ensure the king remains safe.”
Kyle hesitated as Max leaped up onto his shoulder. “Go on. They’ll still be here when you get back.”
“The feeling hasn’t gotten any better,” Kyle said, but he removed the belt and placed it down on the table next to the door.
“I assure you they will be safe,” Bauka said. “I will make sure they are still here when you return.”
“I’m holding you to that, Blake,” Kyle said. “I’m considering you personally responsible if anything at all happens to the Twins.”
“You have my promise that when you return, they will be here.”
Kyle clapped him on the shoulder, hard enough to make him stumble. “Lead the way, Blake.”
“You’re bad with names, you know that?” Max said.
“You told me that when I decided not to pronounce your ridiculous name,” Kyle said.
“It’s a very common name.”
“Max is better. Trust me.”
“His is even easier.”
Bauka led them to a circular lift. As soon as they were all on it, the lift dropped, air rushing by them as they descended into the bowels of the palace.
“King Bob not in the throne room?” Kyle asked.
“The king likes to enjoy the gardens down at ground level,” Bauka said.
“More than the gardens on the roof?” Kyle asked.
Bauka shifted in place. “He enjoys them equally.”
Max creeped around to Kyle’s other shoulder. “I think I’m starting to pick up your bad feeling.”
Kyle said nothing, watching the large purple man that stood next to him. Bauka was giving nothing away, nothing that Kyle could pick out. Maybe it was the alien way he held himself, or the blank face he held, or the way he sweated, an odor that hung in the air, mostly whisked away by the air blowing around them from the lift.
His eyes began to look around, trying to find something in the abyss around them. Below, he could see a light fast approaching, a light that showed an approaching doorway. A doorway that he saw was filled with guards the moment the lift touched down.
“What the hell is this?” he said to Bauka.
“These men are to escort you to the edge of the city,” Bauka said. “They have instructions not to hurt…”
Kyle didn’t let him finish. He moved behind him, wrapping him in a headlock. He didn’t have any weapons, thanks to trusting this purple man, but he could still inflict harm. “Nobody move,” he said. “Or I hurt him.”
He could feel Bauka gripping at his arm, pulling futilly on it. The man was weak, fat, deteriorated by a sedentary lifestyle in the palace, and he was no match for Kyle’s strength, no matter how much he outweighed the Earthling by.
“You’re making it worse on yourself,” one of the guards said as they approached, spears held out, not one with the ray guns they had when he had landed. “You are leaving the palace one way or the other.”
“Like hell I am,” Kyle said. “The only way I leave is with what I am owed, on the ship I brought here.” He eased just the slightest. “Blake, how the hell do you make this thing work.”
Bauka gave a gurgled response, something that sounded like, “Can’t.”
“Like hell you can’t,” Kyle said. “Make it work.”
He didn’t see the one behind him, didn’t realize it was there until Max said something, and by then, it was too late. He felt the blow on the back of his head, and he saw stars. His grip loosened on Bauka, and the king’s steward pushed away, scrambling to the side as he breathed in deeply.
The guards were on top of Kyle, beating him with the blunt end of their spears before pulling him to his feet, dazed. Bauka was standing by then, though still breathing hard.
“Earthman, you have done us a service by bringing us our princess, and by providing us with a Zort ship, which will give us plenty of valuable intel on our enemies,” Bauka said. “For that, you are thanked, your reward is your life, though it shall be lived in exile on this planet.”
“The hell?” Kyle said. He spat and saw blood. “What the hell, Blake? This is the thanks we get.”
“The thanks you get is maintaining your life after attacking a royal official.” Bauka brushed himself off. “The proper response would be to have your arms removed, but the king was adamant that you were to maintain full function of your limbs.” He nodded to the guards. “Take him away, leave him unharmed outside the city.”
“I’ll be back to remind you of this, Blake,” Kyle shouted as he was half carried away. “Tell King Bob and Princess Violet that they’re on the list as well.”
“I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear,” Bauka said.
The tunnel seemed endless, or maybe it was just the steady pace that the guards set. Kyle tried to walk a few times, but he was either too fast, which drew a blow, or too slow, which led to them picking him back up. So he simply allowed them to continue carrying him. It was just easier that way, and it allowed him to conserve energy. There was no telling what the world outside the palace would be like.
Bauka hadn’t been kidding about being outside the city. The tunnel ended in a large circular door that fit perfectly within the tunnel. There were a pair of guards there, and they returned the salute of the guards that brought Kyle.
“Open up, we have another exile,” the leader of his guards said.
One of the ones at the door bent down to examine Kyle. “He’s a small one. Alien?”
“Place called Earth,” the leader said. “Feisty one, though. I give him a week. Maybe a week and a half if he can find a weapon.”
The door guard laughed and pressed a button. “I’ll take that bet. I’m thinking three days, tiny guy like that. His rat certainly isn’t going to protect him.”
Kyle could hear Max growling, but thankfully, it didn’t act. The door swung open slowly, revealing a colorful, sandy landscape, dotted with green trees. The guards moved him toward the door, and Kyle suddenly found himself flying toward the sand.
He landed hard, skidding across a dune and coming to a stop at the base. He spat, the sand dry and grimy in his mouth. He turned and looked back, but the circular door was already sliding closed. Above, the city loomed, built high above the surrounding land.
“Well,” Max said, brushing sand from its fur. “Now what?”
“For one thing, I’m never trusting anyone with purple skin ever again,” Kyle said. He glanced around. There was not much to see aside from the city, and he couldn’t remember much of the geography from their approach. “I guess we start walking.”
“What will walking get us?” Max asked.
“Away from here,” Kyle said. “Let’s see what else is on this planet. Might be someone that can help us.”
submitted by drewmontgomery08 to redditserials [link] [comments]

The Earthman - Chapter 6

Kyle was awakened by something resembling an alarm. It didn’t seem like it was actually that loud, but in his head, it may as well have been a rocket engine blast.
He opened his eyes slowly, squinting against the bright lights of the bridge. His back and legs were stiff, and his head throbbed, his mouth dry and his bladder full. A voice was speaking over a speaker, the actual words lost in the haze of his awakening.
Violet came rushing in, taking a seat in the co-pilot’s chair. “What’s happening?” Kyle asked.
“We’re here,” she said. “You managed to sleep right through the alarm when we came out of warp.”
Kyle sat up and rubbed his eyes. “You could have woken up as well.”
“You told me this was your ship,” she said. “If you’re the captain, it’s your responsibility to make sure the ship arrives safely.”
“Alright, then, princess,” he snapped. “Get away from the controls and let me handle it.”
Violet glared at him, then lifted her hands up in the air before sitting back, her arms crossed over her chest. “Have it your way.”
Kyle looked over the controls, the words in Zort looking even less legible. Shit. He didn’t look over at the princess, but he could just imagine the smug look that she was giving him, the idea that she knew he needed her help to fly the ship, much less land it.
“Fine,” he said. “Please help.”
“Are you sorry?”
He sighed. “I apologize for insulting your highness, and hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me.”
She smirked. “Much better.”
Anything else Kyle wanted to say he kept internal. No use in pissing her off any further. She was moving now, flipping switches. Ahead, the planet loomed, glowing a pinkish hue in the light of its sun. The land was a mixture of pink and green, and the oceans, smaller than those on earth, shone a deep blue, deeper than any he’d ever seen.
“This is Berol?” he asked.
“It is,” she said. There was something different in her voice, her tone shifted just a bit. “Isn’t it beautiful.”
“It’s something,” he said. “Where are we going?”
“To Rhashel, our capital,” she said. “My home.”
And my payout. “Hopefully they’re ready to welcome you with open arms.”
“They likely think I’m dead. Word likely reached home that the Zort took me, and it is known that the Zort rarely keep prisoners alive.”
“What happens if they don’t realize you’re aboard?”
“They might try to shoot us down.”
“Well, make sure they know that you are alive,” he said.
He took over the controls as Violet leaned in toward the console, pressing a button and speaking into the speaker. “Rhashel, come in,” she said. “This is the Zort ship V’haj calling Rhashel, come in.”
There was a pause, and the princess looked ready to speak again when a voice came over the radio. “You have entered Berol airspace. Identify yourself or prepare to be attacked.”
Violet was quick to the console. “Rhashel, come in, this is Princess Sha’czlanka aboard a commandeered Zort ship approaching Berol. I repeat, this is Princess Sha’czlanka, do not fire.”
There was a pause on the other end. “Continue your present course. Your ship will be boarded, and a Beroli pilot will bring it in the rest of the way.”
Kyle turned toward Violet, but if she was concerned, there was no indication. “Understood,” she said.
They were silent once the radio stopped speaking. Max came in and sat in between them, but even the little creature had nothing to say. It wasn’t long before he saw two small crafts approaching, smoke trails tracing their path from the world below.
The radio came on once more, and a voice spoke. “Zort ship, prepare to be boarded. If you show any signs of aggression, you will be immediately fired upon.”
“Standing by,” Kyle said. “Proceed with boarding.”
“They do know that with the firepower on this ship, we could destroy both of them and jump to warp before the people down on the planet know anything has happened, don’t they?” Max asked.
“Good thing for them, we’re not planning to do either,” Kyle said.
Violet glared over at him, but didn’t say anything. An automated voice over the speaker announced that a ship had docked to them. It wasn’t long before a towering man with the same violet skin and dark hair, clad in a white jumpsuit, entered the bridge.
He saw Violet and immediately dropped to a knee. “My princess. I did not think it was true. Forgive me.”
“You are forgiven,” she said.
He immediately rose. “My name is Plasalik, and I’m here to fly the ship into Rhashel.”
“ know what, I’m just going to call you Paul,” Kyle said. He stood and vacated the pilot’s seat, easing himself into the captain’s chair. “I like this, much more comfortable.”
Paul settled down into the seat and began pressing buttons on the console. He leaned in on the radio. “This is Plasalik, now in command of the Zort ship. The princess is aboard, repeat, the princess is aboard. Bringing her into Rhashel now.”
The ship continued forward, making its way toward the planet below. The atmosphere began to burn on the viewport, the friction lighting up the ship as it entered, the ship shaking. Then, they were in, the flight smoothing out as he caught sight of the vibrant colors below. The pinks and greens and blues were nearly overwhelming, reflecting the sunlight up toward them.
Everything became more and more in focus as they made their approach. He could see the city as they drew nearer, rising out of the pinkish land. The buildings had a hue to match the land around them, but they seemed to be crafted from crystal instead of rock, white and pink and violet and blue, a colorful assortment against a pale sky.
Paul piloted the ship low, flying over the buildings. Kyle wondered how the people below were reacting, the sight of a Zort ship flying so close to the city. If her people hated the Zort as much as Violet had said - and judging by their treatment, they did - then seeing a ship might be causing a minor panic.
Kyle could see the landing pad up ahead, a spaceport rising out of a massive building in the middle of the city with a wide, flat area atop it for landing. He could admit that Paul knew his stuff, as the pilot pulled up and brought the ship down without so much as a bump.
“The king is waiting,” Paul said as he unstrapped himself and stepped from the pilot’s seat. “Come along, all of you.”
“What about my ship?” Kyle asked as he stood, picking up Max and dropping the creature on his shoulder.
“It will be safe,” Paul said.
“Alright, I’m trusting you on that, Paul,” Kyle said. “I’m holding you personally responsible if I come back and it’s been disassembled.”
There was an entire unit of guards awaiting them at the base of the ramp, all dressed in the same body armor, some holding ray guns, others holding what looked like spears. In the center stood a man in flowing robes, his dark hair tied into a bun.
“Princess, you’ve returned,” he said when he saw Violet.
She rushed ahead and embraced him. “Bauka, I’m so happy to see you. Is father well?”
Kyle felt his mouth gape open. Her entire demeanor had changed, as had her way of talking. It was like watching a different person.
“He is well,” Bauka said. “I know he is happy you are home. No doubt he is already having a feast prepared. Although, I fear the timing is a bit unfortunate.”
“Unfortunate how?” the princess asked.
“Maybe he found a better daughter,” Max said.
The princess turned around and glared at them, but Kyle just shrugged. “Stop calling him a rat, and he’ll be nicer.”
“Not that she even knows what I said,” Max said.
They stepped into a long hallway that disappeared into the massive, spiked structure ahead. Bauka continued as though none of them had been speaking. “There’s a war going on, princess.”
“A war?” Violet asked. “With the Zort?”
“No, although I fear if they attacked now with our attention so divided, they would be able to take us easily. It’s the Thizigods.”
“The what?” Kyle asked.
“I thought they were contained,” Violet said. “What happened?”
Kyle turned to Max. “What the hell are Thizi-whatsits?”
“Our intelligence suggests they’ve been building below ground,” Bauka said. “Their colonies never grew any larger, but their numbers have, and they’ve been mounting attacks on our outposts.”
“Maybe they’re green. I hear purple people hate green people,” Max said.
“Have we launched any counterattacks?” Violet asked. “They can’t be allowed to expand like that. Father has always known what a threat they are.”
“Maybe they’re rat people, which is why she hates you,” Kyle said.
Violet turned and glared at him, while Bauka said, “We did, using the normal expeditionary forces, but they were driven back with massive casualties. We weren’t prepared for the resistance we faced.”
“I’m not a rat,” Max said. “I’ll scratch the face of the next person who calls me one.”
“If this is true, then there’s no time for a feast,” Violet said.
“You know your father,” Bauka said. “You’ll have to take it up with him.”
“I’m starting to think we should get our reward and get out of here,” Kyle said, lowering his voice. “I don’t want to get caught up in some war.”
They emerged into a massive room. Sunlight streamed down through multicolored windows, lighting the area in shades of pink and violet and blue and white. Crystals rose to either side, crystals of all shapes and sizes, some for decoration and some holding up the arched ceiling. Even the furniture was carved from crystal.
All eyes turned toward them as they walked the carpet toward the massive throne at the end, a throne haloed by more crystals, upon which sat a large man with a crown of crystal.
“It’s like they’re trying to blind anyone who enters,” Max said.
“I think it’s all they have to decorate with,” Kyle whispered back. “If they have enough crystals to build their palace, I’m sure they can afford a couple to help us repay the debt.”
“We can only hope,” Max said. “Then we can leave the princess and her stupid planet behind.”
“Be nice, she helped us,” Kyle said.
The king stood as they approached, holding his hands out wide. “My princess, my little girl, you have returned.”
“Father!” came the response, and the princess rushed to greet her. They met in embrace, hugging tightly.
“We all feared you dead,” the king said as they parted.
“I thought for sure I’d never be able to come home,” the princess said.
“There’s to be a feast,” the king said. “A momentous feast to celebrate a momentous occasion.”
“Father, Bauka told me that we are at war with the Thizigods,” she said. “How can that be possible.”
“It is nothing for you to concern yourself with, child,” the king said. “Just some skirmishes on the frontier, no worse than usual.” He looked past her at Kyle and Max, then stepped toward them. “Who have we here?”
The princess frowned. “This is Keel. He helped me escape.”
“Keel,” the king roared. Kyle didn’t bother to correct him. “I am King Brabolic the first, and you have brought back my only daughter. You will of course be invited to the feast on her behalf.”
“King...I’ll just call you Bob,” Kyle said as the king put a heavy arm around his shoulders.
“That’s fine, that’s fine,” the king said, leading him away. From the throne.
“Father, what of the war?”
Both the king and Kyle ignored her. “I was told there would be a reward,” Kyle said.
“Yes, yes, a reward, of course. We are generous people.”
Kyle and Max were shown to a guest room to clean up. It was spacious, built from the same crystals that filled the rest of the palace. Even the baseboard of the bed was built from crystals, and with the roughness of the mattress, Kyle was not so certain that it was not filled with crystal sands.
Once they were alone, Max was the one to speak. “Do we really want to stay around for the feast if there’s a war going on?”
“The king doesn’t seem to think it’s a war,” Kyle said.
“That Bauka guy sure did,” Max said. He climbed onto a window sill and began to groom himself.
“Maybe he’s a worrier.”
“Or maybe the king is blissfully ignorant.”
Kyle sighed. “You’re probably the more correct one here.”
“But you want to wait it out, don’t you?”
“I do,” Kyle said. “If we can get the reward here, we won’t even have to go back to that planet and scour it for the crown.”
The creature looked up from its grooming and made a face as though it was about to cough up a hairball. “You can’t possibly be considering doing that.”
“If we don’t get paid here, it’s our best shot,” Kyle said. He was lying on the bed, propped up on one of the pillows. One of the Twins was out in his hand, his other hand absently spinning the chamber.
“Our best shot of getting recaptured,” Max said. “Besides, don’t talk like that. We’re getting paid.”
“I don’t know,” Kyle said. “I have a bad feeling.”
The door opened, and Bauka entered. “The king has requested an audience,” he said. “If you could please come with me.”
Kyle holstered the Twin and started toward the man. He was almost to the door when Bauka stopped him. “If you could leave your weapons here. We want to ensure the king remains safe.”
Kyle hesitated as Max leaped up onto his shoulder. “Go on. They’ll still be here when you get back.”
“The feeling hasn’t gotten any better,” Kyle said, but he removed the belt and placed it down on the table next to the door.
“I assure you they will be safe,” Bauka said. “I will make sure they are still here when you return.”
“I’m holding you to that, Blake,” Kyle said. “I’m considering you personally responsible if anything at all happens to the Twins.”
“You have my promise that when you return, they will be here.”
Kyle clapped him on the shoulder, hard enough to make him stumble. “Lead the way, Blake.”
“You’re bad with names, you know that?” Max said.
“You told me that when I decided not to pronounce your ridiculous name,” Kyle said.
“It’s a very common name.”
“Max is better. Trust me.”
“His is even easier.”
Bauka led them to a circular lift. As soon as they were all on it, the lift dropped, air rushing by them as they descended into the bowels of the palace.
“King Bob not in the throne room?” Kyle asked.
“The king likes to enjoy the gardens down at ground level,” Bauka said.
“More than the gardens on the roof?” Kyle asked.
Bauka shifted in place. “He enjoys them equally.”
Max creeped around to Kyle’s other shoulder. “I think I’m starting to pick up your bad feeling.”
Kyle said nothing, watching the large purple man that stood next to him. Bauka was giving nothing away, nothing that Kyle could pick out. Maybe it was the alien way he held himself, or the blank face he held, or the way he sweated, an odor that hung in the air, mostly whisked away by the air blowing around them from the lift.
His eyes began to look around, trying to find something in the abyss around them. Below, he could see a light fast approaching, a light that showed an approaching doorway. A doorway that he saw was filled with guards the moment the lift touched down.
“What the hell is this?” he said to Bauka.
“These men are to escort you to the edge of the city,” Bauka said. “They have instructions not to hurt…”
Kyle didn’t let him finish. He moved behind him, wrapping him in a headlock. He didn’t have any weapons, thanks to trusting this purple man, but he could still inflict harm. “Nobody move,” he said. “Or I hurt him.”
He could feel Bauka gripping at his arm, pulling futilly on it. The man was weak, fat, deteriorated by a sedentary lifestyle in the palace, and he was no match for Kyle’s strength, no matter how much he outweighed the Earthling by.
“You’re making it worse on yourself,” one of the guards said as they approached, spears held out, not one with the ray guns they had when he had landed. “You are leaving the palace one way or the other.”
“Like hell I am,” Kyle said. “The only way I leave is with what I am owed, on the ship I brought here.” He eased just the slightest. “Blake, how the hell do you make this thing work.”
Bauka gave a gurgled response, something that sounded like, “Can’t.”
“Like hell you can’t,” Kyle said. “Make it work.”
He didn’t see the one behind him, didn’t realize it was there until Max said something, and by then, it was too late. He felt the blow on the back of his head, and he saw stars. His grip loosened on Bauka, and the king’s steward pushed away, scrambling to the side as he breathed in deeply.
The guards were on top of Kyle, beating him with the blunt end of their spears before pulling him to his feet, dazed. Bauka was standing by then, though still breathing hard.
“Earthman, you have done us a service by bringing us our princess, and by providing us with a Zort ship, which will give us plenty of valuable intel on our enemies,” Bauka said. “For that, you are thanked, your reward is your life, though it shall be lived in exile on this planet.”
“The hell?” Kyle said. He spat and saw blood. “What the hell, Blake? This is the thanks we get.”
“The thanks you get is maintaining your life after attacking a royal official.” Bauka brushed himself off. “The proper response would be to have your arms removed, but the king was adamant that you were to maintain full function of your limbs.” He nodded to the guards. “Take him away, leave him unharmed outside the city.”
“I’ll be back to remind you of this, Blake,” Kyle shouted as he was half carried away. “Tell King Bob and Princess Violet that they’re on the list as well.”
“I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear,” Bauka said.
The tunnel seemed endless, or maybe it was just the steady pace that the guards set. Kyle tried to walk a few times, but he was either too fast, which drew a blow, or too slow, which led to them picking him back up. So he simply allowed them to continue carrying him. It was just easier that way, and it allowed him to conserve energy. There was no telling what the world outside the palace would be like.
Bauka hadn’t been kidding about being outside the city. The tunnel ended in a large circular door that fit perfectly within the tunnel. There were a pair of guards there, and they returned the salute of the guards that brought Kyle.
“Open up, we have another exile,” the leader of his guards said.
One of the ones at the door bent down to examine Kyle. “He’s a small one. Alien?”
“Place called Earth,” the leader said. “Feisty one, though. I give him a week. Maybe a week and a half if he can find a weapon.”
The door guard laughed and pressed a button. “I’ll take that bet. I’m thinking three days, tiny guy like that. His rat certainly isn’t going to protect him.”
Kyle could hear Max growling, but thankfully, it didn’t act. The door swung open slowly, revealing a colorful, sandy landscape, dotted with green trees. The guards moved him toward the door, and Kyle suddenly found himself flying toward the sand.
He landed hard, skidding across a dune and coming to a stop at the base. He spat, the sand dry and grimy in his mouth. He turned and looked back, but the circular door was already sliding closed. Above, the city loomed, built high above the surrounding land.
“Well,” Max said, brushing sand from its fur. “Now what?”
“For one thing, I’m never trusting anyone with purple skin ever again,” Kyle said. He glanced around. There was not much to see aside from the city, and he couldn’t remember much of the geography from their approach. “I guess we start walking.”
“What will walking get us?” Max asked.
“Away from here,” Kyle said. “Let’s see what else is on this planet. Might be someone that can help us.”
submitted by drewmontgomery08 to drewmontgomery [link] [comments]

Chinese New Year Themed Slot - Wu long 918Kiss Malaysia 2020

Chinese New Year Themed Slot - Wu long 918Kiss Malaysia 2020
The engineers at 918Kiss chose to bring players down a way that numerous different designers have just investigated, in particular a way that revisit time and end in Ancient China.Wu Long is 918Kiss' interpretation of the well known subject, and this video slot game is centered around a mythical beast character that brings good karma and, ideally, large successes alongside it. So on the off chance that you are in the state of mind for one more excursion to the incredible domain in the East, remain with us as read our full audit of Wu Long – you may figure out how to tame the strong monster en route.

New Year Celebrations

Wu Long happens during the Chinese New Year festivities, which implies that players are in for a genuine party.The reels are encased with the shadow of a mammoth sanctuary, with vivid firecrackers detonating out of sight and illuminating the skies. The general shading plan is profound purple and blue, and the outcome is somewhat less colorful than most Chinese-themed 918Kiss slot games.The moderately calm climate is reflected by the peaceful ambient melodies and audio cues. More or less, Wu Long doesn't generally hit the eye with its universe, while as yet being of better than average quality.

Basic Wu Long 918Kiss Malaysia Features

Wu Long offers a simple ongoing interaction that players will have no trouble wrapping their heads around.The five turning reels of the game showcase three images each, with 25 paylines in complete stumbling into the screen every which way. You will likely land winning blends of images on enacted paylines so as to trigger their relating money prize. Utilize the (+) and (- ) catches in the order bar underneath the reels to initiate paylines and pick your wager size. A greater wager likewise implies greater possible prizes, so remember that while setting up your next game. Hit Spin to fire up the reels, or Bet Max to bet everything with a solitary snap and face a challenge to strike it rich.
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Snap the Autoplay catch to let the game follow its own course. The reels will turn all alone and put down your wager until you choose to return to customary mode. Whatever you choose, your rewards will include and naturally move to your own reserve as you go. Turbo Mode lets the reels turn considerably quicker, on the off chance that you truly can't hold on to perceive how the images line up.

What's on the Reels

The reel images of 918Kiss slot Wu Long follow a great example and are not unique for experienced players.The first gathering contains the Jack, Queen, King and Ace. These brilliant images, roused by playing a game of cards, are the most incessant in 918kiss Wu Long. Then again, they have exceptionally low payouts.The rest of the menu contains a Paper Lantern, a lot of Fireworks, Cymbals, Drums, two Chinese Women employing collapsing fans and the great Entrance Gate to the sanctuary. Albeit more uncommon, these images achieve significantly more intriguing prizes, so it may be a smart thought to pay special mind to them all through your gaming meeting.
submitted by livemobile66my to u/livemobile66my [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: walkingwarrobots top posts from 2020-05-26 to 2020-06-24 04:56 PDT

Period: 29.06 days
Submissions Comments
Total 996 14297
Rate (per day) 34.28 390.32
Unique Redditors 400 1137
Combined Score 34167 30508

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 1524 points, 21 submissions: JaydaGreaat
    1. 😂 (202 points, 22 comments)
    2. 😂 F2p players be like : (178 points, 19 comments)
    3. You agree? (144 points, 15 comments)
    4. When you have only one cover (123 points, 17 comments)
    5. Nerf (114 points, 33 comments)
    6. Happens haha (100 points, 2 comments)
    7. Addiction (97 points, 14 comments)
    8. Happens (91 points, 28 comments)
    9. Well i like hes name and im totally agree with him xD (67 points, 15 comments)
    10. Yes (66 points, 12 comments)
  2. 1286 points, 34 submissions: FenchBadScienceGood
    1. Get the beacon please (222 points, 19 comments)
    2. We all know that guy (214 points, 32 comments)
    3. I LOVE doing this against ares (131 points, 22 comments)
    4. Yeah man I can wait (74 points, 13 comments)
    5. Rarest thing in the world (71 points, 22 comments)
    6. Talk about luck I got my nightingale today and now also got this today, which is the ONLY thing I wanted (58 points, 20 comments)
    7. I have played this game for 200 hours (46 points, 21 comments)
    8. I just need 6 more silver (28 points, 15 comments)
    9. Last stand triggered before threshold reached (27 points, 6 comments)
    10. Titan slayer with air support (27 points, 1 comment)
  3. 802 points, 7 submissions: dyno_1
    1. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ the struggle is real,.. what's really funny is that Captain America beats them all lmao (165 points, 53 comments)
    2. we need that to be a DAILY offer.. pretty please.🤓 (157 points, 25 comments)
    3. what would you do if you were the CEO of pixonic?.. well, here's first thing i would do.... (156 points, 57 comments)
    4. snipers 1 - 0 mid range brawlers (147 points, 50 comments)
    5. is this a good offer?? i mean.. i bet i can get it for free (145 points, 28 comments)
    6. is this a new weapon??.. or it could be the new design for shocktrains, I'm just guessing. (24 points, 20 comments)
    7. in this video we do fun speed comparison between Hawk & dragon bots in the 4th episode of drag race, we also demonstrate the speed of hawk by comparing it against Raven in a short race to center beacon, side by side view. (8 points, 1 comment)
  4. 608 points, 7 submissions: NB_art
    1. Arthur. DM me for commissions, I'm open (243 points, 63 comments)
    2. Rogatka 💥💥 (148 points, 62 comments)
    3. "Scavenger" concept art (with concept weapons for the sake of sanity) (72 points, 33 comments)
    4. Well, y'all voted for me to share my drawing timelapses here, so here's the one for Arthur! Unfortunately I didn't record the Rogatka one, but I'll be drawing Loki next so stay tuned :P (60 points, 22 comments)
    5. Can we take a moment to appreciate just how nice this setup looks? (38 points, 28 comments)
    6. It teleported somewhere else (25 points, 2 comments)
    7. Legendary Pilot for Eldritch Ares? (22 points, 24 comments)
  5. 564 points, 14 submissions: michael-waldner
    1. Who thinks that titans should have paint jobs to? (140 points, 36 comments)
    2. First one I’ve finished (81 points, 18 comments)
    3. WHY!!???? (78 points, 22 comments)
    4. This thing looks sick (71 points, 14 comments)
    5. I think it’s been an ok event (54 points, 12 comments)
    6. This is going to take forever !! (38 points, 34 comments)
    7. Where’s the GODLIKE sun glasses!! (22 points, 8 comments)
    8. Don’t mind me (14 points, 5 comments)
    9. We’re getting there (14 points, 3 comments)
    10. The perfect amount (12 points, 16 comments)
  6. 523 points, 7 submissions: amKingK
    1. We used to run from ads... now we invite them. (156 points, 23 comments)
    2. The Operation Pass: How it Went From “Hero” to “Zero”... (139 points, 56 comments)
    3. NEW ROBOT: HAWK - The Counter To Titans! (81 points, 62 comments)
    4. The Targeting System Is Outrageous (79 points, 28 comments)
    5. relatable (26 points, 10 comments)
    6. I wonder why we lost... (please mind the beacons!) (23 points, 9 comments)
    7. WOW! This skin looks so good on Nightingale! 😱 (19 points, 39 comments)
  7. 497 points, 23 submissions: itoolikecookies
    1. NO WAY! LETS GOOO (72 points, 29 comments)
    2. How’s my hangar? (64 points, 27 comments)
    3. This means the middle slot right? (56 points, 36 comments)
    4. I was on 4K gold (33 points, 20 comments)
    5. First stand? (29 points, 15 comments)
    6. Can’t wait to MK2 this bad boi (28 points, 17 comments)
    7. Guess I gotta build it now lol (24 points, 5 comments)
    8. The grind :() (22 points, 20 comments)
    9. Any point of keeping these? I do need a bit of silver (16 points, 11 comments)
    10. Noice! (15 points, 3 comments)
  8. 485 points, 7 submissions: Luk3Zer0
    1. Distracting Ming with Hover AKA dancing on it (240 points, 37 comments)
    2. Mr. Leech wasn't very observant... (113 points, 16 comments)
    3. Arthur gave my invader a boost in midair! (83 points, 6 comments)
    4. Looks like we switched roles! (22 points, 7 comments)
    5. Apparently a Redeemer is worth more than a Hover 2 MolotTs and a Molot (10 points, 8 comments)
    6. Why does Tyr even have a shield? Next to useless for me. Everytime I switch from healing mode the shield is gone within 5 seconds... I get it, bullets against a shield but I'm not over exaggerating, it seriously just breaks when ever I pull it out for more than a few seconds. (9 points, 11 comments)
    7. Buff Tyr physical shield? (8 points, 5 comments)
  9. 469 points, 15 submissions: asiankid999
    1. I’m not gonna let you get this becon. (104 points, 23 comments)
    2. I think thanos snapped his fingers again..... (100 points, 12 comments)
    3. Long ago the titans of all universes live in peace.... (45 points, 9 comments)
    4. Both teams rushing the center beacon (33 points, 6 comments)
    5. I was playing and found a behemoth with same modules weapons etc. Let’s just say we annoyed so many people that we had like 3 Ratana try to kill us coming all the way across the (33 points, 24 comments)
    6. Pls like this so pixonic can see and give him gold robots or something like that because he says that his parents are divorced and he is going through I want to make his day also he says I’m his only freind it would be nice if pixonic gave him something. (25 points, 17 comments)
    7. Long ago the free for all map lived in harmony.... until the tryhards attacked. (19 points, 8 comments)
    8. Bro he naked (17 points, 33 comments)
    9. A romantic evening with my ou jun gf (16 points, 13 comments)
    10. It’s the territory of da Loki’s (16 points, 4 comments)
  10. 422 points, 5 submissions: ginstonikem
    1. I bought an Ao Ming bc Arthurs couldn’t fly..... F this buff (142 points, 31 comments)
    2. I NEVER pay for anything but thought of course if I pay $3 for 1000 keys I’ll at least get a new weapon. Spoiler alert: it’s a conspiracy. (104 points, 35 comments)
    3. My Ao Ming’s new ability “Dragon Walk” (85 points, 19 comments)
    4. Awesome! My 4th Arnav Poe with no Ravana! (47 points, 26 comments)
    5. My Ares hiding while an Ao Jun on my team attacks a Leech who is leeching me (44 points, 5 comments)
  11. 420 points, 12 submissions: _summoning_
    1. You‘ll have to wait guys 👽 (130 points, 35 comments)
    2. Silver (67 points, 24 comments)
    3. Kill.. Double kill.. HALOKILL 👽 (42 points, 15 comments)
    4. Ardent Haloki 👽 (36 points, 7 comments)
    5. Ardent Haloki adventures 👽 (28 points, 27 comments)
    6. ISKRA: Healing Scorpion after it’s ability is over (25 points, 26 comments)
    7. 👽 (25 points, 3 comments)
    8. Hawk - Transformation (19 points, 23 comments)
    9. New Operation (17 points, 37 comments)
    10. Season 6 + 7 Operations: „Thunder Roar“ & „Air Strike“. (Skydriver Nightingale?/ Hawk?) (12 points, 9 comments)
  12. 401 points, 8 submissions: Mirage-X-Nightfury
    1. Is that you geapard? (149 points, 10 comments)
    2. I am the captain (86 points, 14 comments)
    3. Silver payouts are super bad right now.. (54 points, 20 comments)
    4. It’s a hard knock life!! (30 points, 17 comments)
    5. Phantom joins the battle! (29 points, 12 comments)
    6. Well guys won a loki! I’m gonna get the ardent gust aswell so I’m pretty happy (23 points, 13 comments)
    7. HADES IS 10$ AVENGER SHREDDER USERS! (17 points, 5 comments)
    8. Before and after. Need to fix hades a bit though (13 points, 7 comments)
  13. 367 points, 8 submissions: Aarav-_-
    1. I almost feel bad for the ares. (145 points, 35 comments)
    2. For new-comers, the haloki is just a loki with 3×time halo (96 points, 18 comments)
    3. When will there be a proper counter for the ravana. (32 points, 34 comments)
    4. Jeez, same kill and same damage. We were playing a normal custom match and this happened!! (28 points, 7 comments)
    5. Chilling in the air with my lil brother. (22 points, 6 comments)
    6. Haha suppresion beam go pewwww (20 points, 3 comments)
    7. How can a cerberus cost more than an inquisitor? (14 points, 5 comments)
    8. Finally got the deft survivor and the foolhardy quartermaster!! (10 points, 8 comments)
  14. 357 points, 11 submissions: LingLing2020
    1. my boi looks dope (142 points, 47 comments)
    2. Meme template (64 points, 8 comments)
    3. Remember the daily battle boosters? (38 points, 18 comments)
    4. Sweet (33 points, 14 comments)
    5. Hmmm... now which one should I buy? (14 points, 8 comments)
    6. Gladly, and in first person (12 points, 1 comment)
    7. Let’s go!(still want the ravana more than this, but it’s really good too) (12 points, 3 comments)
    8. You all have been posting about lowest health, but have you seen lowest health before last stand? (12 points, 1 comment)
    9. Ad for war robots, thought it was a different version of the game, this should be a gamemode (11 points, 3 comments)
    10. Remember when you could gift gold? (10 points, 4 comments)
  15. 354 points, 13 submissions: manuuuu2_0
    1. Pretty accurate (122 points, 15 comments)
    2. A way to kill a loki without firing a single weapon (46 points, 24 comments)
    3. The amount of ravanas there are in the matches is insane (37 points, 28 comments)
    4. This is making me mad, every time i collect pt or tokens seems like im waiting 30 seconds for each. (26 points, 9 comments)
    5. When you are in a champion league match and camper natasha and a gepard rush together toward the enemy home beacon you know MM is all messed up o_O.Btw not bashing allie players they did a good job (21 points, 2 comments)
    6. I dont know why but it seems that the pi number (3.1416) follow me everywhere in digital clocks specially and now even when im playing wr and this is getting weird af like life is telling me i live in a circle or a loop. (19 points, 14 comments)
    7. I just wont this thing, is it worth lvl up if i already have a retaliator lvl 12? (17 points, 7 comments)
    8. Not enjoying my nightingale (13 points, 23 comments)
    9. Maximum healing (12 points, 2 comments)
    10. Highest honor i have ever scored (11 points, 2 comments)
  16. 347 points, 7 submissions: WR-Dynamite
    1. Jay Nightingale- Special Edition Robot (112 points, 36 comments)
    2. Sand Dune Nodens- Special Edition Titan (78 points, 8 comments)
    3. Atlantis Arthur- Special Edition Titan (53 points, 8 comments)
    4. Skyquake Mercury- Special Edition Robot (45 points, 10 comments)
    5. Steampunk Mercury- Special Edition Robot (26 points, 9 comments)
    6. Neutron Phantom: Special Edition Robot (25 points, 9 comments)
    7. With only my Ao Jun, I survived the whole battle with it... (8 points, 4 comments)
  17. 338 points, 17 submissions: shivaswrath
    1. Matchy matchy... (61 points, 11 comments)
    2. First maxed anything for a Titan!! (32 points, 15 comments)
    3. Yeah...I'd say I am done with this event! (26 points, 22 comments)
    4. Loki still relevant (in my baby account Masters 3)! (24 points, 9 comments)
    5. Who said a Noden can't brawl? (22 points, 25 comments)
    6. Skip the Hawk (20 points, 14 comments)
    7. It was a good day-watch out on the battlefield (18 points, 7 comments)
    8. This guy is committed!! (17 points, 11 comments)
    9. Titan and gold chest Sunday’s.... (17 points, 9 comments)
    10. 💰, power, and respect - Nodens Upgrade achieved (16 points, 14 comments)
  18. 333 points, 2 submissions: SuperNova618
    1. I made a tiny Fujin (184 points, 27 comments)
    2. All of my LEGO robots together! Also Gareth has guns now (149 points, 19 comments)
  19. 329 points, 11 submissions: NotVeryTastyCake
    1. Yaaay! After two weeks of gaming, it was worth, it good weapon for my Arthur I guess (112 points, 19 comments)
    2. Ao Jun with Trebushets? What? (69 points, 18 comments)
    3. After 1 and a half month I finally made him. Now wait until pilot for Blitz will be for 3000g (37 points, 14 comments)
    4. How did he end up like this? (25 points, 12 comments)
    5. lost brother? (21 points, 1 comment)
    6. The trio (16 points, 9 comments)
    7. Just won it from last 100 chest. On which robot can I put this module? And I know what it does (12 points, 6 comments)
    8. Can we make this, as a sound of Hawk's yet muted beam? (10 points, 5 comments)
    9. Oh, I like, so much want a Lancelot in my Master league! (10 points, 6 comments)
    10. What even happens if I buy those old coins? (9 points, 5 comments)
  20. 327 points, 5 submissions: SkyRocketMiner
    1. How to break your weapons (121 points, 21 comments)
    2. Sorry I had to take a break to have a short seizure (81 points, 5 comments)
    3. Around ¾ through the special delivery and I'm not disappointed, that's pretty good. (78 points, 12 comments)
    4. Level 30! Should I save Pt for an Arthur or upgrade my Kid? Currently at 95 platinum. (24 points, 15 comments)
    5. How to break your weapons 2 (23 points, 11 comments)
  21. 315 points, 3 submissions: GalacticDwarfFromWR
    1. Guys don't upvote this post a anymore. This "Mender" is Concept art from a guy called Progwang on Deviant art and it's way back from 2011. Shame on this user for using someone else's art. The circles show that the original Signature has been edited out. (159 points, 1 comment)
    2. Can we make this an actual paint job please? (93 points, 19 comments)
    3. Scorpion has nothing on this 😂 (63 points, 16 comments)
  22. 304 points, 3 submissions: JustVisiting273
    1. Making Pixel Art of Weapons by Alphabetical Order - Day 2: Aphid (151 points, 14 comments)
    2. Making Pixel Art of Weapons by Alphabetical Order - Day 1: Ancile (130 points, 12 comments)
    3. Made an alignment chart for robots! Use it how you like, just remember to add credit. (23 points, 11 comments)
  23. 304 points, 3 submissions: WillardLeBaguette
    1. Asides from the titan self-repair modules (170 points, 29 comments)
    2. All that for 100k silver (73 points, 16 comments)
    3. My beautiful baby boy (61 points, 13 comments)
  24. 302 points, 10 submissions: Mr_Cossack_
    1. Patton in champs (74 points, 32 comments)
    2. I made a video about the new robot Hawk ! If you want to check it, the link is in the comment section ! (63 points, 10 comments)
    3. Dead Ares just flying (43 points, 6 comments)
    4. New skirmish is brutal (30 points, 5 comments)
    5. Healing gang (21 points, 8 comments)
    6. Just killed a titan with air support ( couldn’t take a screenshot of the Titan Slayer sorry ) (21 points, 2 comments)
    7. 😓 (17 points, 8 comments)
    8. Finally (16 points, 8 comments)
    9. Just killed someone with air support (9 points, 9 comments)
    10. I made a video about the new energy machine guns buff on the test server. If you want to check it, the link is in the comment section ! (8 points, 12 comments)
  25. 298 points, 5 submissions: Halfumarr
    1. Zooooooom (127 points, 30 comments)
    2. Noice (79 points, 12 comments)
    3. 17 € for 2 obsolete weapons ... (42 points, 21 comments)
    4. My new boi (37 points, 7 comments)
    5. New bug on the test server (13 points, 2 comments)
  26. 272 points, 9 submissions: Shutze_owner
    1. Throwback: I miss these days (84 points, 39 comments)
    2. Im done for (43 points, 18 comments)
    3. Quarantine is helpful, finally completed one (41 points, 17 comments)
    4. Worked so hard and then got this, so disappointed (27 points, 11 comments)
    5. Finally (21 points, 5 comments)
    6. New titan (17 points, 6 comments)
    7. New support bot idea (16 points, 6 comments)
    8. Super Chest (13 points, 5 comments)
    9. Noodens price (10 points, 5 comments)
  27. 255 points, 6 submissions: HORRORCRANKY
    1. Wut? .__. (103 points, 29 comments)
    2. Tried to draw Schutze on my practice paper. Is it good? (81 points, 20 comments)
    3. THANK YOU PIXONIC PLS DO MORE OF THIS (23 points, 12 comments)
    4. Damn this is some nice lag-free and smooth gameplay. Good job pixonic (21 points, 13 comments)
    5. How to bypass this? Its for this week’s remastered test server for ios (14 points, 11 comments)
    6. How’s my hangar? (13 points, 13 comments)
  28. 248 points, 9 submissions: randomcatgifs
    1. Sooooooo close (70 points, 8 comments)
    2. HOLY [beep] OHHHH YEA!!!! (53 points, 17 comments)
    3. WOW!!! INCREDIBLE (35 points, 15 comments)
    4. OH MY GOD, YES. AND I’m making the weeps for it in ws, by chance! (All this happening while I’m at 4K gold for slot 5 and level 29.99999. It all seems to be going well today! (27 points, 24 comments)
    5. Nice deal (15 points, 4 comments)
    6. Clan? IOS, can provide hangar if needed (13 points, 23 comments)
    7. Niice,, first nucleon t-falc game (13 points, 8 comments)
    8. Yes, a decent wep for my t falc. Still hoping for ember tho. I may put the redeemer I’m making in ws on it. I’ll just have to see what I get from the super chest (13 points, 4 comments)
    9. I LOVE the t Falcon. Any hangar advice, also what active mod should I put on my falc? (9 points, 5 comments)
  29. 247 points, 1 submission: TheXiaoZeng
    1. Petition to make the map in the remastered version like this! And the bots uses their lights on the front. (247 points, 81 comments)
  30. 239 points, 11 submissions: Killerbot8467
    1. I don’t remember those textures on gepard and golem (57 points, 33 comments)
    2. Ooh new look (32 points, 11 comments)
    3. I can now shoot sideways (29 points, 5 comments)
    4. Just being a good ol’ Haloki 👽 (20 points, 19 comments)
    5. This is so... stressful, Yeah i guess i got luck but, I have to pause the work of the scourge that I want for my fenrir, and instead, build nightingale... gosh this is nuts (20 points, 21 comments)
    6. Guys look at me walk and shake (just noticed this cool little feature🤔) (19 points, 21 comments)
    7. I don’t wanna do this to you, but I’m tired of you being my enemy, or maybe plz be mine, BETRAY YOUR OWNER (16 points, 15 comments)
    8. Good luck killing your enemies if you encountered this setup (13 points, 2 comments)
    9. Hehe lol, hacker got killed by pro killers REAL (this was pro killers REAL’s video, just showing you guys, i dont wanna get copyrighted) (13 points, 4 comments)
    10. Nice, I love the that (12 points, 9 comments)
  31. 234 points, 2 submissions: bigbadmarsh
    1. When i go in for the attack then realize it’s an Arthur and I’m within 100m. (127 points, 13 comments)
    2. Yeeesss. My first maxed anything in my hangar! (107 points, 47 comments)
  32. 225 points, 5 submissions: SSGdeku
    1. Save them tokens for the big chest boys (85 points, 22 comments)
    2. WR community as a whole (58 points, 9 comments)
    3. Just want to say thanks to mr. coconut.. couldn't have won without him (31 points, 8 comments)
    4. Full credit to my favorite whining YouTuber 🤣 (29 points, 10 comments)
    5. Not normally a sucker for paint jobs.. but they're getting better at (22 points, 16 comments)
  33. 225 points, 1 submission: Osiru_s
    1. LEGO Ares that I made (225 points, 50 comments)
  34. 223 points, 7 submissions: yeetus-sandwich
    1. After do long, I finally got it (60 points, 28 comments)
    2. I couldn’t sleep until I made this (59 points, 14 comments)
    3. The evolution (39 points, 22 comments)
    4. When you land on a titan (22 points, 2 comments)
    5. What should I fix ( not regarding Leo or the 5th slot) (17 points, 27 comments)
    6. Can y’all tone it down a bit? (15 points, 7 comments)
    7. The ancile (11 points, 4 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. FenchBadScienceGood (968 points, 345 comments)
  2. Wolfram_Blitz (890 points, 246 comments)
  3. manuuuu2_0 (701 points, 349 comments)
  4. itoolikecookies (634 points, 286 comments)
  5. creativename62 (475 points, 224 comments)
  6. Killerbot8467 (416 points, 270 comments)
  7. 0oTJMo0 (371 points, 166 comments)
  8. CXTG5L (368 points, 344 comments)
  9. boidcrowdah (362 points, 113 comments)
  10. JFSoul (314 points, 101 comments)
  11. virtualwar12345 (293 points, 162 comments)
  12. USERNAM3_N0T_F0UND (271 points, 150 comments)
  13. NB_art (260 points, 160 comments)
  14. shivaswrath (246 points, 155 comments)
  15. Quirkyserenefrenzy (231 points, 123 comments)
  16. NJM79 (228 points, 114 comments)
  17. Pirate_Leader (227 points, 98 comments)
  18. HarryProgamer (223 points, 123 comments)
  19. Nibble1234 (214 points, 79 comments)
  20. FireStrike5 (212 points, 64 comments)
  21. META_hater (208 points, 136 comments)
  22. just-a-user7 (207 points, 104 comments)
  23. LingLing2020 (200 points, 72 comments)
  24. amKingK (195 points, 79 comments)
  25. megaancient (178 points, 101 comments)
  26. WunHunDread (170 points, 89 comments)
  27. Void-kraken-909 (168 points, 69 comments)
  28. _summoning_ (165 points, 71 comments)
  29. AtomBubble (162 points, 72 comments)
  30. HORRORCRANKY (159 points, 74 comments)
  31. my_man_44 (156 points, 72 comments)
  32. The-Midnight-Noodle (155 points, 83 comments)
  33. Chthroop (155 points, 71 comments)
  34. WalleyeHS (155 points, 46 comments)
  35. redsteal1 (153 points, 62 comments)
  36. T_ForceBlade_T (152 points, 83 comments)
  37. oft_tractor (148 points, 66 comments)
  38. sminima (147 points, 47 comments)
  39. PAAB- (146 points, 67 comments)
  40. MarqezHUN (146 points, 54 comments)
  41. StargateFan2121 (143 points, 58 comments)
  42. wtfyoloswaglmfao (141 points, 60 comments)
  43. arielbelkin (141 points, 48 comments)
  44. PutnamPete (136 points, 48 comments)
  45. RaphyTheFrenchDude (135 points, 88 comments)
  46. Mr_Cossack_ (132 points, 50 comments)
  47. Mirage-X-Nightfury (131 points, 46 comments)
  48. OnlysneakyOxygen (130 points, 59 comments)
  49. sethwski (126 points, 33 comments)
  50. Snake54331 (124 points, 70 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Petition to make the map in the remastered version like this! And the bots uses their lights on the front. by TheXiaoZeng (247 points, 81 comments)
  2. Arthur. DM me for commissions, I'm open by NB_art (243 points, 63 comments)
  3. Distracting Ming with Hover AKA dancing on it by Luk3Zer0 (240 points, 37 comments)
  4. LEGO Ares that I made by Osiru_s (225 points, 50 comments)
  5. Get the beacon please by FenchBadScienceGood (222 points, 19 comments)
  6. We all know that guy by FenchBadScienceGood (214 points, 32 comments)
  7. 😂 by JaydaGreaat (202 points, 22 comments)
  8. I made a tiny Fujin by SuperNova618 (184 points, 27 comments)
  9. It's all about that honor by 5656554 (180 points, 12 comments)
  10. I'm definitely gonna get downvoted for this but here's my Ao Taran. A ao jun made out of taran pieces. by nothingishereblyat (178 points, 35 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 52 points: Catman_98's comment in Everyone's dream I guess?
  2. 50 points: Luc-514's comment in Titan trade in values lower than regular bots???
  3. 44 points: NorwalkAvenger's comment in The Operation Pass: How it Went From “Hero” to “Zero”...
  4. 43 points: Dracoby7's comment in Game has become as boring as watching cars rust
  5. 41 points: Mirage_Main's comment in more fake ads huh
  6. 31 points: PhantomPiGod's comment in is this a good offer?? i mean.. i bet i can get it for free
  7. 30 points: sethwski's comment in Found a really bizzare ad for war robots, never thought they would advertise their game like this
  8. 29 points: Esoteric907's comment in The Operation Pass: How it Went From “Hero” to “Zero”...
  9. 29 points: arielbelkin's comment in Distracting Ming with Hover AKA dancing on it
  10. 28 points: Nibble1234's comment in Hey everyone so I have 902 Platinum saved up for a while now I currently run a level 6 Kid with level 12 Meta and Beta weapons and my question is which Titan should I purchase? Or should I wait for Noodles to be available in the store
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats
submitted by subreddit_stats to subreddit_stats [link] [comments]

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Some Casino Gambling Tips

Know Your Limits

We know that money management can be a boring subject, and it can be difficult to keep track of your spending in the heat of casino action, but it's imperative that you set a budget and stick to it. Make things easy on yourself and decide what you can afford to lose before you start playing. Which means this should be play money—not the money you set aside for housing, groceries, or other bills. Almost everyone budgets for weekly or monthly entertainment (movies, dinners out, a game of golf, etc.) and gambling is no exception. If you can't afford to lose it, don't play. And if you actually win, don’t be afraid to go home right then and there, money in hand. The casino will be open tomorrow, too.
Likewise, set time limits for your play, both per game and overall. Factor in time to take breaks, too, like having a drink or getting something to eat. Then, stick to your plan and leave the casino when your curfew comes, even if you feel like Cinderella. Your budget will dictate your time limit as well: If you blow through your play money in an hour, that's it. Go home.
Finally, in the heat of battle, fighting for chips or trying to outwit your poker opponents, a clear head is imperative. So watch your alcohol consumption. Any more than a single drink each hour is going to have a serious impact on your ability to gamble effectively. Set your limit and stick to it, or expect to go home broke.

Get the Most for Your Play

Getting the full value from your bets means taking advantage of whatever comps and freebies your casino offers. Make sure you have joined the player’s club to acquire comps and be sure to use your card every time you gamble, even if you are only playing for a few minutes. If you are playing at the table, use your card each time you sit down.
Check in at the player’s club desk every time you visit and make sure to sign up for snail mail, email, and text notifications—that's the best way to receive any special deals the casino might be offering. Even just a few new points could net you a free breakfast, qualify you for entry into a drawing, or earn you cash or a free gift. Almost every casino offers first-timers incentives like x-number of points and/or cash to sign up for their player's card. So don't be shy—you want to get the most bang for your buck.
Getting full value can have a significant impact on your slot play as well. Many new slot machines allow you to play any number of credits, lines, and credits per line. But it can be confusing, so make sure you read the info screen to ascertain how you reach the bonus screen or top payout. Sometimes you simply can’t play full credits (Some machines take up to 750 credits for full play), but weigh your wagers against the top payouts. Maximum payouts may not be your goal, but make sure you play enough credits to get to the bonus screen or you’ll miss the best part of the game.
Likewise for video poker when it comes to max credits. You might want to take a few hours to play just one or two coins, but be advised that you can’t get the big royal-flush payout without at least five credits played (and often more). You won’t hit that royal very often, but that’s usually what people are aiming for.

Smile for the Cameras

Cameras, or the eye-in-the-sky in casino parlance, are just about everywhere in casinos these days. They are there to protect the house, but may also protect you if there is a dispute about a card shuffle or a payout. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t want to do anything foolish because Big Brother is always watching. Nor should you get a false sense of security when it comes to your personal belongings. These cameras might catch a thief on camera, but the perp will be long gone before the authorities have a chance to review the tapes. Be vigilant and always keep track of your purse, jacket, cellphone, etc.
As for you turning the tables, casinos do not allow their customers to take photos while gambling or strolling through the property. If you and your buddies want to take a selfie after a big win, or you run into your poker hero and want to preserve the encounter for posterity, ask the casino manager or floor boss first.
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submitted by Boomah422 to u/Boomah422 [link] [comments]

test table

Patch Notes Detail
EP36 1. Added Poring Stockmarket feature
Buy shares, then sell shares for funds.
Funds can then be exchanged for items.
2. Added player megaphone announcement feature.
VIP/SVIP player have 3 chances to broadcast a public message to the channel
3. Can now sort guild members by power
4. Increased gold and exp gains in RB0~6
5. Pat adjustments. 5 pats per day for 50 honor each.
6. Misc. changes added player announcement to VIP/SVIP tooltips.
Fixed some issues with chat emotes not showing up
EP37 1. Added Pet Master and Honor Emblem VIPs
2. RB7 class skill and skill unlock adjustments.
3. Added new new badge for real life merchandise
4. Added a way to purchase gift coins at the Store
5. RB7 map adjustments.
Reduced amount of boss encounters, but added more double passive bosses.
6. Further increased RB0~6 gold/exp gains
7. Players can now check combat pet passives before RB4
8. Other game optimization and adjustments.
Added more costumes.
New players will always receive gears when clearing early maps
Now able to check guild power
EP38 1. Added formation feature, now possible to put character infront of combat pets.
2. Added 15 new pets, 4 of which are orange rarity.
Orc Chief passive: Every time ally loses 20% max HP, increase this pet ATK by 5% for 3 seconds
Orc Hero passive: This pet can only be frozen/stoned/slept/stunned for 0.8 second
Phreeoni passive: -30% duration from debuffs (excludes hard CCs such as stuns)
Valkyrie passive: Deathwhisper: Decrease all enemy skill accuracy by 80% for their next skill.
The others are new purple pets.
Yao Jun, Giant Whisper, Nightmare, Orc Zombie, Sky Petite, Sting Marionette, Joker, Obeaune, Mutant Dragonoid, Strouf
3. New lollipop gift.
Costs 10 gift coins, recipient will get 10 diamonds and random item
4. Now possible to refresh costume lineup with diamonds.
This will now affect the reset cooldown
5. Added HP lifebar displays for all allies.
Battle will fail when both character and pets are defeated (previously battle would fail when only character is defeated)
6. RB7 related fixes
EP39 1. Added Lunar New Year themes
2. Added Merchant VIP
3. Honor Emblem adjustments that we already have
4. Added RB7 class passives.
Rangers debuffs will be stronger and last longer against enemies.
Rune Knight receive 20% less damage
Warlock's non-AoE skills will have 33% chance to attack an additional target
5. Adjusted some enemy passive and difficulty.
Toned down RB7 map 540, 550, 710, 770 and RB6 map 690.
6. Added exclusive costumes to the market section for Merchant VIP
7. Now possible to gift VIPs to other players
8. Added Sky Petite passives
9. Can now filter pets by rarity for explorations
10. Added Guild Q&A feature for certain rewards.
Needs guild with 30 or more members
EP40 1. Added new runes
???: Taking damage will increase crit chance for a duration.
???: Increase current skill damage, but current skill damage will become damage-over-time for 5 seconds.
???: Decrease opponent accuracy when attacked for a duration.
???: Increase buff duration.
???: Increase normal attack damage and normal attack can attack 1 additional target for a duration.
???: Reflect a special effect for a duration. Reflected special effect will not last as long.
???: Receive a damage shield for a duration, scales with missing HP.
???: Add bonus damage to the current skill, more damage as battle drags on.
2. Some Tournament adjustments for matchups with different RBs
3. Added Red Packet log to see who claimed.
EP41 1. Renewal to the Your Name feature.
Randomly pair with 3 nearby players, eventually awards players with 2 costume coins and 666 diamonds
2. New badge - Poring selfie stick. Some real life merchandise
3. Removed Lunar New Year themes
4. Added some surprise gift box that will show up during specific occasion (/shrug)
5. Guild Q&A adjustments.
Answer time increase to 3 mins from 1.
EP42 1. New feature to have contests with uploaded profile photos.
Each contest runs for 5 days and there are two phases.
In the preliminary phase players can share their profile for votes, more votes the better the rewards.
The next phase will take top 64 voted players for 1v1 eliminations.
2. Record playback for WoE
3. Added badges related to the above profile photo contests.
EP43 1. New Drift Bottle/Message in a Bottle feature.
Every player can send out 4 bottle and claim 3 bottle every day.
Players can send short message in the bottle.
It's also possible to play rock paper scissors through the bottle and winner will receive a lucky star.
Lucky star may contain costume coin, diamond or other surprise gifts.
2. Added new purple pet Menblatt.
This pet will also be available from the upcoming monthly sign-in.
Pet passive: this pet receives 40% less damage from non-single-target attacks.
3. Another badge for real life merchandise ???????
EP44 1. Added lv 150 Orc Chief MVP raid.
2. Added map shard drops to the new RB4 purple pets.
3. Buffed some orange pet passives
Maya: +12% ATK/DEF (up from 8%)
Drake: Deathwhisper +10% Dmg, -10% Dmg Taken for 10 seconds (up from 6 sec)
Moonlight: 20% extra Special Damage (up from 15%)
Orc Chief: Every time ally loses 20% max HP, increase this pet ATK by 10% for 3 seconds
Orc Hero: This pet can only be frozen/stoned/slept/stunned for 0.5 second (down from 0.8)
4. Buffed Orc Zombie passive.
Increase damage by 1% (+0.5% every herat), but lose 5% current HP every 3 seconds.
5. 38 Woman's Day related event
EP45 1. Added trading feature at Trading Post.
Players can post up to 10 different items for trade, each post will last for 24 hours.
There are small transaction fees for each trade.
Item prices are automatically adjusted based on server supply and demand.
Items are mailed after transactions.
"2. With the opening of Trading, we added a new currency Zeny
Zeny will not be wiped between rebirths.
3. Some adjustments.
GTB explore skill now increase zeny gain by 8% (4% base +1 each heart) instead of 15% gold.
Exploration no longer rewards gold
No longer possible to fuse rb4 pets by collecting their shards before rb4
Adjusted idle calculations
4. Added Trading Post to home screen
EP46 1. Added new class skills after RB7.
Rune Knight
????? Losing HP will heal other allies
????? A charge attack, deals bonus damage based on number of times attacked during charge
????? Increase damage taken and reduce def/mdef for both enemies and allies.
????? Shoot arrows against all debuffed enemies.
????? Attack all enemies, adds random amount of bonus hits against debuffed enemies.
????? Decrease attack speed and accuracy for both enemies and allies
???? Deals damage to enemy, a portion of damage dealt will become shield.
????? Enemies will receive damage every time they land a critical, skill crit will receive more damage.
There is an internal proc cooldown.
????? Increase cast time and SP consumption for both enemies and allies.
2. Adjusted some RB7 skill damage
3. Trading Pots listing will now last 12 hours instead of 24 hours.
Fees reduced by half
4. Drift Bottle improvements.
Can now see more info from other player bottle.
Players can now send 10 bottle and claim 5 bottle a day.
EP47 1. Added a new Divinity system, allowing for massive stat growth.
Divinity design and parts can be obtained from Odin Temple, these are also kept between RBs
2. A new Battle Team for Odin Temple, consisting of 3 members.
Difficulty and idle rewards at Odin Temple will scale with rebirth.
Combat pets, explore pets, and runes are disabled in this Battle Team.
The attribute bonuses from explore pets will still work, but their combat capacity are disabled.
3. More Trading Post changes.
Only players who beat RB0 map 400 may use the Trading Post.
Added buying caps for single items.
Some UI improvements.
4. Change skill names for a number of RB7 class skills
5. Reduced zeny cost for refining
EP48 1. Added raiding for Odin Temple.
Raided parts are bound-to-character and can't be traded.
2. Divinity improvements.
Fusing and refining Divinity will consume bound-to-character parts first.
3. Divinity UI improvements.
4. Added more tiers to purchasing gift coins
EP49 1. Added Poring Carnival guessing game
2. Merchant VIP can purchase 3 Poring Carnival tickets every day instead of 1
3. Fixed some Divinity display issues
EP50 1. Poring Stock Market adjustments to use zeny instead of daily shares.
2. Merchant VIP adjustments due to Poring Stock Market changes
3. Added another skill set for Odin Temple Battle Teams
4. More Divinity tooltip improvements
5. Some display adjustments for old gold
6. Home page UI improvements
EP51 1. PvP system renewal.
Still lasts a week and will split PvP groups to 30 players each.
Each PvP ticket will last for 3 consecutive wins (down from 5)
1~3rd place in a group will be Master placement, 4~10th will be gold, 11~20 for silver.
Now possible to leave a 20 word message to opponents after victory.
Strengthen4 will require 1st place in group to unlock
Bloodshot3 will require 2nd place in group to unlock
2. Login interface improved, 3D model will be shown when choosing characters.
3. Removed Explore tab from home page (use the one at Pet interface instead).
EP52 - 1. Added Thief class.
1 year launch for CN RB7 Thief passive increase their attack speed by 30% and can't be lowered by more than 100%.
Thief main stat is dex.
Thief may inflict poisoned status, increasing normal attack damage and critical rate, stacks up to 15 times.
2. Added new tiers of runes and combat skills
Placing at Master tier from PvP will award special items,
these special items are used to increase new rune and combat skill levels
New rune tiers
Ciernie 4: Reflecting damage taken will also recover HP
Desita 4: Now increases damage from both buffs and debuffs
??4: Taking damage will greatly increase crit chance for a duration.
??4: Receive a damage shield for a duration, scales with missing HP. Immune to debuffs while the shield is up
new combat skill tiers
Restore 4: Restore team HP, remove negative effects and become immune to negative effects for a short duration.
Life Transfer 4: Spend own HP to recover weakest allies' HP. Ally also take less skill damage for a duration.
Receives Recover Effect
Life Stealer 4: All allies will restore HP and SP from attacks
3. Adjusted RB7 map gold and exp per min
4. Adjusted Shield of Tardy and Attack Strengthen effects
5. Adjusted honor consumption for all RB7 classes
EP53 1. PvP Improvements
Increased Master 1st~3rd place honor rewards to 6000, 5000, and 4500
Gold placement can now award special items for unlocking new runes/combat skills
2. Adjusted new character growth tasks
3. Reduced difficulty for 2nd and 3rd job advancements.
2nd job no longer require 30 refines and 10 PvP.
3rd job no longer requires 1000 smelt
4. Player announcements will no longer show up in chat history.
5. More Divinity display fixes?
EP54 1. Market adjustments.
Market refresh now requires diamonds.
Increasing luck % will increase chance of higher level items.
Buying from the market will also increase luck % now.
Refreshing or buying from market will increase luck by 20%.
2. Some thief suit forging bug fixes
3. Merchant VIP now gives 20% diamond market refresh discount instead of zeny.
EP55 1. Added a new red tier gears.
These have higher stats and may have exclusive red effects.
Once identified, red gears may have at least 1 red effect.
Red gears have a 3rd gem slot for legendary gems
Smelting red gear will also give legendary gems, reforge shards, and smelt points
Reforge consume reforge shards to reroll red gear stats
Legendary gems can also be composed to higher level like normal gems.
2. Market improvement.
After 600% luck, red gears may start showing up.
3. Misc. UI bug fixes.
To be added after the source got translated
EP56 1. Added Children's Day Event, uploaded photo related
2. Added red quality gear to pet equipment
3. Can now refresh opponents after every PvP victory
4. Fixed some legendary gem display issues
5. Misc adjustments
To be added after the source got translated
EP57 1. Added more tier 4 runes
Vald 4: 3x the increase with critical hits
Iyali 4: Rune effect will benefit 1 random ally
?? ???: Much higher accuracy debuff effect
??????: Reflected debuff will last for the full duration
2. Added more tier 4 combat skills
Raid Away 4: Much faster cast time, small increase in damage and stun time
Bloodshot 4: Now hits all enemies.
Awaken 4: Now also applies a shield effect
Group Assassination 4? Higher damage, cancelling applies a damage buff and HP recovery
These new rune and combat skills require PvP rewards to unlock.
EP58 1. Added 170 more maps, up to 1000 for all rebirths.
The new maps will not drop higher level equipment.
2. Pet Combat Skill Balances
Majority of effects will last for a number of combat skills instead for number of seconds.
To be added after the source got translated
3. Chat improvements.
Will reduce number of advertisements and harrasements
4. Fixed some misc issues for purchasing 10 pvp tickets for non-vips
EP59 1. Added a new exploration, Endless Battle for RB2+.
There is no time limit for this exploration and no item rewards or base exp bonus.
The pet being sent will receive exp every hour, manually end the exploration to collect accumulated exp.
Endless Battle has its own exploration slot and RB4 will unlock 2 slots, RB6 for more.
2. New Deviling badge for real life merchandise
3. New Super Explore Pet Potion.
This gives 200,000 exp to an explore pet.
Starting from RB2 character level 70+, Super Explore Pet Potion may show up as exploration rewards.
4. PvP point calculation changes.
Points will be calculated right at the start of battle.
5. Added new pet combat skills
????? Chance to steal opponent's crit chance and damage and attacking or being attacked
6. Pet leveling improvements
If explore/combat pots are enough, there is will be an auto-level button to level explore/combat pets
to the next advancement level
7. Some detail adjustments related to terms of service.
EP60 1. Trading Post rule optimzation
To ensure fair trades, we made some internal system changes and upgrades.
To be added after the source got translated
2. WoE optimization.
Removed WoE squad system.
3. Updated tooltips
EP61 1. Added new Spiral/Endless Tower system, unlocks after RB2 map 400.
Every floors has easy, normal, hard difficulties. Difficulties will determine the rewards.
Spiral/Endless Tower is also on a weekly season, ranked by highest floor reached for each RB.
There are Tower-exclusive buffs, but they will only work in this mode.
" Players can also choose to reset Tower progress once every season
2. Added Star Soul system
Unlocked after RB2, accessible through the character Star Soul button.
Shards obtained from Tower can be exchanged for Star Souls. More Star Souls can be exchanged with higher RB.
Can also use Tower Shards for prayers to obtain Star Soul exp to level them up, granting more stat boosts.
3. Some Odin Temple Battle Team optimizations
Challenge multiple stages
Tooltip fixes
Idle red dot notice to remind players they can idle
4. Endless Battle exploration now capped at 7 days.
5. Adjusted some Divinity icons
EP62 1. Balance adjustment for Star Souls.
To be added after the source got translated
2. Balance adjustment for some Red Gear effects
To be added after the source got translated
3. Tower adjustments
There is now a reminder for new season
Some enemies will have different skills or other changes with different seasons
4. Character skill balance changes.
Archer toxic arrow effect now deals % current HP as damage instead of % max HP.
EP63 1. SplinteSister Guild system.
Can split main guild into 2nd or 3rd guilds.
2nd and 3rd guilds will have their own leader and their own WoE.
After splitting guild, guilds will gain a permanent +20% reward bonus
"2. Changed Tower auto-challenge from ""Challenge until failure"" to ""Challenge again after 20 minutes"""
3. More tooltip fixes
To be added after the source got translated
EP64 1. Tower bug fixes and ranking display
2. Tower seasons now last for 2 weeks.
3. Poring Stock Market bug fixes
EP65 1. Removed Divinity designs from Trading Post and from the game.
2. Existing Divinity designs may be sold for zeny
3. Tooltip fixes
EP66 1. New PvP system, Valhalla
Another seasonal, 8 days each season.
In short, 14 same-rb players in a group battle it out, 3 will advance into the next phase.
Rewards include honor, diamond, mysterious rune/pet stone/crystals, and universal pet shards (polishing/advancing for any pet)
2. Inviting old friends back.
Invite an old friend who hav been offline for more than 7 days.
If the invited friend comes back for 1 day, then the player will receive 200 diamonds. 2 days for 300 diamonds.
3 days for a rare costume. Accumulating 5 days sign-in will also be eligible for the rare costume.
3. Fixed some Divinity part display issues at Trading Post
EP67 1. Added pet rating system (we have this already somehow)
EP68 1. Trading Post improvements.
Single item can be stacked up to 200 from 50.
Daily price fluctuations now capped at +200% or -50% from previous day.
2. Tower now shows season timer
EP69 1. Random events.
After going offline for a while, relogging into the game may trigger some random events.
2. Valhalla minor changes
3. Fixed some issues with certain legendary gems not being able to upgrade to lv 7
EP70 1. Added Valhalla badges
2. Added poring badges for real life merchandises
3. Fixed some friend sparring issues with Star Souls stats not counting.
EP71 1. Optimized job change missions.
Reaching certain refining level is enough, instead of reaching certain refining amount
Only 1 Lv4 gem needed instead of 3
2. Adjusted tooltips for some boss passive
3. Fixed some known issues.
Failing to refine Divinity not consuming parts.
Certain tooltip issues for white gears
EP72 1. Added rewards for collecting and raising pets.
EP73 1. Some pet skill adjustments
Phreeoni passive: -80% duration from debuffs (doesn't include hard CCs)
Joker passive: When this pet deals damage it has 60% chance to deal +15% and 20% chance to deal -3% damage.
Giant Whisper passive: This pet's attacks has 75% chance to go through the frontline and damage the backline.
2. Some pet combat capacity adjustments
Phreeoni: If a skill gets canceled, then skills have 50~70% chance in the next 12~20 seconds to be immune to interrupts
(scales with heart level)
Orc Zombie: Increase damage by 4~8% and lose 5% current P every 3 seconds.
3. Adjusted RB3+ diamond cost for acceleration
EP74 1. Added new event, Gachapon.
Completely daily quests to receive Gachapon coin.
Prizes may contain the new orange pet Detardeurus or other surprise items.
2. New orange pet Detardeurus
Only obtainable through this event.
Cannot use universal pet shards for polish or advancement.
Combat passive: Roar: +16% damage and damage reduction to all allies. -2% every 10 seconds.
Combat Capacity: Increase damage by 2/4/6/8/10% (heart scaling) when buff exists.
Decrease damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10% when debuff exists.
3. Some costume display fix.
EP75 1. Skill balance changes
???????? Slightly reduced counter damage and counter stun chance
Increased job passive effects and buffed special effects inflicted by archers.
Buffed ???? bonus damage
Raised ???? base damage
Increased Energy Coat damage reduction and greatly reduced SP consumption per damage.
Increased ???? evasion bonus
2. Updated Gachapon mission tooltip
3. Fixed some misc bugs with thief costumes.
EP76 1. Tournament Renewal and changed to Ragnarok.
Unlocks after map 250.
Groups split into 100 players based on battle power.
Top 16 will advance into elimination.
All players will be randomly assigned 4 opponents, every ticket for 1 battle.
5 tickets will be given out every day at 5, 12, 18, can be stored up to 15.
Player can bet God Coins on the top 16 contenders. God Coins won may be exchanged for items
2. Old Tournament coins can be exchanged for other items at Bio Laboratory
3. Fixed Detardeurus display issues for shard requirements
EP77 1. Copy skill and pet combat skill feature.
When viewing Recent Clears, it's now possible to quickly choose to copy character skill and
pet combat skills other players are using
2. Auto Explore function
Added Auto Explore button.
Will auto fill explores from top to bottom.
Red explore missions will not be included.
3. Fixed some issues with legendary gems not working in Ragnarok
EP78 1. Ragnarok optimizations
During elimination, capped reward to 200 God Coins for the player being bet on
Easier voting display
Optimized point calculation
Optimized payout calculation
God Coins can no longer be sold
EP79 1. Costume Draw feature added
It's now possible to draw costumes at the Store.
Every draw guarantees a costume, but dupes are possible.
Dupe costumes will be converted into shards, shards can then be exchanged for other costumes.
2. Added fast level-up option to explore pets, this is only available to Pet Master VIPs
3. Market adjustments
Market now divided into 3 tabs: equipment, pets, and gems.
Each tab will have its own refresh prices.
Market now auto refresh at 5, 13, and 21
Luck % removed
Merchant VIP will now increase red gear chance instead of having 500% starting Luck.
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