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d100 Exotic Resources Extracted from the Underdark

  1. Cave Fisher Silk - twice as soft, twice as strong, twice as expensive
  2. Violet Fungus Tendrils - used for totally legal and not at all necromantic rituals
  3. Blackroot - an herb used in potent poisons. If properly fermented and distilled, the base of an unbelievably strong spirit
  4. Drow Ears - illegal to harvest in most areas, but a valuable status symbol among Dwarven and Goblinoid communities
  5. Glühstein - A naturally luminescent purple stone seen in the chandeliers of the realm's gaudiest nobles
  6. Purple Worm Secretions. Ranging from bile, blood, to waste, all of the parts of a purple worm have their uses.
  7. Strange artifacts drug from the deepdark. Who knows what was their intended purpose or who their creators were.
  8. Strange potions, exotic drinks and other such substances
  9. Luminous paint made from glowing mushroom powder
  10. Top-grade poisons
  11. Carpets (many underground races weave fine carpets to cover hard surfaces of their interiors)
  12. Precious gems, minerals and ores
  13. Granite, Marble, and other expensive building stones
  14. Mind flayer tentacles - incredibly dangerous to harvest but used in dozens of illicit potions from improved truth serum to near mind control.
  15. Grimlock skulls
  16. Flumph Ichor - A pearlescent, viscous substance, with the consistency of a water-based lubricant, that can either be extracted from a Flumph or found in the places it touched. Eaten as-is when found makes you violently ill for 1d4 hours. Adding water, salt, ash and rendering down into a draught makes a pearlescent potion which gives you -1 to CHA rolls for 1d6 days.
  17. Umber Hulk chitin - in large quantities, can be boiled to create armor. The claws can be fashioned as smaller picks or pitons. Powdered Umber Hulk chitin has various medicinal and illicit uses.
  18. Cloaker guano - wizards have found this to produce unusual effects if substituted for bat guano in a fireball spell.
  19. Blursveftrubim - a svirfneblin (deep gnome) concoction said to help new denizens resist some of the effects of breathing toxic fumes in parts of the Underdark.
  20. Harvested Roper tendrils - when trimmed from a Roper, dried, and worked until pliable, Roper tendrils can make strong ropes.
  21. Ocher rot - a fungus that grows on the walls of caves near the entrances of the Underdark. When dried and burned, breathing in the smoke can induce visions or hallucinations.
  22. Living slimes. used to create poisons. 1. acid slime (common). 2. big acid slime (common). 3. Poisonous slime (common). 4. Paralyzing slime (uncommon). 5. Ooze (Barrel size. Rare). 6. Necrotic slime (damage caused by these ones can only be healed using high rank spells. Very rare).
  23. Sacred Drow's flower. Used to create powerful healing potions which give temporary extra stats. Only Drow's know how to cultivate it. As a sacred resource they will never bargain it. Should be robbed or assaulted.
  24. Cave fish roe - the eggs of a species of eyeless fish native to pitch-black caves in the Underdark. Considered a delicacy on the surface but they have many alchemical properties too.
  25. Duergar tobacco - a type of lichen harvested, dried, and smoked by the duergar. It’s claimed to do anything from increasing fortitude to granting Darkvision but few surface dwellers have ever properly examined it.
  26. Aboleth Essence - the waters of the pools and lakes the aboleth make their home take on many strange properties, but few are brave enough or foolish enough to try to collect some.
  27. Cloaker leather - the hide of cloakers are known for their sound-dampening qualities and as such are prized by thieves and assassins. The hard part is getting it before the cloaker gets you.
  28. Rift Stone - A Strange Stone that has been deposited from the Astral Sea into the Underdark via. Unknown means. The stone is abnormally dense and seems mundane until identified and has a strange property about it that rebounds spells and any amount of damage dealt to it back to the assailant.
  29. Crystallized Weave: A concentration of crystallized magic that has been found to power magical abilities if ingested. Spell users who eat one of these crystals restore one spell slot. The level of spell slot is dictated by the quality of the crystal.
  30. Drider Silk: Webs from a drider, sold by Drow colonies in the underdark for exorbitant prices. Makes very fine and highly protective light armors, and is also a luxury for the various nobilities aboveground.
  31. Deepness Mushrooms: A hallucinogenic mushroom that has yet to be officially declared illegal aboveground
  32. Spore Filters: Finely woven masks that, when worn over breathing holes, protects from most fungus spores and can even give limited protection against toxic gasses. Does not protect against smells. If it gets wet it becomes impossible to use until it is dry again.
  33. Rod of Tiny Spiders: Casts unlimited infestation spells but with tiny spiders instead of any other insects. When touched it almost feels like it's writhing in your hand. After many uses it may catch the attention of Lolth and her followers.
  34. Pudding Residue - quickly harvested into specialized containers built for the purpose immediately following the death of a black pudding. Useful as a solvent, made into cleaning agents or corrosive weaponry.
  35. Myconid Telepathy Spores - illegal to own in civilizations that believe Myconids to be sentient beings the spores are harvested from the corpse of a slain Myconid. These spores when properly processed can allow a pair or group of individuals to form strong telepathic links for up to 8 hours.
  36. Myconid Reproductive Spores - harvested from the corpse of a Myconid who has reached reproductive age. These spores are known for a single use outside of their usual Myconid reproductive cycle when properly processed: The creation of a Fungi-Golem from a humanoid corpse. (Re-skinned version of flesh golem)
  37. Hook Horror Hooks - harvested from the Hook Horror these hooks can be fashioned into tools, weapons, or decorative items.
  38. Beholder Eye Stalks - these stalks are often sought for purchase if they are removed with the eyes intact and properly preserved. A talented or knowledgeable wizard can often create a rod that contains the ability that the stalk once used when the Beholder still commanded it.
  39. Construction fungus spore - the fertile spore of a type of fungus that grows into large lumps as hard as stone but much lighter. Many underdark inhabitants use such fungus to build houses and other buildings
  40. Slime Crystal - a crystalized ooze creature, turned to crystal by the unique underdark environment.
  41. Mists of Desire- Vapors from a unique volcanic vent that when inhaled cause you to see hallucinations of specifically things you desire most. Is sold in small glass jars that can be inserted up nostrils
  42. Advanced Technology- There are ruins of an incredibly advanced civilization down there, every now and then someone will bring back relics from it. They can range from shelves that extend the storage life of products placed on it to laser weapons but it is always random.
  43. LuMoss- bioluminescent moss with a pleasant smell, used as eccentric light sources aboveground mostly in noble manors
  44. Manticore Leather- Durable and very comfortable leather made from the hide of a manticore. Difficult to come by and expensive but some people swear it's worth every penny
  45. Blindheim Occular Jelly. Useful for creating potent flash-bombs, when focused.
  46. Umber Hulk Eye Lenses. One of thier compound eye lenses can provide some protection against certain gaze based attacks.
  47. Bloodletting Dust. A fungus that resembles filamentous asbestos. When dried and prepared properly, a small pinch of it is enough to prevent the closing of wounds and inflict bleed damage on victims, easily weaponized into an airborn powder.
  48. Burning Baiju. Brewed by the dark dwarves, and made from various lichens of the depths, this liquor (when enchanted by those in the know) helps provide Fire Resistance.
  49. Spurge Resin-mold; a medicinal, succulent fungus which resembles cactus, and grows wild in darkness where the water supply is intermittent. It has never been successfully domesticated, but can be transplanted. Once removed from its native environment, the fungus never fruits again, but can survive for centuries, and even slowly grow to the size of a full-grown dwarf. When broken, the succulent “leaves” of this plant release a medicinal resin. Additionally, the flavor of the sap is spicy; so spicy, in fact, as to literally kill the nerves in one’s skin with a fiery heat that beats that of the hottest forge. Properly diluted (thousands of times), the sap can be used as a flavoring agent reminiscent of humans growing and enjoying hot-peppers.
  50. Cave Grapes: Phosphorescent Beetle larvae that feed on a variety of root-like fungal nodules. They grow to be grape sized and store a large amount of sugary liquid in thier abdomens like honeypot ants on the surface. They squirt a phosphorescent goo on attackers as a defense mechanism. They can be foraged for, and even domestecated as delicious treat.
  51. Flying Wrigglers: A variety of worm-like outsider creature that has naturalized to this plane, they do not fly, but actually burrow through the air like worms, leaving a burning hot glowing trail behind them several inches long. They are capable of melting through glass, rock, and metal, but do not seem to feed off of anything except magic. Spells cast in thier presence (while they live) have a 5% chance of being treated as if they cast by one that is 1d3 levels lower (when determining spell save DC, duration, damage, etc). Holding these creatures is difficult, but thier magical damping properties make them valuable.
  52. Cavelotus: A distinctive white lichen that instinctively casts dancing lights for up to 1 hour per day. The lichens grow in large clumps of multiple plants, supporting the sustained cantrip for much longer than 1 hour, collectively. The lichen supports itself by tapping into both the photosynthesis system of nearby plants, as well as breaking them down for nutrients. Other plants requiring light are dependent upon the cavelotus. The cavelotus leaves resemble giant lotus leaves (up to 2 meters across), and have a perfumed (if fishy) flavor, edible; with creamy-white with milky blue veins. The leaves roll and unroll slowly by themselves, in a very slow dance (hours); it sprouts milky-blue puffballs that release pale-blue spores; supported by a stalk that drips a white, sticky, milk-like sap. The sap is narcotic, and a powerful dissociative; somewhat like ketamine if properly collected by a trained alchemist. Chronic exposure to the sap occasionally caused collectors to display 'semantic memory impairment, and dissociative and schizotypal symptomatology'.
  53. Sour Po'Tuber: Not actually a plant, but technically an outsider and a form of "slow life" that experiences time differently than normal creatures and plants; these cone-shaped lifeforms burrow through even solid rock with a single, hard tooth on the end of their six to twelve-inch wide tap-root by slowly twisting and pushing forward. A single Po'Tuber takes 15 years to grow to adulthood from a bud, and digs at a rate of about 1 foot per year. Once established, they spread out runner-vines which form woody, waxy, starch-filled tuber-like buds which can be harvested, steamed and slow-roasted, and then pounded for several minutes into a tasty, very stretchy mochi-like paste. The paste is sour and tastes like mashed-potatoes with dill pickle juice and anchovy paste; to topsiders perhaps not a flavor combination that appeals, but many in the darklands relish the dish. Additionally, the po'tubers resist rot for up to a year until cooked.
  54. Mirror Mold: Step in, or touch a patch of Mirror Mold, and a mindless, shambling simulacra of yourself will grow from this silvery grey glop a few hours, days, or weeks later. There are old dark-delver tales that occasionally, particularly old patches of this stuff, if left alone long enough, learn to do more than just shamble. There may be some truth to these tales. The simulacrum melts if severely damaged, exposed to high heat (60 Celcius, kills the Mold), below freezing temperatures (The mold ceases to function, but spores are viable), Low humidity (doesnt kill the spores, but stops the simulacrum). Other methods to kill the simulacrums may also exist. Because of these properties, they make a much sought after component for making magical simulacra!
  55. Bristlebud: Not spectacularly dangerous, but painful if encountered. These crystaline outsider puffballs resemble spiky cotton balls and bristle with fine urticating hairs and fling them if disturbed. The fine, jagged hairs are actually ultrasharp silicate, glass, or asbestos-like fibers that irritate anything they touch. Were one to pop near your eyes or mucous membranes, you may be in for some potential blinding, long term pulmonary distress, or serious rash and swelling. A component in some area-denial magics.
  56. Obsidian Nettles: Crystaline growths from a form of silicate outsider that forms fractal forests of long, ultra-fine obsidian needles. The needles vibrate and transmit sound almost perfectly, storing it for long periods of time like a sort of battery, the energy further causes crystal growth. It is not clear the creature or plant is sentient, nor what specific sounds foster growth, and what triggers cause the needles to release thier energy in dangerous focused bursts capable of seriously injuring careless adventurers. Some small patches that have been well exposed to the noises of sentients for years have been reported to be able to cast the spell Ghost Sound. It is not known what capabilities larger patches may have. Spines of this plant are often components in sound based magics.
submitted by InsufferableIowan to d100 [link] [comments]

TPP Fused Crystal Summary: Day 7

Previously on Fused Crystal, we got all of the available badges and ran into an insurmountable problem with a Machine Part and a Waterfall. Y had a bad time and we got some new teammates, so now all seems right with the world. Where to now…?
We spend the rest of the day training with JKilt off the coast of Cinnabar since there's a surprising number of Fire-types in the water. How long may it be before we finally breach the gates of Victory Road? And just who awaits us atop the sacred Mount Silver? Hopefully we'll learn all that and more, next time!
submitted by Hajimeilosukna to twitchplayspokemon [link] [comments]

[Let's Finish] D100 Interesting Things Inside A Dragon's Hoard

This is an old thread of mine from a long time ago that I was hoping could finally be finished. Basically anything that might be in a dragon's hoard, from interesting magic items to things that add a little flavor to the dragon in question a list of what you might find in a dragon's hoard. Original link is here
  1. A poorly sculpted statue of the dragon that apears to be made entirely out of gold except for a few gems for the eyes and other rare and valuable things that represent scales, wings, claws etc. It's about the size of a dog and when examined it appears to be magical in nature. If the dragon is dead it will have wounds resembling any large injurries the dragon has sustained, the gems in the eyes will turn pitch black. If the dragon is alive the statue will have small dents representing any damage resently taken, the gold will aplear to be the color of the dragons scales, and the gems in it's eyes will shile brightly(other effects may also be seen. Such as fuctioning wings and a breath weapon one fourth as powerful as the dragons). (By thestupidone51)
  2. Letters sent by the dragon's former human paramour bound lovingly into a book. (Lysdexic12345)
  3. Various pieces of complex machinery scattered about. The dragon was an amateur tinkerer. (Lysdexic12345)
  4. Four broken dragon eggs, with no baby dragons in sight. Were the eggs 100 years old? 3 days old? Who knows. (Lysdexic12345)
  5. A map to somewhere you don’t recognize. However, it looks very old. On the back is a drawing in crayon of a dragon, presumably the dragon who owns the hoard. When asked, the dragon says it was made by their son. (By malnox)
  6. A tortle’s shell encrusted in gems and precious metals. It belonged to an old noble who was obsessed with jewels and jewellery. He died from heavy metal poisoning... and dragon fire. (By DungeonsNDysenteryDM)
  7. The Ornate Knife of Lavish Excellence- A beautiful, spotless, golden, platinum, and gem encrusted knife. The gems make it uncomfortable to wield, but it looks gorgeous. If the knife gets dirty, it's holder gets -1 to all rolls until properly cleaned for at least 10 minutes, longer if it gets even dirtier. If it continues to get dirtier, the penalty increases to a maximum of, -5. The wielder of the knife also draws hostile attention of any nearby ankhegs, mud mephits, and any variant of earth elementals within a 5 mile radius, if there are any. (By Stolas95)
  8. An old cookbook, either from the nearby destroyed kingdom or a long forgotten civilization. Once translated, there are 50+ recipes of easy weeknight meals for busy serfs. If rolling a high enough investigation, there is also three interesting potion recipes on the last few pages. (By less_hairy_bear)
  9. A golden dragon statue, that when the command word is stated can scout ahead, attack, or take watch. Very shiny, so bad at stealth, attack is a spurt of molten gold equal up to a tenth of the statues mass, after nine or so attacks, the dragon is just the head of the statue which can still talk and observe, but cannot move. (By less_hairy_bear)
  10. Seven large cats, of various colors and temperaments. Whether they be the dragon's pets, or parasites who scrounged on it's scraps I know not. But I am leaning heavily towards the pets. Some have magical collars that makes their jumps farther, or stealth stealthier (By less_hairy_bear)
  11. Large brass or gold telescope that can not only see incredible distances, but can also see through most objects. Provided they aren't over 3 feet thick, when attuned, can also hear over the distance you see, making eavesdropping super easy (By less_hairy_bear)
  12. A giant gold statue of the dragon posing, made by someone who the dragon captured to make it. On the base a message in a language the dragon didn’t speak reads “A smug Asshole” (By Fish_can_Roll76)
  13. An old heavy wooden coin. When flipped (such as to play heads or tails) the symbols indicating the head or the tails change. Different kings and queens feature on the heads side and the tails shifts between various fantastical animals. (By Moss_the_Boar)
  14. A pile of roughly 50 large stones, each about 9 meters tall and weigh 23 metric tons, the dragon stole the fucking Stonehenge (By Jens_Viking)
  15. An oil painting portrait that changes it's subject based on whoever the first person to look at the canvas after the crack of dawn. (By DeathBySuplex)
  16. A splendid magical sword/spear, that appears out of use after inspection : the blade is blunted, jagged and bent. (The dragon used it as a toothpick) (By Lymakk)
  17. Deck of No Things: Just a pack of playing cards. Ordinary playing cards. Missing a 4 of clubs. (By LordSwitchblade)
  18. An ornate box or velvet case of playing cards that looks exactly like the one that holds the Deck of Many Things... which is totally empty. The dragon just liked the container. Somebody else has the deck. (By Ninten_Joe)
  19. A self-playing set of Azad "the most complicated game in the world"; think Jumanji meets the most grognardy game system imaginable. The game itself is sufficiently subtle and complex that a player's tactics reflect their own political and philosophical outlook. Each player must place two or more small items of value, like a copper, silver, gold, platinum piece, on the game board and then say the command word aloud which is "Would you like to play a game?" in Celestial. One piece is for you, and the remaining pieces represent the difficulty level of the opposition. The game features cards, tiles, miniatures, dice, spinners, etc. and the set is very ornate and intricately carved of ivory, jet, alabaster, ebony, jade, and gold inlay. Each loss, the pieces are incorporated into the board, each win and an amount equal to half of what was wagered, plus the original wager appears on the board. The base DC to win a copper wager is DC16. What the players might not realize is that the quality of the item degrades slightly with each win they make, down to minimum value of 100gp, at which point the game resembles a faded cardboard game box. (By MaxSizeIs)
  20. The Oathbone: A dagger made from the fossilized bone of an ancient being. The dagger dates back to the stone age, and you can actually feel it's age by looking at it. ANY being that makes a solemn oath and seals it with blood spilled by the blade is magically forced to keep that oath. They will be physically incapable of backing out of their word, and if it's within their power to do so they will be compelled to complete the oath as it was stated. Only a god or higher being could hope to overcome the influence of the Oathbone, everything else is susceptible to its covenant. (By Kami-Kahzy)
  21. A masterfully well crafted musical box made out of ivory. When the beautiful Ivory box is opened a finely crafted Dragonborn of corresponding color to the dragon twirls with a sword in his hands. The music casts a sleep spell on anyone who hears it. When brought into town the device can be given to its gnomish maker who’ll then reward the party. (By CrusaderKingsNut)
  22. Throughout the encounter, the dragon converses with and makes comments to an unseen entity they address as Rufus. Afterwards, the party finds an empty suit of non-magical armor hidden away in a corner of the hoard. It is on a stand with a plaque that reads "Rufus". (By r13allan)
  23. A small jar of magical boot polish, which will cast "Make Whole" on any worn or damaged boots, as well as a small kit with needle and thread which can magically do the same to clothing. A small pouch of Prestidigitation Powder will clean any item of clothing as well. The whole thing is inside a nondescript wooden case clutched in the arms of a very dead, and very stiff skeleton dressed in a Valet's uniform. A nametag on the uniform reads, "Bentley".(By MaxSizeIs)
  24. A wondrously intricate wooden chair full of brass levers, and gem encrusted knobs. The chair is actually a broom of flight, but more comfortable. (By MaxSizeIs)
  25. A 1 dram vial of liquid computronium. The vial scintillates with brief random pulses of colored light. With study, the pulses can be confirmed to have a pattern that will always be maddeningly elusive. After consumption, the drinker's Intelligence Bonus (for Intelligence Checks only) should be considered +2 higher, permanently. The drinker must, however, succeed on a DC17 Constitution Save or permanently have disadvantage on either Strength or Constitution Saves (Player's Choice). (By MaxSizeIs)
  26. An ornate sarcophagus covered in gems, stones, and precious metals. It is completely melted shut. When finally pried open, a perfectly preserved adventurer corpse on top of a much older skeleton is inside. (By A_Heckin_Goblin)
  27. A gold embossed, jade handled, cold iron seal that weighs 10 pounds. The seal magically changes with each user that holds it, updating the seal into a unique and intricate pictoglyph in an ancient dialect of Celestial or Draconic that, when translated, lists the true and complete identity of the wielder, in so far as an "official and unique" identifier that can never be changed and follows the user through reincarnations. Along with the seal is an ivory urn of a red-carmine colored powder that when combined with the seal and pressed to an object, affixes the object with a permanent arcane mark in the shape of the seal. (By MaxSizeIs)
  28. A Jade cylinder approximately 4 inches in diameter and 10 inches tall, intricately carved with bas relief of the founding of an empire and uncounted multitude of subjects performing all sorts of tasks. The detail work is incredibly minute and seems to change each time the canister is rotated, with the scenes updating "forward" in time if turned clockwise and "backwards" in time if turned counterclockwise. (By MaxSizeIs)
  29. A crystal sphere in which is housed the skull of an evil lich. Four holes have been drilled in the sphere as if they were meant to be used as a bowling ball. The lich's eyes glow when someone holds the sphere. They glow brighter when the sphere is used as a bowling ball. There is no sign of a bowling-alley anywhere nearby. (By MaxSizeIs)
  30. An exquisitely taxidermized Draco-sphinx in a "regal" and "noble" posture with an engraved gold nameplate declaring it to be named: "Lord Fluff-kins Prissyfoot Jenkins Poof-poof Twist-tail IV". It has been placed in a position of prominence. The eyes have been replaced with gigantic, highly faceted, nearly priceless gems of painite that are 10,000 carats each. (By MaxSizeIs)
  31. An entire galleon half buried in coins, evidently snatched from the sea with sailors included by the dragon. (By Lysdexic12345)
  32. A famous statue that was stolen from the town square of a city. (By Lysdexic12345)
  33. The dragon's prized snow globe collection, lovingly cared for and in mint condition. (By Lysdexic12345)
  34. The dragon's automated defense system of 5 mimics disguised as chests mixed among the loot. (By Lysdexic12345)
  35. The hoard is literally inside of a dragon sized swimming pool..... you honestly can't blame the dragon (By Lysdexic12345)
  36. A chest full of toys such as tin soldiers, dolls, etc. All of them are covered in dust and look like they haven’t been touched in years. When asked about it, the dragon will suddenly go all quiet and melancholy and refuse to elaborate further. (Sobek6)
  37. A golden statue of an adventurer, apparently frozen mid conversation. At [insert oddly specific time] every [day/night/second Tuesday] the statue turns into a living adventurer. The adventurer is cursed to exist as a statue, only returning to normal every [insert parameter] for [insert oddly specific amount of time]. The dragon took the statue without knowing of its true nature long ago. They enjoy talking and having tea together whenever possible. The dragon may consider the adventurer their only true friend and would be very upset to lose them. (Brogan9001)
  38. a life-size statue of a celestial, made of solid silver. it is frozen in a position of reluctant defiance, its wings spread and its face the very picture of fear and bravery. maybe it's not a statue... (-peachmilk-)
  39. A Child-sized Ornate Gold Coffin, (1500-2000 gp value). (disturbednadir)
  40. A thin golden circular disc the size of a dinner platter with a circular hole an inch across in the center. The surface is extremely polished and gleams with an rainbow iridescence in the light. It is easily scratched, and devalued when one does so. (MaxSizeIs)
  41. A 30 foot long chain carved from ivory, with links two inches across, ending in a closed collar made of adamantine, sized for a gargantuan creature. Each link is etched and inset with platinum wire, with a unique name in an obscure and truly ancient dialect of Celestial. (MaxSizeIs)
  42. An adamantine anvil the size of a house, weighing in excess of 750 tons. The base of the anvil has melted, leaving the top angled at a strange angle. The anvil is much hammer-beaten, and is covered in a massive number of untranslatable runes. (MaxSizeIs)
  43. A finely faceted, crystalline egg, five feet across, containing a nested set of the platonic solids made from purest gold from the Celestial planes, and etched with astronomical symbols. It is cradled in a wrought iron holder. (MaxSizeIs)
  44. A simple set of mirrors on wooden stands, set at least six feet apart, facing each other. Any one who looks in either mirror only ever sees the back of their head. Each night, for 3d6 weeks later, the viewer has vivid dreams and nightmares, full of omens and portents. Each dream or nightmare is either absolutely devastatingly true, or so devilishly false as to shake one's worldview to the very core. (MaxSizeIs)
  45. A tiara of mithril, tantalum, and platinum with sharpened, dagger-like protrusions jutting out at least ten centimeters long in a corona (imagine the Statue of Liberty). Seven astral diamonds, the centermost 1 cm across, adorn the tiara. The crown is the functional equivalent of a magic staff and has ten levels of spell charges and may be used to cast the following spells (if the wielder is capable of casting that spell natively): Clone (Lvl 8, uses 8 charges), Regenerate (Lvl 7, uses 7 charges), Magic Jar (Lvl 6, uses 6 charges), Soul Cage (Lvl 6), Blight (Lvl 4), Magic Circle (Lvl 3), and Revivify (Lvl 3); regaining one expended charge per day. The wearer may expend a spell slot of the same level to recharge a number of charges, and or may up-cast a spell from the tiara if there are enough charges remaining, the upcasted spell uses a number of charges equal to its new level. ( MaxSizeIs)
  46. A three headed, medium sized, statue of a seated feline made from what appears to be Onyx, Black Marble, and highly polished Black Basalt, in a highly stylized form. The breed of feline appears to be a very short-haired variety. Each head of the feline is in a different pose, which changes whenever no-one is looking at it. One head always has three eyes and two demonic horns, and one head has an eye made from a brilliantly cut astral Diamond with swirling flecks of pigeon-blood ruby within as inclusions. Occasionally, the cat statue has tentacles similar to those of a Displacer Beast. ( MaxSizeIs)
  47. A kinetic sculpture twelve meters across, made from suspended plates of mithril, hammered bronze, and gold-leaf, with supporting bars of adamantine. At times the structure resembles a flight of dragons. The structure moves with the slightest breeze, nearly silently, except for the nearly inaudible rasp of leathery wings flapping. When a powerful light source is placed within, it casts a shadow-story of a dragon defeating all-comers on the walls. ( MaxSizeIs)
  48. A set of scrolls in an ornate ivory holder carved with images of pineapples and angelic and diabolic versions of cherubim frolicking. The scrolls are magically enchanted to display, in vivid color and intricate, illuminated majesty: a thorough chronicle of the past, present, and most importantly, future life-story of whoever is attuned to it; as if it were them at their most grandly heroic or villainous. The scrolls are prone to blatantly airbrush the protagonist in the most "fan-fiction-y" way, elide boring parts, and cannot actually foretell the future, only projecting a version based upon what the scrolls can magically read from what one remembers (or imagines) their life (and the characters within it) to be. The scroll is very nearly infinitely long, and seems to record continuously, resembling a very medieval, campy comic-book with a nearly infinite number of issues. Reading ahead is possible, and those issues get tagged as "non-canonical". Once "written" it is not possible to overwrite the issue, except via a subsequent "retcon" issue. Much of the scroll currently details the life-story and history of the Dragon from which the item was taken, and man-oh-man... the reader will be lost for words describe the self-aggrandizement within. ( MaxSizeIs)
  49. Seven porcelain urns, each the size of a medium human, from a now extinct kingdom. The urns are extremely rare. They contain a gritty dust that is actually a mix of equal parts industrial grade diamond, high grade residuum, gold filings, ghost salts, and ground bone, which the dragon would take a pinch of each meal to help with digestion, help with heartburn, and give just the right edge of anger for peak performance and a nice, brooding slumber. A skilled alchemist and wizard, teamed up, could (with luck, time, and a great deal of infrastructure) extract a fair amount of gold and material components from the urns, provided they get past the screeching undead infesting it. (MaxSizeIs)
  50. A magical, decorative koi pond, taking the form of an angular, floating Klein bottle that flexes and gyres slowly to some inscrutable pattern. The water it contains defies gravity, and smoothly flows like a peaceful, sunlit, babbling brook with a gravel bottom, a small grassy bank, and other appropriate flora and small fauna that would occupy such an environment. The brook contains a small school of ornamental koi fish, some of which are quite large. Each fish's scales are actually gold pieces. Any copper, silver, gold, or platinum peice deposited in the water becomes a fish of a size dependent on value. Over time, if fed and cared for, the fish gain size and value, slowly. Careful study and prolonged observation may reveal the gold-plated skeleton of the Wizard that created this magical art installation, ritually pinned and eternally drowned, slowly moving with helpless, unending undeath. The small fish seem to love swimming between the bones. (MaxSizeIs)
  51. A gold plated statue of a seated, meditating monk. Inside it contains a Lich or body of some other Sentient Undead Humanoid, trapped in astral form, bound and captive, tortured with the knowledge that it will never be freed to the Material plane. The dragon would talk to it; it was a good listener. (MaxSizeIs)
  52. Goblets of Shattering: A set of at least seven fragile musical crystal goblets. Up to once per hour, when all are played at once (A standard action), it can cast the spell Shatter against selected targets within range. Roll a d6. On a 1, this causes one of the goblets to break as well, but the damage dealt by the spell is doubled. If all the goblets are broken, the magical set no longer functions. A DC25 Int or Wis check, an day or casting and puzzlework, and the spell Mending, plus 100gp per attempt can repair one broken goblet. (MaxSizeIs)
  53. Scrubadub Tub: A heavy gold plated metal washtub weighing 300 pounds. Six feet long, three feet across and three feet deep. When mostly filled with clean warm water, any object or creature placed within the tub is cleansed as per the spell Prestidigitation. It also smells strongly of either rosewater, jasmine, orange blossom, mint, smoked sausage/bacon/steak, sandalwood, patchouli, or lavender (roll a d8), for up to one hour. (MaxSizeIs)
  54. A rare magical bottle of "flavor-anything" sauce. The bottle is never empty, and never goes bad. The flavor is interesting, unique, and addictive. It is also hundreds of years old and not able to be replicated. (MaxSizeIs)
  55. A fine set of masterwork, elven, boxwood combs, smoke aged and hardened for 30 years, and inlaid with fine gold wire in a floral pattern. The combs come with a fine black boxwood case, lacquered and inlaid with gold wire in a matching pattern. On closer inspection, the inlay is a stylized form of an elven family crest that hasn't been in active use for over 600 years. (MaxSizeIs)
  56. A collection of nine large-sized black porcelain vases with fine white scroll work, that have been deliberately broken and then artistically repaired with gold via the kintsugi method. A medium sized creature could easily hide inside each one. They are easily 2000 years old. (MaxSizeIs)
  57. The title to an "small" estate. It is signed by a minister of a nearby kingdom, that died 200 years ago. Surprisingly the estate is still held in trust by an agent of the Dragon, it has fallen into disrepair and quite the tax-bill, however. (MaxSizeIs)
  58. A set of ornamental nesting dolls weighing 300 pounds. The inner-most dolls are only 1 inch high, made of gold, then silver, then copper, then of carved jade, then 1d4 ivory dolls, 3d6 of lacquered smoked boxwood. After that, the dolls are fine porcelain glazed with green celadon of varying hues from jade to black. There are 12d6 dolls in total, with the final doll being 5 feet tall. The motif is of various dragons, and their eggs, the largest one being a multiheaded dragon. (MaxSizeIs)
  59. An iron plated doorway five feet wide and ten high, and stone frame weighing one ton; all placed on a roll-around cart. Runes an eighth of an inch high cover every inch. Open the door and on the other side is a vast poplar forest, with the perpetually golden canary yellow leaves of fall. The forest is "infinite", and contains highly potent amounts of negative planar energy, although enough positive energy remains to be over-all neutral. Each time the door is opened it takes one to a random place within the forest, but within a few miles of where it was last opened. When closed (and it closes automatically exactly one minute after opening, DC20 STR to prevent closing) the door is gone. The runes on the door are difficult to decipher (DC25, even with magic), but tell of a forest where the leaves are literally gold, and how to get there. News-flash, it involves child sacrifice at midsummer, and making a deal with an evil power. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll teleport exactly to the golden leaves. (MaxSizeIs)
  60. An magic axe that can only be wielded by one who will die by its blade. It looks quite crude, but is very potent, magically. (MaxSizeIs)
  61. A magical ayam cemani rooster in a small golden cage shaped like a carriage. It lays small golden eggs worth 1d6 gold peices (one per day) to do so, it must be fed with grain upon which a person has died by violence, or the laying stops. One dead sentient makes about 1d100 eggs. (MaxSizeIs)
  62. A matched pair of life-sized terracotta camels. They bear runes at least 3 times older than the dragon, but don't do anything special. (MaxSizeIs)
  63. 1d6 terracotta chestnuts. When buried and watered with a drop of blood and the sweat from one's brow, they grow either a dry-fit stone wall 5 feet thick, 10 feet high, and 50 feet long (in the shape desired by the user), or a tunnel thru solid stone of similar dimensions. The process takes one full round. (MaxSizeIs)
  64. A polished stone statue of a dog the size of a 10 foot cube with the magical abjuration and necromantic effect of Turn Undead DC17 in a continuous 200 foot radius. It doesn't seem to do anything else, otherwise. (MaxSizeIs)
  65. An earthenware dovecote in the shape of a beehive that fits within a 5 foot cube and weighs 150 pounds. An attuned user may, once per day, while adjacent to the dovecote summon a swarm of Stirges (CR6) for up to one hour. The user has no control over the swarm, except will not be attacked. If used in this manner, once per day, the dovecote will produce randomly either 1d6 Healing Potions, 1d4 Greater Healing Potions, 1d2 Superior Healing potions, a 20% chance of a Greater Healing Potion, or a 20% chance of nothing. The stirge swarm must be feeding for the entire hour for this to occur. (MaxSizeIs)
  66. A large urn the size of a human with the word Mom carved into it (Lysdexic12345
  67. A few large piles of dragon dung (Lysdexic12345)
  68. A large block of never-melt-ice (Lysdexic12345)
  69. A golden magic harp enchanted to play by itself once the command word is spoken (Lysdexic12345)
  70. A Cubic Gate (Lysdexic12345)
submitted by Lysdexic12345 to d100 [link] [comments]

My experience applying for BTO as a first timer single

In the recent Aug 2020 BTO sales launch, I decided to apply for a 2 Room BTO as a single. I am detailing the process here in hope of helping other similar first timers trying to apply for a BTO flat. I thought a guide would be useful. Some of these may look like common sense but bear with me la.
Before applying, things to take note:
BTO Sales is launched. You are given one week to apply for the flat. I recommend applying as soon as you can because I think the ballot number is based on order of application. At this point you should start preparing your HDB Housing Loan Eligibility letter (HLE) from HDB, or Approval in Principle (AIP) from the bank, whichever institution you decide to loan from. I can't advise on this because I'm using neither. I don't like borrowing money heh.
Wait for results. After about two weeks, the ballot results will be out. If you sign up for the SMS alert they may or may not alert you via SMS (Or be late about it). You can check the HDB portal periodically for the status, or if you check daily thread people will usually post about their ballot number being too high/quite small. Apparently this is like tioing TOTO. My first time round applying it was Sales of balance flats and I failed to get any number. This time my ballot number was three digits, a little bigger than the number of flats available, so I'm quite lucky I guess. Even if your number is like 20 more than the ballot number, you might still have a chance because the numbers before your might cancel their application.
This is where I got a little confused. I excitedly went into the HDB portal, clicked on my ballot number and there was a button for open booking of flats. It stated that "there are no available flats left for singles left". So of course I thought I no longer had a chance in booking a flat but...
You receive an invitation to book your flat. Mucho confusion. I thought no more flats for singles left? During the days up to the appointment date so many wild thoughts were running through my mind because of the earlier message. But I decided to chalk it up as a glitch in the system and went ahead and prepared the documents. Even now, after I have booked my flat I still have this innate fear that it wouldn't be approved because of this.
You have to download the application form, annexes, HLE or AIP, required documents, EHG application form, Appointment letter (You need this for gaining access to HDB sales office during Covid period. I'm not sure about before or after Covid). Just print out everything la better be safe than sorry. This is where your pay slips for past 12 months come into play cos you need them for grant application. Try to clear your date and time for the appointment because you can't change it. Alternatively, you can ask somebody else to go in your stead but why would you entrust that to someone else, unless it's your SO or someone with a good grasp on what you want.
My SIL and bro drove me to the site before the appointment date so that I could make an informed choice on which is the ideal unit among those left. I highly recommend visiting the site before your appointment. Study the site map and unit placements to choose your unit. As my ballot number was greater than the available flats, the good units (no blocked view, corner unit, higher floor) were all taken liao so left with some that had shortcomings, but what to do. I didn't want to waste my chance. You can check the units that are still available on your HDB web portal, when you click on "application status" there will be a "Flats available" option.
Edit: (courtesy of u/brownriver12's input: have a list of flats ready in case yours really gets potong jalaned.
i think like check the night before (when selection has closed for the day), then make up to 30 choices, depends on what time is your appointment slot. also once you reach the counter, yell your unit so the hdb officer can 'chope' the unit while she processes your documents.
Go for your appointment. And bring all those documents your printed. Check and double check the night before. I put mine in a folder. Do not be late for your appointment lest your flat choice be potong jalaned by someone else. If you miss the appointment time they'll give your slot to the next person in the ballot queue. Then you gg might have to wait until 12noon or something. While you are waiting, there will be displays on monitors at the waiting area mounted on the pillars, and you can see for yourself what are the flats slowly getting booked by other applicants. Don't think it really helps with the jitters leh. Really macam betting TOTO or at the stock exchange. LMAO.
eEdit: When you reach the counter, yell out your unit number so that the officer can chope your unit immediately to prevent someone else getting to it. Because there are other people booking flats concurrently. (contributed by u/brownriver12) The HDB officer will process your documents and ask you to sign a bunch of stuff, explain your flat price, assorted legal fees and your financing options. Pay close attention to what she or he i saying. You'll have to pay an option fee of $500, which will be refunded when you make the down payment. During this process my heart was pounding and I almost teared up because it is a poignant moment when I'm making one of the major decisions in my life.
Your grant application will be approved in one to two month's time and the appointment to sign the lease agreement about two or three four months time.
Aaaand this is where I'm at right now, waiting for the results with mixed feelings. Did I make the right decision? Too late, I've already done the deed. So now I have about two years, give or take, to plan and save for my renovation and furniture. Argh.
Please note that all the forms I stated above are correct at present time. But the government may decide to change the grant (last year got more grants for singles!) again so check again ok?
Edit: some formatting issues and added some details.
Please excuse any inaccuracies because I'm just basing this on what I (don't) know/remember.
Edit 2 (31 Dec 2020): I went to check on the status a week or so ago and my EHG grant got approved! Now waiting for the appointment.
Edit 3:Went for signing of lease agreement on Tuesday, 2nd Feb 2021. This appointment not as strict as selection flats. You can reschedule the appointment if you can't make it (Which I did cos i had flu symptoms the day before and thought i should see a doctor and get swabbed. That's another story for another day..) Your flat isn't going anywhere.
Bring your ic and mobile phone wth singpass 2FA setup. Aso have your bank account number ready so that they can refund you the deposit. You can choose between refunding to your bank account or cpf. Ofc choose bank account la otherwise i won't be able to touch it at all.
At this point you're supposed to pay 10% down payment. Either through your cpf or cashier's order if not enough. Your appointment letter will explain what you need to bring. Think that % if you're taking bank loan is different. The hdb officer should have explained to you when you selected the flat so pay attention.
The officer will tell you estimated date of key collection. Mine is about two years later Jan 2023. Then after appointment go eat Jollibee at novena one station away.
Yay!!! Time to look for reno ideas. See y'all in two year's time. I'll probably make a new post if I'm still around.
submitted by blackwoodsix to singapore [link] [comments]

FortuneJack 50 Gratis Spins + 6 Bitcoins Bonus + 250 Free Spins

FortuneJack 50 Gratis Spins + 6 Bitcoins Bonus + 250 Free Spins

FortuneJack No Deposit Bonus
Visit our FortuneJack Casino Review and collect 50 Gratis Spins on sign-up! Enjoy our exclusive no-deposit and no-wager bonus after you have verified your mobile number. Plus, get 250 free spins and 6 BTC free cash in welcome offer.
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About FortuneJack Crypto Casino

Bitcoin casinos have become increasingly popular recently, particularly in markets where online gambling transactions aren’t always easy to process. Many sites that once only used traditional banking methods now offer the cryptocurrency as an additional option, while others have developed their entire casinos around the digital currency, going so far as to place all bets in Bitcoin (BTC).
One of the more prominent sites in that latter category is FortuneJack. This Internet casino is fully devoted to being played in BTC, from the time you deposit to the time you cash out. There are bonuses that use the currency, and all of your gameplay will be done in it as well, meaning you never need to use any of your sensitive financial information to play here. Back that up with a solid selection of games, and you have a very solid option in this emerging area of online gaming.
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FortuneJack Payments

In what is a fairly unique design decision, FortuneJack doesn’t use any standardly-issued currencies at all in its banking system. That means that you cannot deposit or withdraw in dollars, euros, pounds, or anything else that you might be storing in your bank account.
So how can you play? The site uses a variety of different cryptocurrencies to power its games, and you can do both your deposits and withdrawals in any of these. You can also use the exchange interface to – as the name would suggest – exchange between any of a number of popular digital coins. The complete list of supported virtual currencies includes:
  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Dogecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Zcash
  • Dash
  • Bitcoin crash
  • Monero
One of the great things about this system is that it allows you to make withdrawals instantly, without the delays seen at most casino sites. One potential drawback is that it can be tricky to get started if you’ve never purchased a cryptocurrency before; however, the site does provide a convenient link to Indacoin, which provides a quick and simple way to purchase Bitcoin.
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FortuneJack Games

Often, sites that are a bit quirky and offer something unique come up a little short when it comes to game selection. However, that’s not the case at FortuneJack, as the operator has partnered with several major software developers in order to put together a robust selection of titles for players to choose from. You’ll see games from Betsoft, Endorphina and others here, along with some truly different options that aren’t popularly offered throughout the industry.
Let’s start with slots. If you’re familiar with Betsoft, you know that their 3D slots are some of the most popular games in the online casino industry thanks to their outstanding graphics and interactive bonus features. These games are augmented by a number of other games from other providers, including a Bitcoin-themed title known as Satoshi Secret. Some of the most popular machines include:
  • Greedy Goblins
  • Rock Star
  • Mega Gems
  • Mr. Vegas
  • Mamma Mia!
  • Blast! Boom! Bang!
  • 4 of a King
  • Fairy Tale
  • The Ninja
  • Pachamama
When it comes to table games, you’ll find plenty of common choices like roulette and blackjack variants. But where FortuneJack really shines is in its selection of live dealer games. These tables are presented to players over a live video stream, where you can watch a real human dealer use actual casino equipment to determine the results of each bet. It’s the closest you can get to playing at a real resort on your computer. This site has one of the biggest selection of live dealer games we’ve seen yet, including the following choices:
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat
  • Sic Bo
  • Dragon Tiger
Other games include keno, bingo, a dice game, and a binary trading option for those looking to mix the Forex currency trading market with their casino play.
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FortuneJack Promotions

FortuneJack offers players a 100% matching bonus on their first deposit. Given the theme here, it’s only natural that the maximum bonus amount is expressed in cryptocurrency: in this case, it is 3 BTC. This bonus is fully cashable and carries a wagering requirement of 40 times the initial deposit amount. Various games will clear this promotion at different rates: while live games contribute just 5% of each bet, keno counts for 100% of each wager you make, with most other options falling somewhere in between.
Overall, the terms and conditions of this promotion are rather fair. While you’ll void the bonus if you try to cash out before you’ve cleared it entirely, you’ll still be allowed to keep all of your winnings to that point. In addition, you’ll have as long as you want to finish clearing this reward – there is no time limit for you to work around.
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Thanks to their instant play software package, there is no need to download anything to play at FortuneJack. Instead, you’ll simply need to log into your account on their website, and you’ll have instant access to all of the games in their collection. The only thing you may wish to do is ensure that your web browser of choice is up to date; beyond that, you should have little problem playing regardless of the operating system or other software you are running. We should note, however, that there is no dedicated support for mobile gaming here; while it’s possible that you might get parts of the casino running properly on a tablet or phone, there are no guarantees of that at this time.
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Overall Impressions

On the whole, we have been very impressed by FortuneJack. This site handles the Bitcoin gaming experience better than just about any we’ve seen, and the fact that many other digital currencies are also accepted here is a wonderful touch. The game selection and promotions are also great, meaning that for players who want to gamble with cryptocurrencies, this might just be the best option out there.
Still, this isn’t a site for everyone. The lack of traditional banking options may make this site confusing or inconvenient for some players, and we’d like to see them add mobile-optimized options at some point. If you’re looking for a classic online casino, other sites may be more up your alley. But if you’re ready to venture into the world of BTC gaming, FortuneJack is a great place to get started.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

FortuneJack Bitcoin Casino 50 free spins no deposit bonus

FortuneJack Bitcoin Casino 50 free spins no deposit bonus

FortuneJack Casino Review
Register your account with FortuneJack Casino and receive 50 free spins after verification! It's a no deposit bonus, no code needed! After that, get 250 free spins and 6 Bitcoins (6 BTC) in welcome bonus! Wow, that's the best crypto casino bonus!
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FortuneJack Casino Review

The site is laid out fairly well with a few areas we’d like to see improvement. We did dock some points for the fact of how “heavy” the site is on Bitcoin. If you don’t have a firm understanding of Bitcoin and the exchange rates, you will have to do a lot of calculations to know how much certain limits or bonuses are. A lot of Bitcoin only sites will have some real dollar guides on the site to help you out. That being said, you can learn it all within a few minutes.
As Bitcoin grows in popularity, the number of Bitcoin casinos and online gaming sites continues to grow as well. Established in 2014 by the Nexus Group, FortuneJack can still be considered one of the newer players on the market with a lot to offer. While some sites that offer Bitcoin offer other forms of currency, FortuneJack is only a Bitcoin site. This doesn’t mean you can’t use other methods to fund your account; you’ll just need to fund them into a Bitcoin wallet and then deposit onto the site.
If you’re unfamiliar with Bitcoin, it brings a whole host of benefits and advantages not just to online gaming but to pretty much anything that you do on the internet. It allows you to protect your identity, banking details, as well as provides a cheaper and more efficient way to move money. We’ve put together this guide to Bitcoin for you if you’re interested in finding out more about how it all works.

Rating Breakdown

For a Bitcoin-only site, Fortune Jack is a pretty solid choice. The reason we docked a few points is that it is solely a Bitcoin site with no other banking options and the setup of the site is heavy in Bitcoin meaning that you won’t see anything in US dollars or Pounds or Euros. Everything is listed in Bitcoins which may be a little confusing at first if you’re new to the currency. Overall, the site was good, but not great, but does have quite a bit of room to grow.

FortuneJack Game Variety

The site has a lot of different gaming options from about nine different providers. We know how many providers they have because they strangely have their games separated by providers instead of alphabetically or by type. They had no branded games that we saw, but still a lot of great options from a lot of great providers. The quality of their non-slot casino-style games was extremely high and definitely needs to be brought to your attention. If you’re a roulette, video poker, or blackjack player, you’re really going to love this site.

FortuneJack Banking

This may be a bit more of a harsh rating due to the fact that the casino is a Bitcoin-only site, but it’s what we decided on. If we were looking at it as only filling the Bitcoin niche, it would be a 5/5, but since we’re looking at it in comparison to other sites, it would have been nice to see a lot more options on top of just the Bitcoin. The Bitcoin options seem up to par and nothing special to report there except that it looks to be good to go.

FortuneJack Bonuses

The site had quite a few welcome and deposit bonuses as well as a rake race style competition that run weekly. There was a little confusion on how much or how little you need to deposit to get the deposit bonuses, but you should be able to easily contact support and get it clarified if you need any clarification. The site also makes mention of some other bonuses including free spins but does not have any details posted. This may be an error, or they may only have these additional bonuses seasonally.

FortuneJack Customer Service

The site has a contact form and email support listed which is nice, but they did not have any form of live chat or telephone support. Without a ton of testing, it’s hard to tell if these are adequate or not. They could be great if they respond extremely quickly or could be terrible and an easy way for them to ignore you.

User Interface

As FortuneJack is probably fairly new to you (as it was to us), we wanted to take some time and dig through the site and see what they were all about. As always with our reviews, our main goal is to provide you with an accurate and brutally honest picture of what the site has to offer, the benefits, and more importantly, any problems or areas of improvement that we see need to be addressed.
We’re not here to put out a feel-good piece about every site we review. We’re here to give you an accurate count of the site from our experts and equip you to make an informed decision whether or not a site is worth your time or is a good fit for you to play at.
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First Glance

The very first thing we noticed when coming to FortuneJack is that they are very heavy on the Bitcoin. What does this mean? Well, a lot of sites will convert Bitcoins into a more standard currency when they write things on the site to make things a little easier for those new to Bitcoin to understand. FortuneJack doesn’t seem to do this and has everything written out in Bitcoins. For example, some sites (even being Bitcoin) might list their jackpot amount as $2 million, but FortuneJack has their major jackpot listed as 1855.99352835 Bitcoins. These are going to be the exact same amount, but they’re just presented differently.
Does this mean you’ll win any less if you hit the jackpot? Of course not, but it may just take an additional learning curve for you to realize the amounts of a few things. Most likely, this will involve making a few extra calculations when you first start playing at the site, but will probably be something you eventually get accustomed to.
Additionally, on our first pass through the site, we noticed the quality of all the games look to be high. We didn’t see any branded style games, but they do have a lot of games from at least nine different providers. They had a ton of slot games to choose from, and their table/card game selection did look to be higher than with most other sites in the industry. These included a lot of variations or similar games that could be a big perk if you’re picky about what you like to play.
In regards to the layout, it initially looked fairly clean and well laid out, though, after a little more digging we saw some things we think they could improve on to make navigation and finding your favorite games a bit easier. They had multiple ways to access the list of games that threw us for a loop the first time we saw it. Games are also separated by type and then by the provider. Separation by the game type is great, but to be honest with you, we have no idea what providers make our favorite games, so that sort of organization seems a bit pointless to the casual player. We’ll cover this in depth in the sections below.
FortuneJack also had no sportsbook which really isn’t a negative as sites that usually focus on one area instead of trying to be a one-stop shop do a better job in that area of focus. Again, we said usually, but at first glance, this looks like it might be the case with FortuneJack.
Overall at first glance, things look clean, and we’re fairly excited to dig deeper into everything we initially saw and hopefully some things we haven’t seen yet. We’re anticipating a fairly positive overall experience based on first glance, but you can never judge a book by its cover.


Let’s start with the positives. Game selection was huge, like considerably more games than most of the other sites we’ve taken a look at recently. The games looked to be of varying quality from the run of the mill games to some pretty sweet looking selections to choose from. We didn’t see any branded games (games named after famous shows or movies) which would have been nice and was a bit expected with so many different options.
The reasoning for so many game options is because unlike a lot of online gaming sites, FortuneJack purchased games from a ton of different providers. They had games from Endorphina, Softswiss, Igrosoft, Tomhorn, Amatic, Playson, Pragmatic Play, Microgaming, and Gameart. Now, while we’ve heard of a lot of these companies, we don’t really expect you to be too familiar with them which makes this next bit a little strange to us.
There are two separate menu locations for slots, one that opens up the options on the homepage and then one that takes you to a dedicated page with a slots header at the top. Both of these slot sections have the games organized by their creator company. While this is great if you know the exact game you are looking for and for some reason know what company created it, but for the rest of us, it doesn’t really help a whole lot.
Let’s say Cool Diamond II is one of your favorite games. If you’re like the rest of us, you would probably want to look under the alphabetical listing of games to see if that one exists on the site or use a search function to find it. Unfortunately, the only way to find it on FortuneJack is to know that the game is made by Amatic and click on their tab or sift through every single game until you locate it.
UPDATE: We completely missed this on our first several passes through the site, and that’s not a fault of our own. There is a search function on both menus to help you find the game you are looking for. On the homepage menu, it’s labeled on the right-hand side of the screen. If you click the dedicated slot games tab from the top, though, it is not labeled on that page but is just a black, gray area. The only way we found it was by clicking around on the page for a while and noticing a cursor to type popped up.
Regardless, we’d like to see a different way of organizing the games (maybe alphabetically or by style) instead of by parent company. We’d also like to see more attention drawn to the search functions, especially on the dedicated slot games tab.
One other perk we would like to mention before giving you the complete list of games offered is that all of the games at FortuneJack are available to be played for free without creating an account. This is great for testing out the different games and seeing if they have ones that you’re going to enjoy playing for real.
Here is the complete list of games offered by FortuneJack. As much as we’re annoyed by how they organized the games by the creator, we’re going to do it the same way here. That way if you see the one you like on this list, you’ll be able to locate it quickly when you go to the site. We’ve also gone ahead and alphabetized the games which they are not at FortuneJack.
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Casino Games

Immediately we saw some positives and areas for improvement for the casino section, or sections, of FortuneJack. The reason we say sections is because the organization is a little haywire with the games. Again, they have two menu locations for the games, and in both spots, they’re separated into different categories. We’ll do our best to walk you through what they have to offer.
Regarding quality, all of the games look to be of good quality with nothing glaringly bad sticking out. Their table style games did seem to be of higher quality than most other sites we’ve looked at where they always seem to gloss over them and skimp on quality. This is definitely a positive if you like playing table style casino games.

Live Dealers

This is the first casino-style game tab in the first menu from the home page. On the homepage, they are all listed together, but if you access it through the dedicated page from the very top menu, they’re separated by the provider.


This tab was only available on the homepage menu and not on the dedicated games page. It’s important to point out that the quality of the games here looks to be a lot higher than what we’ve seen from other sites in the past including some of the industry giants.


The poker section was available on both menus except if you tried to access the game list from the dedicated page from the very top menu, you can’t see any of the games without logging in. If you use the secondary menu on the homepage a little further down, you can see all the games listed without logging in. You aren’t able to play any of them, but the options are there to at least see them and be able to judge quality as well based on the posted graphics. We were again impressed with the quality of these games especially graphically speaking.


As we mentioned earlier, FortuneJack has a lot of different game variations where other sites only have a few of the more mainstream versions. This is especially true in the blackjack section where they have a ton of different options of high-quality games to play. Blackjack games can be seen from the secondary menu, but there is no tab on the main menu at the top of the page that directs to dedicated pages. If you can’t tell already, we are a bit annoyed by the multiple menus with some stuff being on both and some only being on one or the other.

Provably Fair

This may be a new term to you as it was to us as well. Provably fair is a new way that casinos are actually letting you take part in the randomization and shuffling of cards. They allow you to provide some “instructions” to reshuffle the cards after they have. Basically, the casino shuffler uses random numbers to generate a random shuffle, but sometimes people worry these random numbers aren’t that random.
What provably fair allows you to do is supply your own random number either manually or automatically generated by your computer. This random number is used in the shuffling algorithm. This ensures that you are getting a completely random shuffle and it’s impossible for the casino to be cheating you. In a brick and mortar casino setting, this would be equivalent to letting you cut the cards after the dealer has shuffled.
This is an insanely simplified definition of what it is, but it should get the gist of it across. It’s basically designed for the completely untrusting who don’t trust online casinos or the third party auditors that keep them in line. Personally, we just trust the safety measures and third-party auditing, but for the skeptical ones of the bunch, this may be perfect for you.
As we’ve been talking about, there is a menu across the top that sends you to dedicated pages for some sections and then a menu further down the homepage that showcases everything on the homepage. Everything above we were doing from the homepage menu because it was much more user-friendly and showed us a lot more without the need to create an account.
Just for completeness, here are the different sections included under the Games tab from the top level menu that sends you to dedicated pages. If any of that confused you at all, you can understand our mild frustration with the layout.
It’s also worth noting that there is a Dice tab at the top menu that doesn’t take you anywhere. Maybe they are in the works of building that out or just forgot to link it somewhere.
>> Click Here For Exclusive Bonus <<

Banking Options

All banking on FortuneJack is done through Bitcoin. While some Bitcoin sites will offer other options, FortuneJack is keeping it simple with Bitcoin only. We weren’t able to locate any limits or restrictions but would assume there probably aren’t any due to the nature of Bitcoin. We did make sure to read through the Terms and Conditions section of the site and found nothing about limits or fees or anything like that there. We’d assume everything is a go with them, but you may want to check with support first just to be more informed.
FortuneJack will accept any Bitcoin wallet, but they have a special partnership and recommend using BitGo. Honestly, you don’t have to use this one specifically, and it’s completely up to you which wallet you use. We recommended several in the intro section of this review for you to check out.

Bonus Promotions

Welcome Bonus

FortuneJack offers a 130% welcome bonus on first-time deposits with a maximum bonus of 0.5 Bitcoins (BTC). They also had a secondary welcome bonus available that looked to only be good for larger deposits. It was 130% as well for deposits with a minimum of 0.777 BTC and a maximum bonus of 1.0 BTC.

Monthly Deposit Bonus

FortuneJack has a monthly deposit bonus of 100% up to 1 Bitcoin

Additional Bonuses

They talk about a few other bonus offerings but without a lot of details. They mention that they give away free spins but don’t really talk about how those are dispersed or how you earn them. They also mention having a loyalty program, but we couldn’t find anything about it with details. We’d highly recommend contacting support when you start playing here to make sure that they are giving you every bonus possible and that you’re taking full advantage of everything they have.

Jack’s Race

The site also has weekly leaderboard races for players to compete to win their share of 5 Bitcoins per week. Players will receive points for playing games and the more they play, the more points they will earn. The top 50 players each week will win their share of 5 Bitcoins with the top prize being 1 full Bitcoin.
>> Click Here For Exclusive Bonus <<

Customer Service

Customer service options at FortuneJack were ok with a slight lean towards subpar. They have a contact us form and an email list for you to reach out which is great, though, they don’t list a time frame that you should expect a response. There are no live chat options, social media, or phone numbers for you to use to get in touch with them. Maybe they have the greatest contact form and email support under the sun, but they sure aren’t advertising that if it’s the case.


Overall, FortuneJack is a middle of the road casino for us. The magnitude of the slot offerings and the ease of Bitcoin are huge perks as well as the quality of their casino-style games. The layout was a little annoying but not anything to make us not want to play there. We would like to see some more explanations of their VIP programs and also some more customer service options or at least guarantees of response times listed.
Banking is pretty straightforward with Bitcoin being the only option. This can be viewed as a positive or negative depending on your willingness to use Bitcoin. It does look to be a new currency that is starting to get firmly rooted with mainstream companies all over the world which is a big positive. FortuneJack does list everything in terms of Bitcoins, so you will need to have a very basic understanding of them to use the site. The guide we posted at the beginning of this review should be plenty of knowledge for you.
The bottom line is it’s a cool option for Bitcoin and a definite win for players that like a lot of slot options and quality casino-style games. For everyone else, it’s a middle of the road casino that will come down to personal preference whether you want to play there or not.
>> Click Here For Exclusive Bonus <<
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

All of the women in my family die at age 27. I turn 28 in 2 hours and 32 minutes.

My dad always wanted a son. He got three daughters instead.
He hated us all, hated my twin sisters, hated my mother… but hated me most of all because I was the last child my mother had before she died. That didn’t stop him from treating me like his little boy, didn’t stop him from attempting to beat the hatred of my own gender into me. Quit your crying, he’d snap, or you’ll end up like your sniveling bitch of a mother. After years of that shit, he was shocked that I grew up as a tomboy.
I think he hated that even more because I was just a constant reminder of what he never got to have.
My mother died when she was only twenty-seven, when I was only four – the coroner ruled her death a natural passing, some weird heart complication that took her in her sleep. My dad, though, he says it was because of her family’s curse. Whenever I came to him, desperate for more information about a mother I never really knew, he never had much to say. I’m convinced he was just drunk since the day she died. Every woman in her damn family, they die when they’re twenty-seven, he’d sputter in between belches, his breath reeking of stale beer.
I think the real curse is that my mom was the one to die, and not him.
I wasn’t fully convinced by the ramblings of a perpetually drunk man, but when I lost both of my sisters just months before their twenty-eighth birthday, I knew it couldn’t be a coincidence. Moira was found murdered, her face practically blasted off by a shooter while she was on a jog. Joy took her own life only days later. I was the one who found her, hanging in the bedroom of her apartment as I came to pick her up for Moira’s funeral. She’d been there, swinging from the rafters, all night.
It’s hard to live a normal life when you know you have an expiration date, especially when it encompasses an entire year. I always dreaded my birthday, which from an early age became associated less with fun and birthday cake and more with worry and funeral caskets. But once Moira and Joy died, my next birthday – twenty-five – was the most dreadful day of my life. Twenty-six was worse, twenty-seven unimaginable.
This is it, I thought as I closed all of the blinds in my apartment, downing the last drop of vodka in the bottle. This is the last year of my life.
Twenty-seven has been uneventful, to say the least. Why would I make any long-term plans, forge any meaningful relationships when I know they simply cannot last? The worst part of this last year has been simply not knowing when my impending death is coming – it could have been any day within the last three hundred and sixty-four. It could be within the next minute.
I must admit I became something of a recluse, my windows always shuttered, additional locks installed in my door, letting the phone ring through to voicemail, hiding under my covers with the lights out whenever I got a knock on my door. I stocked up on preserved foods and various goods that I would need to last the year. I was so paranoid that I even covered my mail slot, stuffed a towel in the space beneath my front door. I didn’t want anything getting through from the outside world – god forbid, an anthrax letter.
Falling off the face of the earth didn’t matter much, anyway – I didn’t have friends or family anymore. My mother and both of my sisters were dead, and my dad disowned me when I came out as a lesbian after my sisters died. I moved away and severed contact soon after.
The night before my twenty-seventh birthday, I started getting these strange phone calls from a blocked number. I’ve always had anxiety about phone calls, so I just let it ring. The number kept calling, at least once per day throughout the past year. Then the knocking started, once a week at first, but it’s only been getting worse – more frequent, and the pounding on my door more frantic each time. Convinced it had something to do with my inevitable death, I’ve been driven mad by the unknown visitor, especially over the past week.
I got ready for bed last night, knowing that tomorrow – today, now – is the day I will turn 28. My time had run out, and I searched for comfort in a bottle of liquor. I didn’t find it. I fell into bed, drunk and delirious, and prayed the morning wouldn’t come, though I knew it would. I eventually got to sleep, but it was restless and unsatisfying. The kind of sleep where you feel like you have one eye open, always watching.
That’s why I was quick to wake when the door to my bedroom creaked open early in the morning, before the first sign of light. I shot up in my bed, glancing around my room in a frenzied panic, at first seeing nothing out of the ordinary other than the door, pushed slightly ajar. A closer look revealed something I’d missed, something that sent my heart racing, froze me to my core. Two dark figures stood in the empty space behind the half-opened door, unmoving, almost like a pair of statues.
Waiting. Watching. Wordless.
“Leave me… leave me alone,” I squeaked, unable to move, paralyzed in the power of their presence.
The shadowy figures instead shuffled out from behind the door, creeping slowly towards me in the dark. I knew this would certainly be the end of my life, the fulfillment of my curse, if I didn’t act. Suddenly recalling the self-defense methods I’d drilled into my mind, I flipped my bedside lamp on to stun the intruders and reached underneath the table to pull the knife I’d duct taped there a year ago – a twenty-seventh birthday gift to myself.
As soon as the light flooded the room, though, I knew the blade would be of no use.
My intruders were not a pair of assassins – not human ones, at least. In the yellow light of the lamp I discerned the identities of the dark figures. They were my sisters. Joy stood at the foot of my bed, pale, in that same conservative black dress I’d found her dead in years ago, the one she’d picked out for Moira’s funeral. Her head hung parallel to her shoulders, neck grotesquely bent from her hanging.
Moira was a few steps behind her. I could only assume it was her, considering the severity of her injuries – she’d suffered a gunshot wound to the head, so brutal that we were not allowed to see her after her death, so intense that it had entirely disfigured her face. The lower half of her face had been reduced to a pit of gore, her jawbone barely attached on one side, her mouth mangled, with only several teeth remaining studded randomly throughout the mess.
“Why are you here?” I cried, gathering my knees to my chest and holding them tight. “Are you… are you here to take me?”
Joy made a feeble attempt to shake her head, the side of her face only brushing weakly against her shoulder. She waited several moments before putting one of her feet in front of the other, moving towards the side of my bed. As I recoiled instinctively, she slowed her pace. Moira trailed after her until they were both beside me.
I whimpered as Joy leaned over me, her head flopping forward suddenly with the motion, neck cracking sickeningly. With her lips brushing against my ear, she whispered, “she… she tried.” Her speech was labored and wheezing, as if her vocal cords had nearly been shredded.
“What do you mean, Joy?” I pleaded.
Her lips moved against my ear once more, but no sounds came out despite a clear strenuous effort. Moira wagered an attempt at answering my query, but only succeeded in sputtering blood from the gaping wound in her face, ejecting one of her remaining teeth onto the floor as her jawbone swung precariously, barely hanging on. She raised one hand, slowly curling it into a fist before striking her knuckles furiously against my bedpost.
The incessant sounds startling me, I forced my eyes shut tight and pulled my knees even closer against my chest. Moira’s knocking seemed only to escalate in volume, seemed to go on forever, until – finally – it stopped. I cracked my eyes open to find that both of my sisters had vanished, that the light of early morning had begun to spill in through the slats of my blinds. It was just past six o’clock, the seventh of June, the day of my twenty-eighth birthday.
I was born at 9:26 AM – once I learned of the curse, I burned the time of my ultimate expiration into my mind. I only had three hours and sixteen minutes left to live… if I even had that long. Draping my covers over my head, I resolved to spend the rest of my life asleep. I figured I’d rather pass peacefully in my sleep like my mother did than to suffer a fate similar to my sisters’.
My plans were interrupted, however, by that damned knocking on the door. The interruption usually didn’t come so early in the morning. I decided initially to ignore the strange visitor but pulled the blankets back down soon after as a certain sense of familiarity struck me. The pounding on the door reminded me all too much of Moira’s knocking just moments before.
It easily could have been a trick of the curse, but something compelled me to approach the door. “What do you want?” I called from behind the barrier, clinging to the relative safety it provided.
The reply came from an unfamiliar man’s voice. “I just have a letter for you, miss.”
“Just… just slide it under the door, and please leave,” I returned, using my bare foot to remove the towel I used to block the small space beneath it.
He deposited a bright yellow envelope under the door as I requested. I waited quietly for the sounds of receding footsteps before sliding on a pair of gloves to handle the letter. It was addressed to me, simply by first name and with no address. Carefully, I unsealed the envelope to reveal a birthday card. I hadn’t received one in years.
Bright, sparkling letters on the front formed the words, Daughter, you’re 27!. I scoffed at the sick joke. I hadn’t received a birthday card since I was a child, and my dad couldn’t even get my birthday right. I didn’t think he even knew my address. I cracked it open gingerly to read the message inside.
If you’re reading this, your father has killed me. Don’t believe a thing he or the police say – I was not the target of a random attack, I did not die of natural causes, and I certainly did not commit suicide. I would never leave you if I had the choice.
The truth is… I died is because I found the truth behind my family’s curse and foolishly told your father. He was in on it the whole time, planted in my life by some secret society to eradicate me. To eradicate us. What we have is not a curse, it is a gift – a gift of immense power. The power to heal, but the power to harm just the same.
We come into our power at the age of 28, a number associated with independence, leadership, and self-sufficiency. An age where we can handle the responsibility such a power inevitably comes with. It’s a strong number, and you will come into great strength, though you’ve always been a strong girl.
I hope you’ve made it this far, but at the same time… I know you have. You were always a feisty little girl for the four years I had the pleasure of knowing you, of loving you. You never let anyone tell you what to think or do – especially not your father.
Happy birthday – I love you.
I closed the card softly, thinking on the strained words of my sister – mom had tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. The pieces of the puzzle slid into place… my dad must have murdered Moira, and Joy ended her own life out of grief and a belief that she would inevitably be next.
At the time of writing this, I only have two hours and thirty-two minutes until I officially turn twenty-eight. Over the past hour or so, I’ve already begun to feel the power flowing into my body, electrifying as it runs through my veins. I will the towel to reposition itself under the door, and it does so, sliding across the floor on its own.
I need to keep myself safe until 9:26, after all. I’m planning on surprising my father with a visit for my birthday.
I | II | III | IV
submitted by hercreation to nosleep [link] [comments]

𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯 - Edition 7

𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯 - Edition 7
Hey, peeps of northwind,
Here is the weekly news from the community!

  • NEWS FROM LITERALLY 1 HOUR AGO: we are getting transport carriages that will be driven by NPC's. they are expected to be released sometime in the future. this info was released literally 1 hour ago so it's very recent

  • We are expected to get an update within the next few weeks, as hinted by the trailers that have been spreading like crazy through the Northwind community. Here is our synopsis on the trailers:
Overview of the three Teasers:
Teaser 1:
- House saving and loading system, also a housing GUI.
- 150 prop limit for houses.
- Houses can be loaded when you are in a certain distance of the house location.
- Houses save items that are stored in storage furniture, such as nightstands and chests.
- Three Housing slots maximum.
- Saved houses can also be deleted and unloaded.
- House slots show you which location it is near to.
- Ship model also spotted to the right of the screen in the first 3 seconds of the video.
- White aura around where the saved house will load.
- If a player is inside that white aura, it turns red and says that it cannot be loaded.
- Candle on the nightstand.
Teaser 2:
- Basically shows wind.
- Assuming it is to do with ships and how sailing will function, unknown if it has any effect on projectiles. Could also affect heat in different climates. (All unconfirmed speculations.)
Teaser 3:
- New sequence when entering a server before spawning.
- Basically, you can now see where you last left off, your hp, hunger, and warmth.
- You can also access housing loading while in the pre-spawn sequence, as well as hop servers.
- Server menu now shows your name above each server? (Unconfirmed)
- Two unknown NPCs spotted in the background of the teaser video.
- The problem of "using homes as forts" with factions was brought up, Fred has said they have already predicted this.
Credit: NNA Editor u/SmashingPRO999

  • We recently got limited edition access to one of the test servers, which has the updates that MAY be implemented. One of our members had the privilege and luck of being able to visit them and this is his findings:
On November 14th, players were given access to 2 testing servers. Both servers have unique server names, which would be assumed to be randomly generated just like the names of NPCs (It would be interesting to note that it may or may not be different than the random name generation used for NPCs. Having a server named "Thunder Turtle" would be something funny.)
In those testing servers, the community gets to test what will be coming/planned for the next update. When you join in those servers with a storage alt, you will be given a warning saying that anybody with over 1,000 space taken in his inventory will have excess items deleted. Not all of the items will be deleted, just enough items to keep it at most 1,000 space taken.
The anticipated house update from the teasers are including in the testing servers. With storage alts being only to carry 1k (Or 2k if you're using both native and colonist), the idea of having a house with an assortment of chests is in every NORTHWIND player's mind right now. Loading in a house to deposit items as a cheaper alternative than paying robux for an alt account.
Insurance cost much higher than it used to be. Jezail owners will be charged 600+ pounds to make it unlootable for 1 day. And the similar will go for people of other weapons.
The one melee weapon that is famous for being over-powered, the bayonet, suffers a heavy nerf. 3 swings will take up all of your stamina.
-credit: NNA Apprentice Reporter u/SomenameforUser
Jezails shall be costing a fortune



max 600 space in the test servers
  • With ships next update, we are expected to be getting the "sloop" first as means of transport, and they will be used as test-dummies for how the remaining ships will be implemented
a 19th-century sloop
  • Ellesmere Island is expected to be one of the new editions, which would be expected as it within close proximity of Hudsons bay, Quebec and St paul
  • damaged pelts continue to become more popular and commonplace, as collectors move towards having them
  • Jezails just continue to rise, with some easily selling for 30k+
  • The gem market has begun to level out after its decline {due to the stopping of Halloween events}, but gems have become more common, as the expected Christmas items are predicted to have gems in them.
  • Rabbit pelts in general go SpLaT. In one day, one of our members collected 5 rabbit pelts on the floor and a black rabbit, and no one made any attempt to buy them when be offered the to the NW market :(
  • Black wolf pelts are crashing. they are approximately 30% of their price 1 month ago
  • White sets have levelled out and seem to be quite stable
  • bulk moose pelts are in demand, with the price of each rising due to the limited supply of them
  • Black pelts continue to rise, and their supply is plenty, so honestly, we are a bit confused {yes we know the demand for black sets is high...}

The head of NNA, Rodger, got a nasty surprise a few days ago
RIP Fredrick Thorn, he tried to oppose their rule over James bay
  • This weeks winner is...

Discord Link:
please consider joining, you can have both access to look or help contribute to writing the hunter.

NOTE: Please do not spam our comment section with information or opinions about other news businesses, we do not seek a quarrel with them, nor toxicity.

Edition 7, published on the 11/ 18 /2020
submitted by RodgerRodger13 to playnorthwind [link] [comments]

Daily Bonus Rewards List

Last updated: 04/02/21

Swagbucks (GPT site) | Ref ($3 bonus for earning $3)

  1. Answer the Daily Poll for $0.01.
  2. Use the search engine until you win some points. I get two wins each day by attempting it at 8am and 5pm. A third win isn’t unheard of, though I am unsure of the optimal timing. One search win pays $0.04 to $0.31.
  3. Play the browser games. Make one move in the game then use the in-game exit button for an attempt to register. You get $0.02 for every second attempt, up to a maximum of $0.10 daily. Be sure to wait 30 seconds between attempts.
  4. Swagbucks Watch – Currently deactivated :(
  5. nCrave direct links (more paid-to-click content):
(a) 7 times a day for $0.07 (seems to be deactivated)
(b) 5 times a day for $0.05 Close and re-open if you don't arrive at blue screen
(c) 3 times a day for $0.03 (seems to be deactivated)
(d) 3 times a day for $0.03 (seems to be deactivated)
(e) 4 times a day for $0.04 (seems to be deactivated)
(f) 5 times a day for $0.05 Close and re-open if you don't arrive at blue screen
See this tutorial video if you’re unsure of what to do.

Honeygain (passive income; sell your unused internet bandwidth) | Ref ($5 sign-up bonus)

Win credits daily from Honeygain's new Lucky Jar feature. One credit equals $0.01.

Hideout TV (video site) | Non-ref

Go on any video, scroll down, click Rewards and claim the daily reward code. When you reach 27 points (takes a few days), you can convert it to points on Swagbucks or other GPT sites. If you use Swagbucks for this, it checks off Daily Discover on your daily To Do list.

Inbox Pounds (survey site) Ref (£1 join bonus)

Use the search engine daily to get 7p, plus read 1 or 2 paid e-mails at 1p each. Has the usual surveys and a £20 PayPal cash-out.

StoREwards (receipt scanner app) | Invite code: 1gzhz | Download

Simply open the app to claim an incremental daily bonus which gets you 300 coins per week. This is actually a pathetic amount when you do the maths, but at least the app pays more per receipt scan than its competitors (over 5p each). Use the same e-mail address as the one you registered on Receipt Hog with to get a £1 bonus.

Viewsbank (survey site) | Ref

Get 10p every weekday (not weekends) for answering the ‘Admin Poll’ question. £12 PayPal cash-out. Offers regular exclusive surveys which you will almost always qualify for.

Qmee Pop Quiz (survey site) Ref (50p bonus on first cash-out)

There’s a daily pop quiz question that appears at the bottom of the survey page (next to the poll question). The site now has a countdown showing when the question will appear. Get the question right to win 3p.
Pro-tip: There’s a time limit to answer it, but you can simply close the quiz after seeing the question, Google the answer, and then restart the quiz to select your response.

Free Daily Casino Games With Cash Prizes

Sky Prize Burst (at Sky Bingo)
Instant win game with small cash prizes (e.g. 10p), free spins, and scratchcards. Available from 10am daily.
Sky Prize Machine (at Sky Vegas)
Instant win game with cash prizes (e.g. £2), free spins and scratchcards. Available from 12pm daily.
Sky Lotto
Daily lottery game. Enter your numbers before 7.45pm and check the results at 8pm. Win scratchcards, and hopefully, cash.
P.S. 50 free spins with no deposit / wagering if you sign up to Sky Vegas.
4 Free (at Tombola Bingo)
A bingo style game. Match 4 numbers on a corresponding prize to win that amount. The chance of winning is low, but I have won £15 so far so it is possible. You need to verify your mobile number to play- They text you an access code every Monday.
4 Free (at Tombola Arcade)
Visit this sister site each day to have a second go at 4 Free.
Ladbrokes Instant Spins
Get free spins, free bets and cash prizes from this wheel of fortune.
Coral Rewards Grabber
Tap your mouse to grab an item from the claw machine, then reveal your prize. Win free spins, bets, scratchcards and cash.
Betfair Prize Pinball (Promotion expired?)
Launch the ball and see if it falls in a prize slot. Win free spins, bets, scratchcards and cash. It looks like you're guaranteed to get something with this one.
William Hill's The Bonus Drop
A plinko style game in which you can win free spins, betting credit and cash prizes.
Virgin Games' Free Games
Uncover tiles on a board to uncover free spins and cash. You will need to deposit £10 into the site to be granted access to the games, but you do not need to gamble this money and can withdraw it again. At the end of the month you get to play a "Special Game" - The number of goes you get is based on the number of days you played the normal game that month.
Paddy Power's Beat The Drop
A game similar in concept to 'The £100K Drop' game show, which you can play with a hypothetical £1000 daily. Allocate your pot to predicted outcomes of upcoming sports events, and progress to the next round with the amount that you placed on the winning outcome. There are 12 rounds in total, and you can choose questions from different sports.
submitted by IGotSatan to LazyMoneyUK [link] [comments]

Give me my cigarettes!

This tale unfolded last summer, in the before-times...

When I was first hired at the gas station for graveyard shift, I was told to ALWAYS keep the regular door locked, and to ONLY do business through the night teller window. One reason was the high number of homeless people who will do 'snatch and grabs' of bags of chips (chips are what's closest to the door); not to mention the homeless who are high, who will just try to eat something in the store without paying for it. (I once saw a guy steal a burrito and when I called him out, he tried to take a bite of it, without even removing the plastic wrapper.)
So one night, I'm safely locked in and this street guy with a dirty handful of dollar bills, comes to the window and says he wants to buy a pack cigarettes. Wonderful, I ring the brand he requests and with the exorbitant taxes on tobacco products in my state, it comes to ten (10) dollars and change.
Well, of course he doesn't have that- instead he shoves his money into the sliding slot and says that will cover the cost. Gingerly counting it, it comes to around seven (7) dollars, and I inform my customer that the price is more than that. He insists that's correct. No sir, it's ten-something, and pushed his money back to him.
Befuddled, he wandered around the gas station pumps and parking areas, picking up random bits of change to supplement his income.
Coming back to the window, he deposited the original dirty bills, some old coins and a pitifully discarded scratcher ticket. "I can't take this, sir." I said, sliding back the ticket; company policy is: we don't do Lotto, or scratcher things on night shift. So, he wasn't going to get any money from that, even if it was a winner. (It wasn't)
Well, he wanted to buy cigarettes and damn the company policy, and damn the tobacco taxes. He spent the next 15 min. telling me to ring up brand after brand, (which were all too expensive for him) and telling me to take the money because the sign posted the PRE-tax price, not the final register price.
In fact, realizing that he was so poor that he couldn't afford a clue; I tried to tell him to get out of the way of the window so that I could serve real paying customers- not in those words, of course.
Of course, no matter how nicely I said it, this just pissed him off, and of course, his being pissed off, scared away the gasoline customers who had been waiting in line behind him for a possible break in the insanity to buy gas ...Which, in turn, pissed me off, because now this vagrant was costing me my business.
Okay, no more Ms. Nice Gal, and I sternly said, "I can't sell you ANYthing! Just get outta here!"
"Gimme MY cigarettes!" He wittily retorted.
"No, just GO!" I said, as I appealed to logic, "You want me to call the cops!?"
...with that I picked up the phone and dialed the non-emergency number to the PD. He could hear me giving his description to the dispatcher and that made him scuttle off the property ...but five(5) minutes later, he was back and pounding on the bullet-proof glass, "GIMMEEE MYYY CIGARETTEESSssssss!!!"
A cruiser came code two and took him away for trespassing, because yes, he was high and in possession of drugs.
submitted by loCAtek to TalesFromRetail [link] [comments]

[Bob the hobo] A Celestial Wars Spin-Off Part 0173

Robbie was on automatic pilot when he woke up the following morning. Angus’ flask may not have looked like it held a lot, but it still managed to knock him on his bass in short order.
And now he now felt as if someone had grabbed his brain and wrung out every drop of liquid within it. Lights pulsed behind his closed lids as he staggered from his bedroom into the brightly lit kitchen. Or maybe that was the daylight that poured through the window. Whatever it was, it was still too bright.
Welcome to your first hangover, Robbie-boy, he thought to himself. Sam was right in that it shucked, but luckily he knew how to rectify this. At least, he thought he did. But working on touch and barely glancing at things through cracked lids when he had to, slowed him down immensely.
To keep himself on track, he kept his movements as brief as the thought processes behind them.
The blender: under the bench beside the ovens. Plug it into the powerpoint at the back of the bench. Glance at the front to ensure the red light at the front was on and the pitcher was locked in.
Chef Knife: Woodblock directly beside the powerpoint. Third silver handle from the back of the stainless steel set.
Apple: Fruit bowl on the island behind him. Cored, chopped into eight and dumped in the blender.
Banana: Tuck! Should’ve grabbed that when I got the apple!
The two steps between the blender and the fruit bowl on the kitchen island behind him jarred his pounding head. To avoid repeating the unnecessary movement in a few seconds, he also grabbed a small bunch of grapes and a fresh lemon as well.
Now, his agenda was back on track.
Peel the banana. Cut into four and dump in the blender. Repeat process with the lemon. Rip the grapes from the vine and toss them in too.
Honey: Pantry cupboard beside the fridge. Second shelf, cone-shaped squishy bottle. Twist cap to open it and upend into the pitcher, giving it a good squeeze.
Raisins: Same shelf as the honey. Labelled jar with a clip-lock lid. Identical jar to the sultanas.
Remembering that detail, he forced his blurry eyes to focus long enough to confirm that he had the right jar before he opened the lid and took out a fistful of the small, dried grapes, dropping that into the pitcher as well.
What else … what else …
Cup of cold milk and half a cup of orange juice.
Those measurements he based in the remaining weight of the jugs and lidded them as soon as they felt right.
Two eggs: Third shelf in the fridge, which he grabbed after putting the milk and juice away. Cracked and added to the mix.
Skittles: He needed … wait … skittles? Really? At this point, he wasn’t even arguing with himself anymore. He went back to the pantry and reached in for one of the mini-packets that he always added to Sam’s lunch, which he tore open and poured into the blender.
Four brussels sprouts, red ginseng and ginger: Fruit crisper drawer, bottom of the fridge.
He counted the brussels sprouts and chopped off a knuckle’s worth of the other two by feel. Then he cut each knob into three and added them to the pitcher without peeling it. Roughage, he assured himself.
Last ingredient, prickly pear. Why the bell don’t I have any fresh prickly pear? Just because it was a native plant in Mexico that he’d no use for it before now wasn’t the point! No plucking way in the world was he going down there to get it now when he could barely put one foot in front of the other. Who knew where in the world he’d end up.
Which meant, what he had would have to do. He locked the lid on, hit the blitz button and consequently nearly died as the roaring buzz went through every fibre of his being. He doubled over beside the blender and scrunched his eyes together so tightly he was certain he felt tears building in the corners.
C’mon … c’mon … he pleaded, even as his head was doing the mental countdown for him.
As soon as it was done, he hit the stop button and ripped the lid off the pitcher. One hand clamped the base a while the other twisted the pitcher and hoisted it free, taking it straight to his lips.
Swallow … swallow as much as you can … swallow …
He felt it slosh over the sides of his mouth and flood his throat and shirt, but the most important thing was to keep swallowing. He could make another batch up in a minute if he had to.
When the last was gone, he thumped the jug down on the bench and folded over at the waist once more, resting his forehead on his wrist as he pinched his lips shut and waited for the blend to ease his pain. No cure for ambrosia hangover, my pass, he thought to himself as already the pounding started to ease. They just didn’t ask the right person.
“Whoa, what the hell happened to you?”
Why the truck are you choosing now to shout at me, Lucas? Robbie swore he could feel the approach of his roommate’s hand on the air currents alone and, without moving his head or lifting either elbow, he quickly loosened his fingers from the blender jug handle and raise it with one finger pointing to the ceiling.
What he hadn’t expected to hear next was Lucas’ bark of laughter. “Holy shit, dude! Are you drunk?”
“No, that was last night … this morning,” Robbie admitted, speaking into the counter. “Just give me five minutes …”
“Yeah, I don’t give a fuck what you just put in the blender, pal. A hangover ain’t gonna go away that quickly.” He felt Lucas take his still raised hand (because not moving it was easier), and in a single jerk and lift, the counter vanished from under him and he found himself pressed into Lucas’ side with his arm over his roommate’s shoulders. “This has gotta be a first,” he said, walking them down to their end of the apartment and into the communal bathroom.
“Shuddup.” Robbie was deposited on the toilet and a few seconds later he heard the heavy spray of the shower being run. “Lucas…”
“Don’t sweat it, man. You’re the one usually doing this for us. It’s nice to know we can return the favour when we need to.”
“I didn’t plan to get this bombed,” Robbie argued, his head already starting to clear. “There were three of us, and we only had one flask between us.”
“So, who’d you tie one on with?”
“Angus and Daniel.”
“Detective Nascerdios was out getting wasted last night?!”
The bellow of outrage echoed painfully in Robbie’s ears, and he must have cringed.
“Sorry … sorry, man. That’s not your fault. I just can’t believe when we’re on the cusp of breaking the biggest case of our careers, he goes on a bender with you.”
“He didn’t,” Robbie admitted. “Him and Angus stayed on top of their intakes. I was the idiot who thought if I balanced my ratio with water I’d be fine.”
“That’s usually sound advice for avoiding dehydration.”
Robbie felt the hem of his shirt being tugged, and before he knew it, it was pulled over his head. Then Lucas’ hands were unbuckling his belt.
“You good to take your jeans off, or do you need my help with that too?”
“I got it,” Robbie snapped, holding one hand to ward him off. “I’m already getting better.”
“Sure, you are. Listen, if you don’t come out in twenty, I’m coming back in to get you.” He retreated to the door, then stopped and changed direction, reaching across the bath to grab something from the shelf behind the taps. When he straightened, he waved the plug at Robbie. “I’m taking this, just in case you get any dumb ideas and accidentally drown yourself.”
“Fine, whatever,” Robbie growled, waving him towards the door. “Git. You’re wasting my shower.”
As soon as the door was shut, Robbie pulled himself onto unsteady feet, then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pushing them and his briefs to the ground. He stepped out of them and went into the shower, closing the door behind him. Not that he’d ever admit it to Lucas, but the hot water pelting across his skin felt fantastic. It seemed to stimulate his thought processes and opening his mouth to allow the water to pour in brought it all the closer to the source of his pain.
Sam had told him ambrosia was vicious. It was why he thought he’d done the right thing, getting Daniel to grab him a water bottle from somewhere since Angus (the closet papa-bear) wouldn’t let him realm-step anywhere to get it himself. But Sam didn’t mention that it actually killed plucking brain cells! The breakfast shake that he just made himself was an incredible stimulant and was getting everything firing again, but he still couldn’t believe how viciously potent ambrosia was.
And he couldn’t wait to try it again!
Fifteen minutes later he turned off the water and dried himself on a fresh towel from the laundry cupboard. The stink of his cure concoction hung heavily in the air, and looked at where Lucas had dropped his shirt, he wondered if he should try washing it, or giving it a Viking funeral on the roof. He certainly wasn’t putting it in the hamper with the regular washing. He had too much respect for his other clothes.
So he gathered up everything else and left the bathroom, heading over to his room across the hall. He dug his phone and wallet out of his back pockets and deposited it all in the clothes hamper beside his tallboy. Then he plugged his phone in.
Wait, today’s Friday …
He sat down on the bed beside his phone and, without unplugging it, brought up his list of contacts, tapping Charlotte’s number and then ‘send message’.
'Hey, beautiful. Are we still on for football tonight? You can always come here and sleep a few hours before the game if you want.’
He knew she’d probably be on her way to work, so he didn’t wait for an answer. He dropped the towel on the floor and quickly got dressed, realising the lateness of the hour meant he was going to have to scramble to get Sam and Lucas’ lunches ready in time.
And he still had to talk to Boyd about what happened yesterday. That talk was going to suck, but hopefully, the big guy wouldn’t be too mad at him for turning his alarm off and calling him in sick. He genuinely believed Boyd was better off without that job anyway, but Boyd probably wouldn’t see it that way.
With everything that happened yesterday, he hadn’t had a chance to look into courses that might interest him, and he still had to talk him into seeing Doctor Kearns ASAP. He knew Boyd had an appointment booked for two weeks, but he just didn’t see his friend making it that far. He’d have to ring up and reschedule it, and somehow talk Boyd into going to the sooner appointment. Doctor Kearns was usually busy and booked out days ahead, but slots were opened up if patients looked to be in danger of self-harm. Boyd could very well meet that criterion when he learned of his job loss.
But he would deal with that once he had everyone’s breakfasts and lunches sorted.
One thing at a time.
* * *


Previous Part 172
((All comments welcome))
I made a family tree/diagram of the Mystallian family that can be found here
For more of my work including previous parts or WPs: Angel466 or indexed here
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