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The 100 Hour Losing Streak

I’m a relatively new card counter (330 hours of playing time) and recently experienced the dreaded 100 hour losing streak. During this period I often found myself searching online for “what to do during 100 hour losing streak blackjack.” I found a few posts, and wanted to make my own for the next beginner who runs into this type of variance.
When I first started counting, I was completely solo. I didn’t know any other APs, didn’t know about podcasts. By chance I happened to meet two APs from my area just as this losing streak started. As people have said, having some type of social support was really crucial for me.
I had been pretty open about AP with friends and family when I was winning. This was still met with skepticism and misunderstanding. When I started losing, and just kept losing, I didn’t want to talk about my play bc it made me seem like I had a gambling problem. They would say “Just quit now while you still have some profit!”
Knowing other APs and also listening to many podcasts in which others talked about these losing streaks helped me find motivation to keep playing. One of the guys I met actually had a 200 hour losing streak, so it helped normalize my experience.
I had purchased CVCX early in my play but didn’t really know how to use it other than calculating RoR and hourly EV. These fellow APs helped me understand standard deviation and other important metrics to evaluate your play. If you don’t have this software and are in a long losing streak, I highly recommend getting it so you can find out whether your loses are within “normal range” for your bankroll and game.
As I kept losing, I questioned everything. Was I actually a losing player? I was able to have these other guys test me out to confirm that my basic game was solid. However as the losing continued I found ways to tighten my game further.
One aspect that improved was game selection. I had been almost exclusively a 6 deck player. I liked that there was less heat, that the count fluctuated less; that it was easier to find a game with decent rules.
What I was overlooking were some great double deck games in my region, and even one amazing single deck. Don’t get tunnel vision on type of game.
Prior to the losing streak I was not an aggressive Wong-er. Before, I would play through TC -2 and even let it hit TC -3 before leaving sometimes. I also rarely back counted games. I felt like it was too boring. As the hours of loss kept piling up I would leave the game much earlier (TC -1) and became much more willing to let a 6 deck game hit TC 2+ before stepping in. I became much more selective about penetration as well.
Maybe most importantly I kept playing. Although the losses continued as I worked to improve my game, I know that these techniques contributed to the eventually upswing I recently experienced.
For context, my initial all-time high was about $11k...after 98 hours of almost continual losing sessions, I was down to just $1.2k in winnings (and this is after 300+ of play). My APs friends encouraged me to keep playing, and after losing sessions I would listen to BJA podcasts, T & A, and Gambling with an Edge to hear from other people who got to the other side.
I can report that my last 25 hours of play have been a nice upswing. I’m on my way back from Vegas as I type this and actually have a new all time high of $14k.
If you’re in the middle of a long losing streak, analyze your game, get tested, wong harder...and don’t give up.
submitted by plus__good to blackjack [link] [comments]

My journey through the Wasteland; Part 1.

Warning: This post is full of spoilers.
So, I'm getting ready to play through Wasteland 3. It's not a blind playthrough - I've played a bit (gotten past the Bizarre) already. But, as often happens with games like this, I decided I wanted to go back and start over. I only play Wasteland games on Supreme Jerk.
I'm not using a walkthrough, but I have looked up guidance on how to build characters. Because the information in game is somewhat lacking, and it seems you only end up finding out some things through gameplay. Because lack of documentation seems to be the standard with games these days.
I did not play the game when it was first released. This is because I figured it would be a bug-ridden, unplayable mess. No offense to the devs, but my experience has been that every major game release in the past few years has been this way. It's like releasing the game while it's still in a beta state has become the industry norm, instead of putting out a final, finished, polished product. Same thing with lack of documentation; it's a common, common problem (Kingmaker was the worst offender of this I've seen in the past few years).
Here's what I took away from the guidance:
  1. Best weapons categories are Small Arms and Automatics
  2. Brawling isn't as OP as W2, but it's still good for stuns.
  3. Shotguns rule end-game, but are mediocre until then
  4. SMGs rule the day
  5. Unless you have a perk you're rushing for, it's better to put your skill points toward other skills and just put enough points in your weapon to use the gear you want.
Here's what I took away from my playing so far. The following statements are my opinions only, and should not be taken as definitive valuations set in stone.
  1. The AR hate is overblown. It may not be optimal, but it's not "teh suxxor" and seems perfectly viable, if you want to use it. Useful early on to give the Automatics user a Strike attack that can drop a target's armor, before you get energy options.
  2. Melee is frustrating to use, because of the AP cost to close, strike, and then still being exposed. But the frustration can be worth it.
  3. Once you leave Colorado Springs, the encounters get significantly harder. I know I'm playing on Supreme Jerk, and this isn't complaining, just sharing observations. Enemies become bloated sacks of hit points, and able to one-shot your team. I'd prefer to play a little more tactically, but this approach to design really does emphasize the alpha strike approach to combat. Skip dialogue and start combat yourself whenever possible (Example: the thieves in Colorado Springs).
  4. Most of the Quirks and Backgrounds are basically worthless. The only Backgrounds worth paying attention to are Bookworm (limited, specific use), Goat Killer, Mopey Poet, and Paladin. The only Quirks worth using are Sadomasochist, Serial Killer, Waste Roamer, and Way of the Squeezins.
  5. The unique trinkets are nice, but not worth the trade-off; by making custom Rangers, I can be Level 5 when I go to recruit Kwon and create the rest of my party, and Level 6 by the time I pick up Lucia and head to the Garden of the Gods.
  6. There are some skills it just isn't worth it to have on your active party. Others have noted this, I'm just agreeing with them. Make your armoweapon mod skill monkeys, your barter specialists, and leave them at base.
  7. The ability to create new, custom rangers whenever discourages making "a party" the way you did in Wasteland 2. Instead, planning a party revolves around what Companions you plan to take. For me, this boils down to what playthrough I'm doing. I got contacted by Angela already, so I know there's gonna be a pro-Patriarch path and an anti-Patriarch path (no spoilers for the ending please, I've intentionally avoided them). My pro-Patriarch playthrough is gonna be Jodie Bell, Marshall Kwon, Lucia, and Scotchmo. My "side with Angela" playthrough is gonna be Lucia, Scotchmo, the prisoner Angela told me about (haven't rescued him yet), and I don't know yet. I've seen reference to Pizepi, so I'm hoping I get her early enough for her to work. Companions that come very late in the game are hard to plan around.

If I was planning a min-max playthrough, I would run 4 custom rangers and 2 Companions. But I'm not. My first playthrough is the Patriarch playthrough. Let's run through how I plan my party.

I start with two max Charisma bookworms, with Small Arms on one and Automatics on the other. I give one of them (Automatics) Lockpicking and Explosives, and I give the other one (Small Arms) Nerd Stuff and First Aid. I make sure one of them has 2 Perception, and that they each have enough AP to fire twice per round. These characters will be Level 3 before we even meet the Patriarch, and Level 5 after we meet him. I'll be rebuilding them later, as needed, as I redistribute skills when I pick up new characters.

The two high charisma bookworms will give us an early edge. By the time we get to the Bizarre, we'll be at least Level 8 or 9, assuming we don't do any other side quests before then. And Level 10 or 11 once we get through "enough" to pick up Scotchmo. We're gonna rush for Scotchmo, so we can start playing with our "Full" party as soon as possible.
After we rebuild them, though, what will our two custom rangers look like?
We'll be ditching one of them for a Brawler. High Charisma, high Coordination, solid Strength scores. Splitting skills between Brawling, Mechanic, and Weird Science. Waste Roamer and Paladin (Evasion is better at avoiding damage, but we're on Supreme Jerk; I prefer the extra crit negation).
The other will be our leader. Up to you what you'd like to have them using. I prefer Small Arms, but Automatics is just as solid a pick imo. Leadership, and Nerd Stuff. High Charisma for the range boost on Leadership, Coordination to use skills and still attack, and Intelligence to make those shots Crit. When we rebuild, we'll replace Bookworm with Goat Killer, and grab Serial Killer.
I'm skipping Toaster Repair because I have yet to see a Toaster I can't go back for later with a custom ranger if I miss it. (I do put 3 points into it on one of the temporary Rangers I make after installing myself as Command, which is enough to get into most Toasters I've seen with the +1 Toaster Repair trinket, but that's a temporary Ranger, and just there for the convenience).

With that, it's time to start the game. But the important question; how does this party do? Literally everything after this is spoilerrific.

Ambush Site: First encounter. Take a single shot per round, then choose the defense option. We're really just filling our strike meter while we wait for the Kodiak to be ready, then using it to finish the fight. Pick off the lone Dorsey. Snipe the Dorsey holding Pvt Bell hostage (this is why I didn't bother taking an Ass skill) and treat her with First Aid. Now onto the first "real" fight. Get the drop on them, have your Automatic user be in cover behind the wooden posts (full cover, as opposed to half cover from the fencing) and your Small Arms a bit closer, ready to use the high ground. Take down the one by the barrel first. Open up with a shot by the Automatic, then Strike the melee guy's legs. Have the pistolero finish off the guy by the barrel, then set up an Ambush. Round two, have the Pistol user finish off the one they wounded, then (if they're in range) help the Automatics user take out the Melee target if possible. If not, Strike the arms. Round three should just be mopping up.
Pick the lock on the grenade box (don't bother getting the hostage taker's key, we're milking this for the experience). Then head down and use Nerd Stuff. Go over and unlock the gate, pick up your nice, shiny new armor. Disarm the explosive and get a better-than-starter crap weapon. Go back and use it to butcher the turret for XP. It shouldn't even get a shot off. Grab the loot from the boxes, ammo, medical supplies, etc, and heal any damage as we get ready for the Dorsey showdown.
Dam Battle: Open up by blasting the barrel to the far right, and the one in the middle. Have one of your characters take cover behind the stack of boxes to the immediate left, and the other behind the barrel or the concrete barrier where they start. Take a shot at the guy in the middle with any AP left, or use it to Defend. No one's gonna die on the first round, sadly. The second round, however, people gonna start dying. Have the ranger hiding behind the boxes toss a grenade at the group of 3 Dorseys that are now clustering together, conveniently near ANOTHER explosive barrel (how nice of them) that will go off due to our grenade, doubling our fun. At least one of them should die outright, if not two, depending on how well Mjr. Prasad did in the first round. Round 3 is picking off the injured, unless the rocket wielding Dorsey has run into range, in which case that bugger is the priority target. Use a Strike to take him out if you have to, but kill him quick. This battle took me 4 rounds, and neither of my rangers got knocked unconscious. But one of them did come close in that last round. Euthanize Mjr Prasad, collect Major Tomcat, grab the loot, meet up with Pvt Bell, and hit the Kodiak.

Ranger HQ: Kill the Dorsey. Thank the Patriarch. Use a grenade on two of the 'bots, then blast the other one. Install yourself as command. But slip a point in Barter first so you can get some extra goodies out of Pappy Buchanan; I went for medical supplies. Both Rangers were Level 5 at this point, so I went ahead and created my team. If they aren't for you, it may be a good idea to pick up a few points from either the Armory (disarming the Explosives 2 wire) or the Med Bay (a body or two should do it). Create the team, then explore the building. Cover the bases; Mechanic 3, First Aid 4, Nerd Stuff 5, Explosives 4, and making sure my temporary Sniper (until I get Jodie Bell) has max Awareness so I don't miss anything. Kill the animals and use them to charge up Strike meters, then get my Leadership Nerd some easy experience. Grab the Toaster Repair trinket and a Token. Let the Refugees stay. Pick a bunch of locks (side note; I plan to leave a lot of locks alone after I leave Ranger HQ, knowing Scotchmo is eventually gonna be my lockpicker, but I don't want to miss any that would be removed after the renovations), inspect some corpses, and grab some Dermal Plating. Repair, then kill the Slicer Dicer for an early energy weapon (here you go, Kwon), then head to the Armory to disarm those tripwires. Head outside, dig up some buried treasure, disarm more explosives at the chest by the gate, and loot the area. Bring Kwon's Kiss Ass up to 4, because we're already Level 5. Now, we're ready to head into Colorado Springs.

Let's save poor Austin, then help out at the shop, and deal with the thieves in the alley. Along the way, we'll also hit up the Museum. By the time we've done all this, our two bookworms should hit Level 6, and we can quick-level everyone else to their level by removing everyone else, finalizing the party, then re-adding everyone else. Yaaay! Now to go get Lucia.
Oh, right, breaking down those two fights. The shop: Start off with a Sniper round to one of the two in the back, then have the brawler Strike their melee to stun him, get another hit in if they have the AP, then get in cover from the shooters. Use anyone who has a Strike skill to target the Arms of the two shooters, and advance to flank them using the pillar at the side of the table as cover. This combat should be over in 2, maybe 3 rounds. You'll probably take a few hits, but no one should get dropped.
The thieves: This combat is a pain. It's actually why I prefer to make my temporary Sniper a Death Wish sniper, just to make this specific fight less annoying. The main problem is that this is where enemies start having 200+ HP, starting in cover, and there's no good advantageous terrain for much of your combat. And since your characters just aren't that developed yet, this fight can be a slog. Don't bother with dialogue, snipe one of them from a distance and get those who can into cover. Have the melee go to the far side, and toss a turret into the middle of them. Use Strikes to the body to deal with armor (except the melee; Strike his legs in the first round if possible), and focus on a single target as much as possible. It's possible one of your rangers might go down, but if you can down at least one target per round, this combat shouldn't be too bad.

Now, back to the game. Let's go get Lucia, and burgle the lockup while we're at it. Oh, make sure to give Lucia 3 points in Hard Ass, and the Ranger Star for +1, a point in Strength, and a point in Intelligence. Then we can fix the power to the microwave, disarm the mine at the stall, and go recruit ourselves a doctor (who can, conveniently, patch us up if we had any lingering issues from those fights). Just make sure to loot the rest of the area before we head to...
The Garden of the Gods. Scare the crap out of the Dorseys with Lucia's Hard Ass 4, arrest them, talk Mechanics with Ward, grab the loot from the (no longer frozen) safe, disarm some mines, turn on a generator, you know the drill. Use the PAL and fry some Dorsey trash. The hardest part of this area is that, for some stupid reason, half the time my Explosives person will run onto the mine instead of stopping next to it to disarm it. As for the fights?
The wolves: Plenty of time to set up for this one. Open up with a grenade, have those who are in range when it starts focus fire down the little ones. Those who aren't able to do so should prepare to Ambush. The other little one will probably be dead before the second round starts. It was for me. When the big one charges in and howls, have the Brawler stun them, and recharge on the stunned puppy before you have everyone gun it down. It's possible you'll be able to kill it in one round, but better safe than sorry. Grab your loot, and take up positions on the high ground. Activate the PAL, and enjoy the sweet smell of burning Dorsey. You have such a good position, both defensively and offensively, from the high ground that there's no point reviewing how this battle went. It was over in two rounds. I had my Sniper pick off the distant targets, watched the Amplification device fry a couple Dorseys, and had everyone else focus on the animals. Then grab your trophies, and head to the pit, and watch Lucia get horribly traumatized. Ahh, memories.

Tame the cyborg chicken (not a euphemism), grab the medical supplies, and prevent Lucia from murdering your new prisoners. Report back to Sheriff Daisy and agree to help out with Faran Brygo. You're probably Level 7 now, or I was on my two Bookworms, so you know what time it is. After quick-leveling everyone (and getting a call from the Sans Luxe apartments; ye gods, I love Ms Wong), it's off to the nightclub, with a special temporary Ranger in tow; one specialized in Barter. Yep, we're gonna count cards. Let's go on into the den of depravity (god, that brings back memories). We're gonna have our specialist count cards at Blackjack for some quick cash, help out the junkie (really I just want the Fuser) intimidate the Local 168 into spilling the beans, loot cassettes and gear from upstairs, and talk to the bouncer guarding the computer. We're not gonna help the poor guy upstairs (yet). When we're ready, it's time to talk to Charlie and inform him we know what's up. We'll agree to deal with MacTavish, and head on out; replacing our Barter specialist with our normal team on the way. There's no way to avoid a fight at the Machine Shop, so we're not gonna try. We're gonna lie, take up good positions, and initiate on our own terms.

The fight: Get your BrawleMechanic by the generator before the fight starts, and make sure everyone is in cover. Have the Sniper open up by killing (hopefully you can one-shot) two of the thugs. I went for the two distant ones. Disable the generator, then have the Brawler stun the nearby thug. If you're lucky, you might get both the thug and the animal. Hit'em a couple times, then duck back into cover. Next, I had two characters in cover on the left kill the thug that was by the turret, before helping to finish off the animal that did not get stunned (sadly). This just left the stunned thug and the foreman, who got a few shots off, but no big deal. They died quickly in round two.
Time to arrest MacTavish and send him back to Ranger HQ, then loot the place. Now, let's head back to Little Vegas. Let's not tell Charlie anything, and send him on to the Machine Shop to find out what happened for himself, then go upstairs and help out the poor tech guy with some Liquid Time (3 headed circus clown riding a velociraptor in autumn, classic!). Then we can go back downstairs, egg on the fight, and go hack the machine (I just like the humor from that line) even though we have the password, because XP. Now to go and blackmail Brygo into coming quietly, like a good boy. We'll head back, loot the place as we go because this is an area I'm concerned about not being able to come back to. We're gonna skip fighting the 168, because we can't initiate without Kwon going ballistic on us, and the fight just isn't worth the resource expenditure.

Now, it's back to report our success to Sheriff Daisy, then head back to base to recruit Jodie Bell, ditch our temporary Sniper, quick-level everyone who isn't up to par, and make any further adjustments as necessary. Around this time, I get a call from Gideon Reyes. Excellent. Let's head out to Broadmoor Heights, pick up the quest from him, and repair Lucia's family servitor while we're at it. Let's skip all the rest of the optional bits for now (except grabbing the cyborg chicken and hacking the robot at the Ward's door), until we have Scotchmo. We're not far from that point now. Just pick up the quest from Mr. Reyes, then head out toward the Bizarre. Except...
Damn Heads or Tails choices. There is no real right answer here, for me. I prefer to save the Hoons, though. So let's talk about the Erastus Dorsey fight. I like to take the path to the side before initiating combat, so I have the high ground, and put everyone in cover. I put my brawler near the ladder, my Sniper wherever I feel like it, anyone using Small Arms or who generally have less range in the "forward" area with the second ladder, and the others behind the fencing; SMG user above the nearest Dorsey, anyone using a Rifle further toward the "forward" area. Then I have my Brawler move forward enough to trigger combat, and mock Jarrett's death, then proclaim the Rangers as the harbingers of the Deluge of Blood, not the Dorseys. I open up combat by moving the Kodiak in and having it fire on the Dorsey in range of its guns, then finishing that one off with my Small Arms users. Lucia is still using Small Arms, because she needs more AP before I feel comfortable having her switch to a Sniper Rifle, and because she starts with a pistol that's actually quite good for the point in the game. I have the brawler move into cover by the nearest Dorsey, then stun him, and smack him before choosing Defense for the remaining AP. After that, it's a fairly straightforward firefight. Strikes on Arms to reduce enemy accuracy, and bodies to take out their armor. Use the Kodiak to target enemies in range, priority goes to the Explosives guy, Erastus, their Sniper, and then the dogs. The dogs are a pain, and they're definitely dangerous, but they're gonna take 3 turns to get close. By that time, the majority of the enemies are down in my game; it's really just them and Erastus. Between the Sniper and the Kodiak, he goes down quickly, and it's just another round of focusing fire on the dogs until they're down too.
This is where I stopped for the night. Updates coming later. Feel free to share thoughts, or questions. Update: Part 2 in the comments!
submitted by WanderinWonderM to Wasteland [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: GOP source has been a Russian agent for a decade

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.

GOP source is Russian agent

The Treasury Department announced new sanctions against Andriy Derkach, a Ukrainian lawmaker, accusing him of being an "active Russian agent" who is part of Moscow's interference in the 2020 campaign. Derkach has been actively promoting discredited anti-Biden materials for many months, including meeting with Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani to hand over disinformation (picture).
Between May and July 2020, Derkach released edited audio tapes and other unsupported information with the intent to discredit U.S. officials, and he levied unsubstantiated allegations against U.S. and international political figures
These tapes were laundered through Giuliani to OANN, the Senate Homeland Security Committee (via Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson), Don Jr., and the president himself.
Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR) called out Sen. Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley (Chair of Senate Finance Cmte.) for collaborating with Derkach:
Derkach has been central in advancing the Russian disinformation that underpins Senate Republicans’ effort to smear Vice President Biden. For example, in April, the Republican chairmen of the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs and Finance Committees requested information about purported calls between Vice President Biden and Ukrainian officials. Then in May edited excerpts of those same calls involving Biden were leaked by Derkach and Andrii Telizhenko, the Senate Republicans’ star witness.
...Senate investigations should not parrot conspiracy theories pushed by Russian agents under U.S. sanctions, and Senate Republicans should immediately abandon this blatantly political effort.

DHS Whistleblower

Last week, the House Intelligence Committee released a whistleblower complaint made by former acting Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis Brian Murphy. Chairman Adam Schiff released a statement saying the complaint “outlines grave and disturbing allegations that senior White House and Department of Homeland Security officials improperly sought to politicize, manipulate, and censor intelligence in order to benefit President Trump politically.”

On Russia

Page 10: Mr. Murphy made several protected disclosures between March 2018 and August 2020 regarding a repeated pattern of abuse of authority, attempted censorship of intelligence analysis and improper administration of an intelligence program related to Russian efforts to influence and undermine United States interests. The relevant officials at issue were Secretary Nielsen and Messrs. Wolf, Cuccinelli, Taylor, and Acting Deputy Director for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Kash Patel (“Mr. Patel”).
In May 2020, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told Murphy to “cease providing intelligence assessments on the threat of Russian interference in the United States, and instead start reporting on interference activities by China and Iran.” Wolf told Murphy those instructions came directly from White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien, according to Murphy, who said he refused to comply because “doing so would put the country in substantial and specific danger.”
In July 2020, DHS chief of staff John Gountanis intervened to stop publication of an intelligence bulletin warning about a Russian disinformation plot to “denigrate” the mental health of Joe Biden. On July 8, Murphy said, he met with Wolf, who told him that the intelligence notification should be “held” because it “made the President look bad.” After Murphy protested, Wolf excluded him from meetings about the notification, a draft of which was ultimately produced that Murphy felt minimized the actions of Russia.
The complaint details dozens of instances in which Murphy told his superiors about the abuses of power and political interference. The complaints either went nowhere or resulted in perceived retaliatory actions against Murphy. Many of these complaints were given to Kash Patel, former staffer to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who played a key role in a Republican effort to discredit Mueller’s and the FBI’s Russia probes.
  • Related: NSC’s top legislative affairs official, Virginia Boney, was removed and sent to the Commerce Department earlier this year because she kept pressing the White House to prioritize election security efforts — and specifically the threat posed by Russia. To date, there have been no traditional NSC Principals Committee meetings — with senior Cabinet officials and the president — on the subject of Russian interference this year.

On white supremacy

Page 14: During multiple meetings between the end of May 2020 and July 31, 2020, Mr. Murphy made protected disclosures to Messrs. Wolf and Cuccinelli regarding abuse of authority and improper administration of an intelligence program with respect to intelligence information on ANTIFA and “anarchist” groups operating throughout the United States.
Murphy alleges that Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli ordered him to modify intelligence assessments to make the threat of white supremacy “appear less severe” and include information on violent “left-wing” groups and Antifa. The reason given was “to ensure they matched up with the public comments by President Trump on the subject of ANTIFA and ‘anarchist’ groups.”
After Murphy refused to change a draft report warning of the threat posed by White supremacists, Wolf and Cuccinelli reportedly stopped the report from being finished.

On immigration and asylum

In Dec. 2019, Cuccinelli expressed frustration with intelligence reports detailing conditions in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, and accused "deep-state intelligence analysts" of compiling the information to undermine Trump's objectives regarding asylum.
Page 9: The intelligence reports were designed to help asylum officers render better determinations regarding their legal standards… Mr. Murphy defended the work in the reports, but Mr. Cuccinelli stated he wanted changes to the information outlining high levels of corruption, violence, and poor economic conditions in the three respective countries...
Mr. Cuccinelli ordered Messrs. Murphy and [former I&A Under Secretary David] Glawe to identify the names of the “deep state” individuals who compiled the intelligence reports and to either fire or reassign them immediately.
Murphy also alleges that DHS gave false information to Congress last year about the numbers of suspected terrorists crossing the southern border. At the time, administration officials were repeating a 4,000 figure in an effort to justify the government shutdown over Trump's border wall. The true number was actually six. A DHS spokeswoman pressured NBC to take down a story exposing the lie last year.


Chairman Schiff has subpoenaed Murphy to testify before the Intelligence Cmte. on September 21. The Cmte. also seeks to interview high-level DHS officials including Matthew Hanna, chief of staff in Murphy's former post at DHS' Office of Intelligence and Analysis; the office's top official, Horace Jen; DHS chief of staff John Gountanis; and his deputy, Tyler Houlton.
The Senate Intelligence Cmte. issued a bipartisan request for all of the intelligence analyses that Murphy referenced in his complaint, as well as any notes and materials that fed into them. The House Homeland Security Cmte. issued a subpoena for testimony from Wolf at a hearing on Sept. 17, but DHS says that Wolf will not comply and offers Cuccinelli to testify instead. Also scheduled to be at the hearing: FBI Director Christopher Wray and Christopher Miller of the National Counterterrorism Center.

Russia still interfering

Facebook recently took down accounts and pages associated with a Russian influence operation posing as an independent news outlet. The operation published content described as “an attempt to build a left-wing audience and steer it away from Biden’s campaign, in the same way that the original IRA [Internet Research Agency] tried to depress progressive and minority support for Hillary Clinton in 2016.”
  • The same Russian operation tried and failed to infiltrate left-wing media outlets such as Jacobin, Truthout, and In These Times.
Bob Woodward reported that“the NSA and CIA have classified evidence the Russians had placed malware in the election registration systems of at least two Florida counties, St. Lucie and Washington. While there was no evidence the malware had been activated, Woodward writes, it was sophisticated and could erase voters in specific districts.”
  • Woodward’s book also notes that former director of national intelligence Dan Coats has "deep suspicions" that Russian President Vladimir Putin "had something" on President Trump, seeing "no other explanation" for the president's behavior.
Microsoft alerted SKDKnickerbocker, one of Biden’s main election campaign advisory firms, that suspected Russian state-backed hackers had gone after the company with a failed phishing attack.

DOJ, politicization, and resignations

A top aide to Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, federal prosecutor Nora Dennehy, resigned from the Justice Department and Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. Dannehy reportedly resigned “at least partly out of concern” that Trump and AG Barr were exerting improper political pressure on the team to release results before the November election.
Several officials said expectations had been growing in the White House and Congress that Mr. Barr would make public, ahead of the election, some kind of interim report or list of findings from Mr. Durham before he completed the investigation. Mr. Barr had wanted Mr. Durham’s team to move quickly, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Trump has publicly expressed impatience with the Durham investigation, saying there should be more prosecutions and disclosures of information that would damage his political rivals. “Bill Barr has the chance to be the greatest of all time, but if he wants to be politically correct, he’ll be just another guy, because he knows all the answers, he knows what they have, and it goes right to Obama and it goes right to Biden,” Trump said (clip).
Last month, Barr predicted “significant developments in the probe before the election” (clip) and he indicated the DOJ would not respect an informal policy against taking investigative steps 60 days before Election Day. It was for this exact reason that the Trump administration claimed it fired former FBI Director James Comey.
On Tuesday’s Fox News, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows appeared to claim that he has seen documents—relevant to U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe of the origins of the Russia investigation—which implicate several Trump and Obama administration officials in potentially illegal conduct.
  • Further reading: “Dannehy Resignation Confirms Barr’s Intent to Use Durham Probe for Political Ends,” Just Security.
Two other DOJ officials resigned last week:
Prosecutor John Choi resigned from Trump's law enforcement commission after expressing "serious" concerns that the intention of the commission was not to bridge the gap between communities of color and law enforcement.
Choi, a Democrat, said in his resignation letter that "it is now patently obvious ... that this process had no intention of engaging in a thoughtful and open analysis, but was intent on providing cover for a predetermined agenda that ignores the lessons of the past, furthering failed tough-on-crime policies that led to our current mass incarceration crisis and fueling divisions between our communities and our police officers."
Deputy Assistant AG David Morrell resigned on Friday, withdrawing from cases defending the government’s position on issues including the Census and the Portland protests.

The courts

A three-judge panel blocked the Trump administration from excluding undocumented immigrants from being counted in the census for apportionment. Trump’s order violates a statue saying apportionment must be based on everyone who is a resident of the United States.
District Judge Lucy Koh ordered the Trump admin. to produce internal documents connected to its sudden decision to end the 2020 Census count a month earlier. Two weeks ago, Koh temporarily blocked the bureau from winding down the count until a hearing set for Sept. 17.
Court-appointed adviser and retired judge John Gleeson slammed the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against Michael Flynn, calling it a "corrupt and politically motivated favor.” A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Sept. 29.
"In the United States, Presidents do not orchestrate pressure campaigns to get the Justice Department to drop charges against defendants who have pleaded guilty -- twice, before two different judges -- and whose guilt is obvious," Gleeson wrote.
"Yet that is exactly what has unfolded here," he added.
A judge denied a bid to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that Trump's inaugural committee and the Trump Organization misused nonprofit funds to enrich the president's family business. The suit, brought by Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine in January, alleges that the president's inaugural committee was aware that it was being overcharged for services at Trump's Washington hotel in 2017 and still spent over $1 million at the hotel.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control announced two settlements totaling $583,100 with Deutsche Bank to resolve investigations into violations of Ukraine-related sanctions. The resolution came as the bank hired “an old friend” of AG Barr to “help the bank navigate the political waters in Washington.”

Trump profiting

Federal spending records show that taxpayers have paid Trump’s businesses more than $900,000 since he took office. At least $570,000 came as a result of the president’s travel.
In addition to the rentals at Mar-a-Lago, the documents show that the Trump Organization charged daily “resort fees” to Secret Service agents guarding Vice President Pence in Las Vegas and in another instance asked agents to pay a $1,300 “furniture removal charge” during a presidential visit to a Trump resort in Scotland.
Additionally, the Trump Organization has received at least $3.8 million in fees from GOP groups for headlining a political event at one of his properties.
Last month, the Trump Organization received approval for a new trademark in Argentina, the third one in the country. Last November, Trump may have altered U.S. foreign policy to assist his company in obtaining approval for the two previous trademarks. “Shortly after the trademark opposition period ended in April 2018, the Trump administration lifted tariffs on steel and aluminum in Argentina. Once the trademarks were officially granted to his company in November of last year, Trump announced that he would reinstate the tariffs.”
Somehow, Ivanka Trump’s fashion business is still making money despite being shutdown. According to her latest financial disclosures, “All operations of the business ceased on July 31, 2018.” Also according to her latest financial disclosures, she made at least six figures from the trust holding that business in 2019.
We - American taxpayers - footed the bill for “anti-scale fencing” along the perimeter of the White House this summer. The wall, ostensibly to protect Trump from protesters, cost over $1 million. Trump has a history of charging taxpayers for barriers around his properties, including $17,000 for fencing around Mar-a-Lago and $12,000 for “privacy fencing” around Trump International golf resort.

Immigration news

About 8,800 unaccompanied children have been quickly expelled from the United States along the Mexico border under a pandemic-related measure that effectively ended asylum. In total, the Trump administration has expelled more than 159,000 people since March.
ICE officers on the West Coast wanted to suppress Black Lives Matter protests in DC. But they aren't allowed to travel on charter flights without detainees on board. So they brought some detainees with them. In the process, they fueled a massive, deadly COVID outbreak at the Virginia facility that infected over 300 detainees, killing one.
The Pentagon is restarting many domestic projects that were plundered by Trump for money to pay for his border wall. The decision to revive these domestic projects has provided cover for Republican senators who were criticized when their home states lost military construction projects to the president’s wall.


Corruption: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is bringing back his extravagant, taxpayer-funded "Madison Dinners."
Corruption: Medicaid chief Seema Verma has charged taxpayers $6 million in less than two years for expensive consultants, organizers, and events. The Republican consultants were paid by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to work on Verma’s personal image, obtain profiles and coverage from friendly reporters, escort her during travel, write opinion articles, and even draft her Twitter posts.
Corruption: The Trump administration secretly withheld millions of dollars from a program for 9/11 first responders.
Corruption: “Ukraine gas company to add Rick Perry pick to board” and “Rick Perry’s Ukrainian Dream
Protests: Trump endorsed the extrajudicial killing of the suspect in a deadly Portland, Oregon, shooting. . “This guy was a violent criminal, and the US Marshals killed him,” Trump told Fox News host Jeanine Pirro. “And I will tell you something, that’s the way it has to be. There has to be retribution” (clip).
Protests: A witness claims that the Portland suspect, Michael Forest Reinoehl, was not armed and was shot by officers without any warning.
Rightwing: “QAnon fans spread fake claims about real fires in Oregon” and “'Do not take action yourselves': Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office warns of illegal 'checkpoints' ”
Rightwing: Mark Zuckerberg says it's "just wrong" to consider Facebook a right-wing echo chamber driven by conservative voices. But data from his own company shows that’s exactly what Facebook is.
Environment: David Legates, a University of Delaware professor of climatology who has spent much of his career questioning basic tenets of climate science, has been hired for a top position at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Environment: How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled. Your plastic will not be recycled.
Environment: Trump’s Fire Sale of Public Lands for Oil and Gas Drillers: The Bureau of Land Management is rushing to auction off sites ahead of a potential Biden presidency.
World: The Iranian government is considering assassinating the US ambassador to South Africa in response to the killing earlier this year of Qassem Soleimani, according to highly classified intel reports. The plot against the ambassador, Lana Marks, is one of several options US officials believe Iran is considering for retaliation over Soleimani’s death.
  • Woodward reported that Sen. Lindsey Graham urged Trump not to assassinate Suleimani while on the golf course with the president. Graham warned Trump he would be raising the stakes from “playing $10 blackjack to $10,000-a-hand blackjack”. “This is over the top,” the senator said. “How about hitting someone a level below Suleimani, which would be much easier for everyone to absorb?”
World: Read some of the “love letters” Kim Jong Un sent to Trump.
World: Woodward also reported that Trump boasted that he protected Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after Jamal Khashoggi's brutal murder. "I saved his ass,” Trump said. “I was able to get Congress to leave him alone. I was able to get them to stop.”
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Planning a November trip, Questions.

ok , I promise not your standard " will this be open?" questions. We're still under Corona Rules, this is known, and literally everything is up in the air in Vegas in regards to what will be available.

So, I'm turning 50 this year. As such, my wife and I who pre pandemic were fairly regular Visitors 1-2 times a year for several years running have been staying home, with the exception of one pre craziness trip last June. Realizing afterwards that particular trip was a bad decision, we decided to hold off until Nov of this year for my 50th. We invited a few couples as well, thinking that we would be able to make a group trip of folks, hopefully in a much better corona managed Vegas by then. As it stands we have 6 folks, 3 couples definite, with 3-6 other folks holding off until we see how the virus restrictions are doing in NV. Obviously, we want to start some light planning around hotels, exploring what is needed for group rates if possible, and some other options. Our group is planning 4 nights, 5 days and my wife and I usually stay at the Venetian, but we are open to other upscale venues ( Aria, Cosmo, Wynn ) for the group depending on rates, etc ( We are not opposed to spending money for what is likely our only Trip anywhere in '21, but not all of our friends are financially in the same position we are).
With all that said, whats our best path forward? Do we need to try and find a host to help us, and if so, whats the best way of doing so, or is our group too small to even bother with that route? Who would we check with in regards to getting a block of rooms at some of these hotels? As for interests, We are your general type Vegas visitors, We gamble a little (blackjack mostly ) , Like to run the speakeasies ( Mob Museum and 1923lv @ Mandalay are some fun places we like) and some of the signature bars at the casinos ( Elektra/ The Dorsey At Venetian, Vanderpump At Caesars, Lily at Bellagio, Whiskey Down At MGM, etc) not too much into the Nightclubs ( I'm late 40's people, I'm not the Creepy old dude at the club type). And real talk, we want to make this not only a birthday trip to remember for me, but a Trip to remember for our Friends, some of whom have never been to Vegas before, so they don't know what it used to be like, or what they are missing from the Pre COVID days.
I'm open to any and all suggestions and advice, and yes, I am fully aware that this all may be a moot point even in November with the COVID unknown still lingering. If it isn't safe, we'll cancel in a heartbeat, but it isn't even October yet, so save the "cancel now and stay home" comment trolls.
submitted by AmpedupFit to vegas [link] [comments]

Titles with a good side minigame-mechanic?

Allow me to explain. So, I'm now playing Kotor (expect a full breakdown in a few weeks). And as many of you know there are few minigames: combat station, swoop races and Pazaak. The first two are barebones shooter and racing games respectively which, should the game be remade, they would be organically inbuilt in the rest of the game. I mean, it was 2003. Then having such different mechanics in the same game was groundbreaking, but now it's very easy to mix different genres in the same melting pot, looking at you, Ubi.
But I want to focus in Pazaak, which is basically blackjack IN SPAAAAACE. The player that with higher points without surpassing 20 wins the round. Thing is, each player also has a private deck they can customize and improve. Long story short, Pazaak is it's own thing within the game. But personally, I don't like it. The reason is obvious: luck. I know it sounds like I'm whining, but after quite a few matches with Niklos and Mission I'm pretty sure the game chances are rigged against me, so I stopped playing, which is kinda sad, because it's an interesting part of worldbuilding.
So, I started thinking and I realize it's not at all the only game with this "game inside a game" thing. For instance, Witcher 1 and 2 have a dice-poker minigame which is a side quest on its own, although it's again more luck based and apart of the satisfaction of beating everyone, unless you savescum, you're gonna end up losing money.
Also Fallout: New Vegas made use of its setting by offering us three casinos where to spend all our caps. Funny thing is, I have yet to test it, but if we create our character with high luck attribute, I think we can balance the odds in our favor, and be expelled from the three casinos after being "too lucky".
Tl, dr: what games you know that have such good minigames that you play specially for them. They can be card games, races... idk, Pokemon like battles about improving fighters?
There's only one rule: the first one to say "Gwent" gets his motherfcking dck chopped off
submitted by IrshamWindborn to patientgamers [link] [comments]

The guide to gaining a 10 percent edge over any house! (from a dealer)

So it's your first time in a casino or maybe you're a regular. This is your all in one guide to never lose again. First thing you need to do is find a blackjack table. Some casinos have different variations of the game with slightly different rules so just sit down at anything that looks like blackjack and don't read too deeply into it. If there's a rule you aren't clear on, don't ask the dealer about it because they'll probably lie to get you to lose more money. Also don't ask the other players because then it'll be apparent you don't know what you're doing and you'll get laughed out of the building. Instead act like you know what's going on and if you get corrected, take it personally and make sure to tell everyone "that's not how they do it in vegas". That's your go to catch phrase. You'll be saying this a lot to establish credibility.
The second key factor is energy. You can't win without good energy. It's statistically proven that if there's bad energy present, you'll bust 87 percent of your hands. So make sure to yell really loudly about which card you want on every hand. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself 8-9 times. This creates good energy. Don't let the dealer off easy too if you're not getting good hands. If you're making his job harder then he'll have more motivation to give you better cards!
This is another important factor. These games are all rigged. So you have to get on the right side of the rigging. You see all those guys in suits behind the tables? Those are the guys they pay to rig the games. So if you win 3 hands or so in a row and go up 100 dollars or more, these guys will start typing stuff into the computer to make bad cards come out. It's messed up but they're all cheaters and they want to take your money. They have software in the tables that can tell how much you're betting. This software communicates with a mechanism they have installed in the shoe (where the cards come out of) that rearranges cards when you bet a lot to make it so you lose every time. As long as you make sure to yell at the guys in the suits that you're on to them and you know they're rigging the game, they'll back off because they'll know you are a little too smart for their antics.
Ok you've made it this far everything's going great right? But wait! There's a guy on 3rd base who keeps taking the bust card! What is he doing? This is another dirty trick that the house doesn't want you to know about. They actually pay a guy to go around each pit and take the bust card so people don't get paid out and it looks natural. If this guy ends up at your table, leave angrily and make sure to slam your chair and curse loudly so that they know you're onto them.
As far as actually playing the game don't worry too much all this "basic strategy" and "card counting" BS. That's a bunch of garbage people talk about to try to sound smart. Real gamblers go with their gut. A gut feeling mixed with some good energy and statistics go out the window. Now you're ready, go get em!
submitted by DividendZero to blackjack [link] [comments]

Varities in On line Casino Video games
On-line casinos, also acknowledged as virtual casino or world wide web on line casino are an on the net version of classic casinos. Casinos you go to, to participate in black jack or cleanly slot equipment. On the internet casinos allow gamblers/gamers to engage in and gamble on on line casino game titles by the World-wide-web.
These sorts of online gambling casinos normally present strange and payback proportions that are similar to land-dependent casinos. Some on line casinos declare increased payback percentages for slot device game titles, and some publish expense share audits on their web sites. Assuming that the casino royal is using an correctly programmed random variety generator, desk video games like blackjack have an recognized residence frame. The payment share for these online games is founded by the rules of the recreation. Reliability and have confidence in challenges are typical and often questioned in casino net. Quite a few on line casinos rent or receive their program from very well-acknowledged organizations like Wager Operates, Microgaming, Genuine time Gaming, Engage in tech and Cryptology in an attempt to "piggyback" their popularity on the software manufacturer's integrity. These software package businesses either use or assert to use random amount turbines for on the internet on line casino gambling to guarantee that the quantities, playing cards or dice arise randomly.
In cost-free casino online games, whichever you like betting, you will be capable to make your alternative concerning different web sites and on the web casinos with no downloading on your computer any software. The video games are represented in your browser plug-ins these as Macro media Flash, Macro media Shock wave, or Java which will allow your personal computer to display screen the appears, visuals and games in digital casino.
The online gambling player will come across on on the internet on line casino a wonderful array of video games such as Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Slot Machines or Movie Poker. If you are a devoted Bingo on the web player, numerous web sites this kind of as will give you the thrill you are hunting for some of them presenting to succeed cost-free vacations or tours by casino web, if you make a deposit prior to a specified day.
Online casinos also suggest to new associates/gamers signup bonuses when they produce their very first deposits in casino royal. It usually equals a share of the player's deposit with a dollar optimum, and most of all on the internet casinos need a least greenback amount of money. With online casino, you can have fun all the game titles you want, from Baccarat to Poker.
Roulette is a on line casino and gambling match and comes from a French title perception "smaller wheel" which is correctly what Roulette is. It was invented in the 17th century by a gentleman title Blaise Pascal. To make it a lot more satisfying to gamblers, two other Frenchmen François and Louis Blanc included the "" to the roulette in classify to boost the odds. When you have any issues relating to where by and the way to utilize แทงบอลออนไลน์จ่ายจริง, you possibly can email us at our web site. Later on in the 1800s, roulette was brought into the United States exactly where a second "" was added "00" to raise the odds even additional. A participant can gamble on numbers, mixture, ranges, odds/evens, and colours in virtual casino. The croupier turns the wheel which has 37 or 38 singly numbered sections in which the small ball should land for absolutely free casino video games. The key sections are from one to 36 and each individual other sections is pink and black, with amount 1 staying pink. There is also a green compartment numbered . In most roulette wheels in the United States but not in Europe, there is a 2nd compartment marked 00, also coloured environmentally friendly. If a participant bets on a one range and wins, the charges is 35 to 1. The gamble alone is revisited, so in complete it is multiplied by 36. You can participate in the roulette on on line on line casino Royal and will have the precise identical results as if you were being in a real Vegas on line casino.
submitted by ufaball77 to u/ufaball77 [link] [comments]

General feedback (pt 1)

I labeled this as "pt 1" not because I immediately have a part 2 coming any time soon, but because I haven't actually played the game a ton yet, but I plan to play it quite a bit more and expect to have more feedback. I love SimAirport, and SimCasino had been on my wishlist for a while, so I'm glad it has finally made it to early access.
This will largely be a list of (hopefully constructive) criticism. I am enjoying the game. And to be clear, almost all the feedback I have are things I view as pretty minor and not greatly impacting my ability to enjoy the game so far, but definitely some areas that can use some polish.

I'm going to stop here for now. Like I said, there will be more in the future. I am enjoying the game and am exciting to see it develop. The three comments to discuss in detail will come a bit later as I have a few things I need to do at the moment.
submitted by nhgrif to SimCasino [link] [comments]

DKNG - Fundamental DD Inside - DKNG

This is an example of fundamental DD that takes place at ‘smart’ money institutions based on my professional experience in IBD, Private Equity & most recently at a HF (mods can message me for proof). Not thoroughly fleshed out b/c you autists have limited attention spans, but a summary. Figured I’d take the time to give back to this community that has provided many lolz, & should be a good measuring stick when evaluating other forms of fundamental DD posted here.
DKNG - DraftKings, Inc.: vertically integrated US mobile betting operator that also provides retail sports betting & back-end betting solutions through SBTech. Think of SBTech as the tech ‘market-maker’ for traditional sports betting, they do all the funny math to set the betting odds & seem to be working on back-end solutions for DKNG Casino
The Big Picture
Only ~2% of the ~$90Bn gambling revenues were placed online which is the lowest in the world where betting online is legal. For example, in other countries online gaming activity represents ~6% - ~52% of total gambling revenues, with ~12% being the average.
Wall Street expects online gaming revenue to be $20Bn-$40Bn within the next 10 years. For this to be achieved, the online gambling market will have to achieve a ~30% penetration rate on total country gaming revenues. There is an expectation that this is could be easily achievable given penetration trends overseas - see page 11 of this:
Other catalysts include increasing adaptation of sports betting in more states. States that have both legal sports betting + online sports betting permitted: NV, NJ, WV, PA, IA. Sports betting permitted but no online: DE, MS, RI, MO, AR. Prior to COVID there was ongoing discussions across many States, especially ones with growing deficits to explore how permitting sports betting could create a fresh avenue of tax dollars. Post COVID there is an expectation that these discussions will be given extra focus as many States will be hungry for incremental tax dollars. Important to note that currently 43/50 States allow DFS, but given the small share DFS has on total Gaming Revenues, it increasingly looks like DKNG is banking on traditional sports betting for a variety of reasons, more later. There are entire articles on Google arguing this catalyst so I’ll end this here.
Digging Deeper
DKNG’s main offerings are Daily Fantasy Sports (“DFS”) products & traditional sports book products to its clients. Long story short, a metric to look for in my opinion (that is curiously not reported by management or remarked on) is the hold % in traditional gaming sector parlance or the ‘rake’ & compare it to the ‘traditional’ gaming products like sports betting & Blackjack.
For DFS: DKNG takes ~15% of the prize pool (note: used to be ~6-11% [2]). Curiously, their main competitor FanDuel also has moved up to a ~15% rake recently. Google searches show the smaller competitors have a rake in the ~13% range.
This ‘rake’ has grown ~2x in 6 years, but it has been a delicate move on behalf of management. Why? B/c the more ‘sophisticated’ DFS players (equal to autistic day traders on Robinhood) have noted this increase & based on some Googling, some have moved down market to the smaller players. As a side note, many live casino games have their rules altered to grow the Hold %. For example, Blackjack games with 6:5 payouts on 21 have materially higher Hold % than the traditional BJ rules that pay out 3:2. Given the findings so far, DKNG may not have much room to materially increase its hold % in DFS games in the near-term from current of 15%. More on this later.
Now why the fuck is this important? This is important b/c the typical sports book (ex-Parlays) have a ~5% hold %/rake. Parlays have up to a ~30% hold (which is why it’s commonly known as the sucker’s bet), & just for reference, the average Blackjack table clocks in 14.5%. What this means: Every dollar put into these games, the “House” or DKNG, will take 15% of your money for DFS games, for sports bets they will be pocketing ~5%, up to ~30% if you’re into parlays, & we’ll just use the standard 14.5% BJ hold for the DraftKings Casino platform.
So why the acquisition of SBTech & a foray into the traditional sports gambling market? As you can see previously, the illegal sports betting market is >30x the size of the current daily fantasy sports market. So it’s clear that the DFS providers including DKNG are foraying into the space to capture this user base & hopefully convert them into games that have a higher hold %, such as DFS/DKNG Casino.
As of May 2020, DKNG has achieved a 30% penetration rate on its ~4mm ‘monetized’ DFS clientele to its Online Sports Book (OSB), from the OSB+DFS clientele, DKNG has converted 50% into its DraftKings Casino platform.
Including non-monetized users, user base totals at 12mm. Based on these unit economics: every 1mm of additional users -> 333k monetized users for DFS -> 100k users for OSB -> 50k users for DraftKings Casino.
Some Numbers – Italicized/Bolded the important
Numbers that represent Risks to Long Thesis
Things to look for when going Long
- Progress of additional States legalizing sports betting – specifically, States with DFS already legalized
- Cost structure evolving to a more fixed mix vs. the mostly variable mix currently as this will be the forward figure that determines profitability
- Increasing User Base (Curr.: 12mm) -> Monetized Base (Curr.: 4mm) -> MUP (1Q’20: 0.7mm)
Share Price Target
Given the cost structure of the company, I’m going to base the price targets around Enterprise Value / Revenues (driven by MUPs & ARPUs).
Bear Case MUP: 5mm -> $20.32 - $45.73
Base Case MUP: 5.5mm -> $22.27 - $50.10
Bull Case MUP: 6mm -> $24.21 - $54.47
These MUPs imply a monetized customer base of 28mm – 33mm. At the high-end, this implies that DKNG monetized customer base will equal MGM’s current total user base.
At yesterday’s close of $43.70, DKNG is trading at 3.5x – 4.5x forward Revenues on an expected >5,000 MUPs.
Share Price drivers / considerations:
- Continued multiple expansion
- MUP Growth exceeding beyond targets
Management Team
Jason Robins, 39 – Co-Founder & CEO. Duke BA, started DraftKings from day 1 in 2011. The 2 other buddies he started the Company with are still at DKNG. Dude navigated the Company through the scandal that rocked them in ’15 & ’16, and was the trailblazer in getting DFS labeled as a non-gambling product that enabled it to open in States without a gaming designation. This shit is the stuff that gets people in history books. His accomplishments make him seem like a very competent guy. Has 3 kids now, and only ~3% economic ownership in DKNG but has 90% of the voting power through his Class B share ownership. Also he actively participates in venture investments, sitting on 10 boards.
His comp plan performance bonus target is pretty murky, but main drivers are EPS growth, revenue growth, then a bunch of margin & return metrics, along with share price returns. Overall, very open-ended & it’s safe to say as long as shit doesn’t hit the fan, he will be eligible for his max payouts year over year. I’m assuming the lawyers tried to encompass everything possible for maximum flexibility to justify him earning his max comp as long as DKNG is still around.
Since he’s got voting control of 90%, I’ll end the specific-person overview here, but want to note that they have a very bloated C-suite. 12 folks at DKNG, 8 folks at SBTech, all with C-suite designations. Whereas their main competitor FanDuel, has 3 guys with a C-suite designations & 1 EVP, but is a sub under a larger ParentCo that has its own management team of ~5 guys.
Looking through glassdoor you can see the biggest complaint among employees giving bad reviews is based on management, all of the specific issues they point out IMO are a result of a top-heavy company. Seems like a good starting point to optimize their cost structure, but given Robins' history of sticking this entire thing through with his co-founders since '11 stuff like this doesn't seem to be a part of his playbook. They’re a public company now though, so it’s going to be interesting to see going forward.
If I were to initiate a position in DKNG, the stock would have to fall to the $35-$37 range for me to be a buyer of the stock, and based on this rough intro analysis I'll be considering Put options if it breaches $50. I would not touch Calls at this level.

[1] Wall Street Research - 6/27/19
[4] Wall Street Research - 5/19/20
submitted by IAMB4TMAN to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Plans for the future?

SimCasino is in early access. I was curious if the devs have any kind of a road map for features they plan to add in to the game.
But in the meantime, here are some ideas I'd love to see implemented one way or another...

submitted by nhgrif to SimCasino [link] [comments]

GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

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Welcome to GSlot Casino Online! Join now and collect 20 no deposit free spins on Book of Dead or other slots by Netent. After that, get 200 gratis spins and 100% bonus up to 200 EUR on first deposit. Enjoy fast support, payments and gameplay!
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When you first land on Gslot, you can see that the website of the casino is well-organised and the interface is quite user-friendly. You can effortlessly navigate through pages, and there are enough filtering options to find the game you’re looking for with ease.
Players can choose one of the six languages available on the website. It’s also worth noting that the support provided by the casino is also available in these six languages, including Norweigan, Finnish, and German. Moreover, the website supports mobile view mode, and it is perfectly optimised to work in Android and Apple devices.
The casino is rather generous towards its clientele, and it offers quite a few bonuses and promotions. We will dig deeper into them, so keep reading our Gslot Casino review to learn how to make the most of its benefits.

Gslot Casino Welcome Bonus

Newly registered players are all eligible for the welcome bonus package for their initial three deposits. We will split the details of it into three parts so you can understand better.
  • First deposit:
100% bonus of your deposit up to €100 + 100 free spins. The minimum deposit to trigger it is €20. This first deposit bonus’s wagering requirement is x40. All free spins you’ll get will come in five days as 20 spins per day.
You can use the free spins on Book of Dead. This deposit bonus is valid for five days after you claim it, and the free spins are valid for 24 hours after you receive them.
  • Second deposit:
50% bonus of the deposit up to €100 + 50 free spins. The free spins are divided into two days, with 25 spins per day. There are four video slots available to use the free spins on. All other details, such as the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum deposit are identical as with the first deposit bonus.
  • Third deposit:
You’ll receive 50 free spins for deposits over €25 with this one. The split of the free spins, the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum amount are all the same as the second deposit bonus.
The welcome bonus package is rather generous, especially if you can use it to its full potential. However, the promotions don’t end here. There are still the weekly bonuses to cover, so let’s get right into it.
>> Collect Free Bonus Offers Here <<

Gslot Casino Tuesday Weekly Bonus

All players can claim their weekly 50% deposit bonus every Tuesday. To trigger it, the minimum amount necessary is €25. Furthermore, this Tuesday bonus has a wagering requirement set at x40. At its maximum of €100, it can reward you €50 each Tuesday.
Keep in mind that this promotion is only valid for five days after receiving it, and players can use its benefits once a week. Nevertheless, it can be enough to boost your budget and keep you going.

Gslot Casino Thursday Weekly Bonus

There is another bonus available for all players every Thursday. It comes in the form of 30 free spins for the video slot Almighty Sparta Dice. The minimal deposit you need to claim it is €30. This Thursday offer has a wagering requirement set at x40. You can redeem these free spins week by week, helping you spin and land wins.

Gslot Casino Promo Codes

To redeem all of these bonuses and free spins, players need to use promo codes when making their deposits. For the welcome package, make sure to use G100, G50, and GS on the first three respective deposits. For the Tuesday weekly bonus, you need G2, and for the Thursday free spins, you need G4. Considering that different promotions are going on and off at the casino, try to keep a lookout for any new codes by subscribing to Gslot’s weekly newsletter.

Gslot Casino Loyalty Program

As we previously mentioned, Gslot Casino appreciates the loyalty of its members. For this reason, they created the VIP loyalty program to reward players for their devotion. You become a part of the VIP program from the very start. With your first deposit, you start adding G-points to your tally, which will translate into different prizes.
For every €10 you will deposit you get 1 GP. You unlock the first level of the VIP and get rewarded with 25 free spins. As you progress through the ranking, you can expect all sorts of rewards with every new level.
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Gslot Casino Games

When it comes to the game selection, Gslot Casino has a substantial library of titles for different types of players. With the help of the categories or the search bar, you can easily find what you’re looking for since the options are neatly organised.
You can find works of some of the best software providers in the industry on the casino’s website. There are games from all sorts of genres and various themes. Their library includes video slot titles, table games, and even some live dealer games. Whether you’re a novice or veteran player, there’s something suitable for everyone.

A Vast Video Slots Library at Gslot Casino

With hundreds of slots at their disposal, players might have a hard time picking an option to play at Gslot Casino. Luckily, all video slots have a free play version that can help players learn the mechanics of a slot without spending a penny. The titles are powered by leading developers like NoLimit City, Relax Gaming, Play’N GO, and Quickspin.
Most of the titles have unique gameplay and impressive bonus features, such as free spins and multipliers. Some of the most popular choices among gamblers are the jackpot slots. They come with the potential for a generous payout, so it’s no wonder they are fan favourites.
We suggest trying Irish Pot Luck by NetEnt and giving a shot for the fantastic jackpot prize. In the slot, you will have the chance to win the Mega Jackpot at x5,000 of your initial bet. Nothing beats the feeling of landing the top prize. With only one spin you can make enormous profits.
If you prefer exciting gameplay that will keep you at the edge of your seat, the Megaways slots are just the thing for you. With thousands of ways to win, forget the traditional paylines and enjoy the fast-paced action.
Besides, Curse of the Werewolves by Pragmatic Play is one of the most volatile slots out there. It will undoubtedly provide you with a thrilling playtime and frequent winnings.
If you are a novice and you’re not sure what is the right slot for you, we suggest you begin with one of the classics. The traditional slots are the simplest to play and usually have a high RTP percentage. Eastern Emeralds by Quickspin is a great slot for beginners and can keep your budget healthy for a long time. Consider trying out and start pocketing those payouts.
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Plenty of Fun Table Games to Choose From

Many punters prefer the table games, and they’ll have their needs met at Gslot Casino. Once you open their library, you can find a range of classic titles coming in different versions, offering something for everyone’s taste.


Poker is the kind of game where, apart from luck, a bit of skill goes a long way. At Gslot, gamblers will be happy to know that they can enjoy American Poker by Wazdan on the platform. For those who prefer the more modern take of the classic game, Evolution Gaming’s Texas Hold ’em Bonus Poker is also an option. There are many other versions of the game available, so have a look at them before settling for one.


Being the game of choice for many veteran punters, blackjack players need to use strategy to make the most of their bets. 21 Burn Blackjack by Betsoft Gaming is a trendy choice among the players. Putting it simply, you can’t go wrong with that one. If you feel like adding a little twist to the action, check out All Bets Blackjack by Playtech and let your skills decide your budget.


Roulette games can provide you with loads of fun and the chance for a hefty payout. Among the many options, Astro Roulette by 1×2 Gaming stands out with its unique graphics. Even if you choose another game to go with, you’re in for an enjoyable time and a chance at winning some cash.


If you prefer relaxed gambling with simple rules and playstyle, baccarat will fit you nicely. Suitable for newcomers and experienced gamblers alike, there are different versions for everyone. If you’re getting started, we suggest Evolution’s Controlled Squeeze Baccarat for chill gameplay. If you are looking for you quick and lively action, consider trying out Speed Baccarat A by Pragmatic Live.
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A Good Live Casino Section

The live casino on the website satisfies most criteria. It is broadcasted high-quality streams. Moreover, it’s handled by reputable providers like Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Live, NetEnt Live, Playtech Live, and Authentic Gaming. Thanks to them, the great atmosphere the casino has to offer should not come as a surprise.
To improve the experience of its members, professional dealers serve all of the live casino games at Gslot. To feel the magic of the live casino section, we suggest you try out Evolution’s American Roulette. It has been the top choice for many gamblers for a while, so check it out to see why.

Jackpot Games

Jackpot games are also involved in the vast library of the website. They make quite a good addition, offering a thrilling experience for real adrenaline junkies. Moreover, all jackpot games are playable in demo versions for those who want to try them out.
With titles powered by big providers such as Pragmatic Play, Playtech, Quickspin and others, jackpot games only enrich the vast array of games at Gslot Casino. Some popular titles you should consider are Cat in Vegas, 5 Lions Gold, Christmas Jackpot Bells, Dragon Chase and plenty others.

Gslot Casino Interface

When it comes to the interface, Gslot Casino’s website has a relatively dark tone and is quite catchy on the eye. Visually, the graphics satisfy most players’ standards. Once you open the website, it’s easy to see that you could easily get lost in the titles. Still, all of these games are thoroughly listed on multiple tabs. If you’re looking for something particular, there is also the option to filter and search for a specific game.
The lower section of the website is for those who need help from the support desk. You can easily access the Info tab for more details, such as Terms & Conditions and Responsible Gaming. Further on, the interface is responsive to both smartphone devices and tablets, so punters on the go can have an excellent time – more on that in a bit.
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Mobile Gaming With Gslot Casino

Although there is no official Gslot Casino mobile app, the website version works perfectly for both Android and iOS devices. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, Gslot’s website operates quite smoothly. The interface of the mobile version is tweaked to work with optimal results both on smartphones and tablets.
Even though some pages are made to fit smaller screens, the experience is just as good as on desktop. Once you get the hold of it from your phone, you will forget that you need an actual app. Nobody wants unnecessary downloads, just taking space and filling up your cell phone storage.

Safety & Security

Players at Gspot Casino can rest assured that their data is safe & protected while they are gaming on the website. Gslot operates under strict MGA regulations for responsible gambling. All in all, you should be confident that their website is legal and legit.
Once you register, modern encryption software will protect your data. Regarding security, the casino uses standard 128-bit encryption. Furthermore, the website is full of many guidelines that centred towards preventing irresponsible gambling. This section has a few listed websites that are there to help you in case you have a gambling issue.
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Deposits & Withdrawals at Gslot

Thanks to a good list of payment methods, banking at Gslot Casino is made relatively easy and straightforward. Credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and prepaid vouchers are all included in the wide range of payment options.
You can also find a range of successful alternatives. Some of them include Trustly, Pay’ N’Play, Wirecard, Payvision, Neteller, Skrill and plenty of others.
The minimum deposit and withdrawal amount are both set at €20. Players from different countries have nothing to worry about because the casino supports various banknotes. Supported currencies for the banking transactions are EUR, USD, CAD, NOK, PLN, NZD, ZAR and JPY. For now, Gslot Casino offers no crypto options.
Furthermore, the withdrawal limit for some payment methods is unlimited. The maximum withdrawal amount processed to one player is €5,000 per day, €10,000 per week, and up to €30,000 per month.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, Gslot Casino offers assistance for players looking for help. You can access 24/7 service via the chat option on their website. For a more severe issue, feel free to contact their public email.
The website’s supported languages are English, Norwegian, Finnish, French, German, and Japanese. All website languages are also available for support. Even though it’s not exceptionally vast, the website still hosts an adequate FAQ section.
Still, the support desk agents are quite polite, knowledgeable, and fast. They are here to provide thorough & satisfying assistance for all members that seem to have trouble.
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With fun & versatility in both games and features, Gslot Casino will satisfy the needs of most punters. When compared to more prominent names in the industry, this is a relatively fresh brand from an established operator.
When it comes to bonuses & promotions, Gslot Casino offers plenty. From a generous welcome package to a VIP program, Gslot is here to make you stay.
Moreover, when it comes to verification and banking options, Gslot Casino is serious and strict. Deposits and withdrawals are generally quick, even though there are some complaints about delayed transactions now and then.
All in all, Gslot is an online casino which ranks relatively high in the player community. Still, try it today and see for yourself. On its website, you will enjoy a vast library of game titles as well as generous bonuses here to help you get the most out of your stay.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Top 7 Online Card Games For Money Played By Professionals

Have you ever played card games online for money? If not, what online games can you play with playing cards and make money?
Let’s have a look at different card games to play online for real money. These Indian card games can be played online from home to make real money with ease.
What is the best online money making card games to play with friends?
Almost everyone has a fascinating soft corner for the realm of making money while having fun. The best way to earn real money or cash by playing online rummy card games.
Yes, there are many real money card games online in India, where you can play online games with your friends or strangers. In that most of the persons choose card games for earn real money online!
List of Online Card Games For Money Played by Professionals:
  1. Indian Rummy
  2. Poker
  3. Joker Wild
  4. Hearts
  5. Baccarat
  6. Blackjack
  7. Texas Hold’em
Indian Rummy
Indian Rummy is probably the most loved 13 card game that is the all-time favorite of a majority of professionals.
You can earn money by playing online rummy with thousands of players across the world from an app that can be easily downloaded to your device.
How to:
Out of many rummy sites or mobile app, you can choose Classic Rummy Plus App for its safe, secure & hassle free online gaming experience.
Classic Rummy offers top-quality user experience along with amazing offers.
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Key Features of Rummy Game:
Poker is one of the finest online card games you can play. It is the most played money game that is still in the market for its unique genre.
Is online poker a good way to make money? Yes, with a wide range of users across the globe, online poker enables users to make money in a hassle-free manner.
How to:
You can play poker online for real money or for fun. Most online poker platforms provide the desktop version as well as the mobile version of the game.
Key Features of Poker Game:
Joker Wild
The aim of this variant of the card game is to get the best five-card hand, and this is ideally a variation of video poker.
How to:
Key Features of Joker Wild Game:
Joker wild game offers amazing opportunities to make money on an online platform in a safe and secure manner.
This is one simple card game that can be played by any beginner) and is played by four players.
How to:
“Play Online Card Games for Real Money”
Key Features of Hearts Game:
Baccarat revolves all around the concept of getting a total nine or a total closest to nine.
How to:
Key Features of Baccarat Game:
All casino lovers have played blackjack at least once in their life. You must have surely heard of blackjack as a money-making game,
How to:
Key Features of Blackjack Game:
Texas Hold’em
The prime goal of this game is to get the best five-card. The game is a variation of poker.
Instead of playing against the house, this game puts you against a series of players.
How to:
Key Features of Texas Hold’em Game:
End Note: Top 7 Money Card Games Played by Professionals
Card games for money have always been a strong favorite for any professional or newbie.
Since the day of their inception, some good card game apps have proved to have a vital impact on the whole human society.
With a history that has emerged from late imperial China to finding its place across India, Card games have come a long way.
These are some of the most tempting online cash games where you can win real money.
Earning money by playing card games purely depends upon the skills and techniques.
Let’s Play free online card games to make money and enhance our skills.
Choose your favorite online card game and earn money like a professional.
submitted by ReyanshchandraK to u/ReyanshchandraK [link] [comments]

Moving to the area in about a year or so...

Looking for insight from some Vegas locals. I'll preface the question by giving as much data as seems salient.
1) No, I'm not moving there for at least 12 months. No worries about my bringing COVID from Florida. Also, I'm used to insanely hot summers, so the heat from June-Sept is no deterrent at all.
2) It will be just myself and the Mrs. - both in our late 40s. No kids, so schools are irrelevant.
3) We will both be working remotely, so home to work commute is a non-factor.
4) I make a comfortable low 6 figure salary, so while I am certainly not wealthy, I can afford something in a neighborhood that isn't downtrodden.
5) We're looking for a single-family home or condo/townhouse in a decent area, 2 or 3 bedrooms. We don't need a ton of space, so we're looking in the 1,000-2,000 sq ft range. I won't spend in excess of $300K, and would prefer more like $250K-$275K so I can pay it off faster and retire.
6) We are decidedly NOT elitists and don't give a tin s#$% about being able to "say we live in Summerlin" (for example.) I'm not the type to pay for name recognition or whatever "status" comes with living in a certain area. I'm far more comfortable hanging out at a sports bar and knocking back $3 Bud bottles than sitting in some hip nightclub, drinking a $1,000 bottle of Grey Goose. I find the latter both wasteful and nauseating.
7) We both like to gamble from time to time, but we're very much the low-stakes type. In other words, I'm not going to be hanging out on the Strip. Give me a $5 blackjack table with a 3-2 payout and a steady stream of beers/well drinks and I'm a happy guy. You are NEVER going to find me at the Wynn playing $20 a hand and getting 6-5. A few locals casinos in the area would be a huge plus.
8) We do like to eat out from time to time - a good steakhouse, some sushi, seafood, Italian, etc. We also get take out pretty frequently. Some options of that ilk nearby would be another huge plus.
9) Pursuant to #7 and #8, we'd prefer not to be in the middle of nowhere to the point that we'd have to drive 20 minutes to get to a good casino or restaurant. I'd like to have a wealth of options close by if at all possible.
10) We're not super active, but do enjoy a nice walk or bike ride now and again, so some parks/trails nearby would be nice. We like to camp/hike occasionally and aren't boat people, so it seems proximity to Red Rock Canyon rather than Lake Mead would be a plus, but certainly not a deal-breaker either way.
Now, I'm aware that threads like this pop up all the GD time. I've read 90% of them, so there's no need to go through the regular motions. I've already gathered - or at least, I've read - some facts about each area. Summerlin, I understand, is very nice and self contained. My only concerns about it are fees out the wazoo, annoying HOAs, and snooty people. Maybe this only applies to certain subsections. This is the kind of info I'm fishing for. Centennial sounds really nice, but kind of far away from most of the action (see #9.) Henderson seems like it might be a good choice, but there seem to be a lot of areas to look into - I still am a little unclear on the differences between Green Valley Ranch and Green Valley South, is Seven Hills part of Anthem, or is the latter its own entity, etc. I believe I've seen enough to rule out the northern and eastern portions of the Metro area. Southwest/Southern Highlands, I haven't read as much about.
I plan to fly out late this year (hopefully after this mess has died down) and check some of these areas out in person to try to get a feel for them, but I'm not sure how much you can gather in a day. I'll find out, I guess. What I'm really asking here is - can anyone tell me what areas it may sound like I'm describing with the facts above? Are there any particular neighborhoods (like Peccole Ranch or Silverado Ranch for example, rather than just "Summerlin" or "Henderson") that I should check out? Thanks so much in advance for your advice/insight.
submitted by Evilgrin72 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

Help! I'm making a magical casino and need some more ideas!

Hello all,
My game takes place in a futuristic, magical version of the United States and they just rode into Vegas. There is a casino that I've made that has very specific rules about cheating. If you get caught 3 times, you get a fine (So to a degree it is encouraged). In a designated area of the casino, cheating is allowed, but the house is allowed to cheat as well, so at the end of the day, it's about who can out-cheat who.
In what ways would you cheat if you had the abilities of a lvl 6-10 characters to cheat in a casino? All the popular games are there: Craps, slots, blackjack, poker, roulette, etc.

If you have any links to Table Top RPG based casino games that I can use for mini-games for my players, that's a bonus.

Thanks in advance, friends!
submitted by KyleDT-SE to DnD [link] [comments]

Spin Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Spin Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

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Are you ready to take a closer look at Spin Casino?

And it’s not just you — the name reminds us of another casino too — Spin Palace. The crazy thing is that it’s not just a coincidence. Spin Casino is owned and operated by the same company that owns and operates Spin Palace.
The name isn’t the only thing these two casinos have in common, though. They also have a similar, if not identical, casino. The games, graphics, and stakes are alike.
If playing at identical casinos isn’t your cup of tea, we totally understand. There are tons of unique places to play online. You can browse our review section and find dozens of them.
However, if this doesn’t bother you, then the upside is that you know that you can expect a high-quality and enjoyable experience at Spin Casino.
That said, we aren’t about to rest on our laurels just because Spin Casino is similar to its sister casinos. This is why we still reviewed Spin Casino with the same scrutiny we do when we review other casinos.
This means our review below includes both the good and the bad information that we found. It means we didn’t take money for a fluffy review or inflated rating. And it also means that we’re going to tell you exactly what you need to hear so that you can decide whether Spin Casino is the right site for you to join.
If that sounds like a review that you want to read, then we have good news for you — it starts in the next section
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Spin Casino Basic Information

Spin Casino has a license with the Malta Gaming Authority and Kahnawake Gaming Commission. They’re licensed under the names Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd.
Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd are both managed by The Palace Group. There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of The Palace Group, or at least heard of or played at one of their brands. Some of the other brands they operate include Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold.
The Palace Group has been in business a long time, too — since 2001. This means that they’re getting close to their 20th anniversary online, which is light years compared to other casinos.
Between their time in business and their gaming licenses, you can feel comfortable playing at any of their brands. This includes Spin Casino.

Restricted Countries – Who Can’t Play

Players from the following countries cannot play at Spin Casino.
  • Australia
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France and Outlying Territories
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Iran
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Myanmar
  • North Korea
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • USA and Outlying Territories
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • United Kingdom
Keep in mind that this list can change at any time. For that reason, we recommend you periodically check Spin Casino’s terms and conditions to see if your country has been added to the list of prohibited countries.
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The Casino

In the following sections, we’re going to look at Spin Casino’s games. That way, you can get an idea of the games they offer so that you can decide if they’ll be a good fit for you.
Unlike most casinos nowadays, Spin Casino uses only Microgaming software for its animated casino games. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just that you won’t have the game or graphics variety that you will have at casinos that work with multiple software providers.
Trust us, though; this casino is plenty good enough. Spin Casino offers a little bit of everything here including slots, video poker, and table games.
They have a live dealer casino, too. Their live games come from Evolution and Ezugi, who are heavy hitters in the live gaming space. The result is a robust selection of live games. We’ll look at these later.
The one confusing aspect of their casino is that there are three sections — a casino, live casino, and Vegas (casino). We’re going to list some of their games below, but we’re only going to make a distinction between their animated and live dealer games.
We also noticed that their Vegas casino section doesn’t have any filters. You can’t select the type of games (slots, table games, video poker, etc.) that you want to see. This can make it tough to find the type of game you’re looking for unless you already know what it’s called.
The good news is that most, if not all, of their Vegas games, are also available in their main casino. This means there’s a chance you won’t need to visit the Vegas section at all.
Anyway, that covers the basics. Let’s now jump into each section and look at some specific examples of casino games you can play at Spin Casino.

Table Games

We’re going to start with Spin Casino’s table games. The following is a list of card and poker games that we found during our review.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • 3 Card Poker
  • Card Climber
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • European Roulette
  • Flip Card
  • High-Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Red Dog
  • Super Fun 21
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack
  • Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker
  • Cyberstud
  • And more!
There are both pluses and minuses to Spin Casino’s table game section. We’ll start with the downsides.
The most frustrating thing about their table games is that there’s no way to filter for specific games in the Vegas section. This can make it incredibly tough to find the games you want to play unless you already know what they’re called.
Another thing we were sort of unimpressed with is the lack of non-blackjack and roulette games. There are not enough games to offset all the blackjack and roulette options.
However, that brings us to one of the good things about their table game selection. They have lots of blackjack and roulette games.
In fact, you’ll find more than 30 blackjack games and more than 10 roulette games. Some of these are merely high-stakes variants or duplicate titles with improved graphics. Even discounting those, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere.
Another thing we’re fans of is some of the unique games that you’ll find at Spin Casino that aren’t readily available elsewhere. For example, we can’t think of another casino that offers Triple Pocket Hold’em, Hold’em High, or Card Climber.
That’s always a good thing.
Table Game Testing, Graphics, and Stakes
Once we were done browsing their games, we opened a few of them up to make sure they worked well and to see what their graphics and stakes are like.
The graphics for the games we tested are pretty good. They’re not glossy, overly polished, or even realistic. They look more like animated games. There’s nothing wrong with that, though.
They don’t make it clear the stakes you can play for. We had to manually decrease and increase our bets to figure out the limits. The stakes we found varied from $2/hand or round to as much as $1,000. But keep in mind that this may vary depending on the game you play.
These aren’t bad limits — they’re higher than what many casinos offer. No t only that, but we also anticipated their live dealer casino offering even higher stakes. This means that we’re less concerned about how high the stakes are in this section of their casino.
We’ll look at their live dealer section in a few minutes.

Video Poker

The next section we checked out was Spin Casino’s video poker games. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
This is an okay selection. On top of this, you’ll find “power,” “multi-hand,” and “Gold Series” variants that you can also choose from. We counted nearly 25 poker games in their main casino.
There are video poker machines in the Vegas section too, but we didn’t find anything different than what’s listed above.
Testing Their Games, Graphics, and Stakes
We tested a couple of their poker games during our review.
The games we played had average graphics, but that’s to be expected with video poker machines. They’re not meant to be fancy. They worked great, though. We experienced no lagging or bugs.
Some of them had neat features, too. For example, the machines we played offered the chance to double your winnings. When you make a winning hand, you can click the “double” button to play a mini-game to see if you can double up. Keep in mind that if you lose this game, you lose everything.
The best feature, though, had to be the automatic hold. Many video poker machines will tell you when you made a winning hand so that you don’t forget to hold those cards. However, one of the machines we played automatically held the best cards according to the common video poker strategy.
Now, we don’t know what strategy these machines are using or how optimal that strategy is. However, they did hold the cards we would have had this feature not existed. This is a neat option if you’re new to video poker and aren’t sure how to play optimally.
As far as stakes go, we found machines that let us play for as little as $0.25 per coin to as much as $50 per round. We recommend you bet the max number of coins, though, which means your minimum bet will be $1.25. This will vary from machine to machine, though.
Overall, we liked Spin Casino’s video poker section. We’d like to see more unique titles to choose from, but our opinion is that this lineup will work for most people reading this.


Next up is Spin Casino’s slot selection. They have far too many slot machines to list here, but here is a small sample to give you an idea of what you’ll be able to play.
  • 5 Reel Drive
  • Snow & Sable
  • Amazing Aztecs
  • Book of Oz
  • Cashville
  • Cash of Kingdoms
  • Diamond Empire
  • Dolphin Coast
  • Fruit vs Candy
  • Halloween
  • Girls with Guns
  • Game of Thrones
  • Highlander
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Kings of Cash
  • Hitman
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Koi
  • Oink Country Love
  • Pretty Kitty
  • Moby Dick
  • Monster Wheels
  • Robin of Sherwood
  • Silver Fang
  • So Much Sushi
  • The Great Albini
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Tomb Raider
  • Win Sum Dim Sum
  • Fat Lady Sings
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Legend of Olympus
  • Throne of Egypt
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Winning Wizards
  • Untamed Bengal Tiger
  • Old King Cole
  • And more!
You’ll find all these slots in the main casino. There are plenty more where this comes from too. You’ll also find more slots — including unique titles not found in the main casino — inside the Vegas section.
That said, their selection of slots is much smaller than we expected considering that they work with Microgaming. We still can’t complain, though, especially after seeing some of the titles that you can play here.
For example, the slots that stood out to us are the licensed/branded slots. Licensed slots are machines that revolve around IP that other companies own. This includes movies (Jurassic Park), video games (Hitman), TV shows (Game of Thrones), and more.
These are fun to play because it’s highly likely that you’re going to be a fan of whatever the slot machine is about. For example, we like Jurassic Park. This means we get to kill two birds with one stone — play slots about a theme we really like.
Not only that, but you can play many of these slot machines in brick-and-mortar casinos. We’ve played Game of Thrones countless times during our trips to Las Vegas.
And this is just the licensed slots. You still have all the other slots that Spin Casino has to offer. This includes slots with bonus rounds, 3 and 5 reels, progressive jackpots, and features such as free spins, wilds, scatters, and more.
As for stakes, they vary so much that it’s hard to give concrete numbers. That said, we found machines that allowed us to play for as little as $0.10/spin to as much as $200. Most of the machines we looked at maxed out at $30 or less, though. This means that you might have to do some digging to find the machines with higher limits.
Overall, while Spin Casino’s slot section can definitely be bigger given that they’re powered by Microgaming, what they do have will be more than enough for most people.
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Live Dealer Games

Last up is Spin Casino’s live dealer section. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Dragon Tiger
  • Private Blackjack
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Dream Catcher
  • Casino Hold’em
  • Baccarat
  • Football Studio
  • Roulette
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Baccarat Super 6
  • Evolution Party Table
This is a solid selection of live games, especially when compared to other online casinos. But that’s not a surprise since some of these games come from Evolution Gaming, who’s a heavy hitter in the live gaming space.
Once you click on one of these games, you’ll be redirected to a section where you’ll find several tables to choose from (depending on the game). You’ll also find a navigation bar at the top with several filters to help you quickly find the game you want to play.
The lowest stakes we found for these games is $5 for blackjack. This is sort of a bummer since some live blackjack games can be played for as little as $1. However, $5 is pretty standard for a live game, so it’s not something we can hold against them.
You can play some of their other games, like baccarat or roulette, for $0.10-$1 per round.
The highest stakes we found were $5,000 for blackjack, $2,000 for roulette, and as much as $5,000 for everything else. These aren’t th highest stakes online, but they should work for most people.
One of the most impressive things about their games is the camera work. The different angles they use and the close-ups make it look like you’re watching a movie. Depending on the game, you can also change the camera option. For example, the roulette game lets you choose from 3D, immersive, or classic camera angles
The streams were very good considering how good the camera work was. We noticed a few lags, but they didn’t take away from the game much. The resolution was pretty good regardless.
Other features include the option to chat with your tablemates and the dealer, adjust the sound and camera angles, bet behind, and set up automatic actions. You can even multi-table several games at once.
Overall, we’re impressed with the live dealer casino at Spin Casino. You’ll have plenty of games to choose from, stakes, features, and men and women dealers that speak different languages.
We recommend you check it out.
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The Sportsbook

Spin Casino is unique from some of the other casinos under The Palace Group brand in that they also have a sportsbook. It’s called Spin Sports.
Here’s what you can expect to find if you choose to bet here.

Sports, Market, and Betting Options

Spin Sports has an excellent selection of sports that you can bet on. Here’s what we found during our review.
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Gold
  • Badminton
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Darts
  • Snooker and Pool
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Motor Racing
  • Speedway
  • Floorball
  • Table Tennis
  • Bandy
  • Aussie Rules
  • Surfing
  • Netball
  • Gaelic Football
  • Gaelic Hurling
  • Super Spin Specials
Many of these options have dropdown menus, too.
For example, click on the soccer option, and a dropdown menu containing options such as England, Europe, Spain, Italy, and Germany will appear. This goes for many of the other options, too — you’ll find countries as subcategories. You’ll need to click on these to find the different leagues that play in those countries.
Your betting options will obviously depend on the sport you bet on. We found plenty of choices, though. For example, you can bet outrights or money lines for Europa basketball. You’ll find spread betting, more money lines, oveunder, and outrights for NBA games.
Click on a match, and you’ll find additional markets. For example, we checked out an NBA game and found options to bet on different quarters, total points, team points per quarter or half, overtime, and more.
There are plenty of betting options here, which was a surprise, honestly, considering who’s running this sportsbook.

Live Betting

Spin Sports also offers live sports betting.
When we were there, you could bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, ice hockey, and cricket. We wouldn’t be surprised if they covered more matches than this (when those games are available).
In fact, we know that’s the case since we looked at their Event View and Live Schedule tabs. This is where you’ll see all the sports you can bet on, all the matches, and the number of betting opportunities available for each one.
And that’s about it for their live sportsbook. The one thing we’d really like to see added in the future is the option to watch live streams. It’d make sense to add a racebook too.
Here’s hoping that Spin Sports has both items on their to-do list.
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Final Thoughts

Spin Sports is a much better sportsbook than we expected. It’s hard to expect something this impressive from a company that has been running only casinos for more than a decade.
We’re fans, though. There are plenty of sports and markets to bet on. You also have your standard options for betting in American, fractional, or decimal odds, as well as using the sportsbook in different languages.
That said, there is room for improvement. They could add a racebook, live streaming, and additional features and build out their esports section.
But we think they’ve done a good job so far, and it’ll be more than enough for your typical casino player or recreational bettor.

Banking Options

Something we noticed during our review is that there’s the option to deposit inside both the casino and the sportsbook. As far as we can tell, it looks like you’ll want to deposit to the section you plan to spend your time in.
In other words, if you want to bet sports, you’ll want to deposit to your sportsbook account. If you want to play blackjack or slots, you’ll want to make your deposit to the casino.
The good news is that it looks like the same banking options are accepted in both sections. Find an option that works for you, and you can use it in both places.
When we reviewed Spin Casino, we didn’t find any evidence that suggests they charge fees on their deposits. This is great news. However, it’s not clear whether they charge fees on withdrawals.
As for limits, you can cash out as much as €4,000 per week if the amount you’re trying to cash out is more than 5x the amount that you’ve deposited over the life of your account. Otherwise, it looks like you can cash out as much as £10,000 in a 24-hour period.
This will depend on the banking option you use, of course.
Progressive jackpots are exempt from these rules, which is great to see. It’s no surprise, though, considering that they work with Microgaming.
That wraps up their banking details. The following two sections will list the banking methods you can use to fund and cash out your account.


  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Neteller
  • iDebit
  • Trustly
  • Skrill
  • Echeck
  • MuchBetter
  • Paysafecard
  • Instant Banking
  • Neosurf
  • ecoPayz
  • Flexepin
  • Direct Bank Transfer


  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • PayPal
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Paysafecard
  • ecoCard
  • Citadel
  • Instadebit
  • Direct Bank Transfer
  • Echeck
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Bonus Promotions

You can claim a few promotions as a customer of Spin Casino and Spin Sports. The following sections summarize the offers you can claim and the terms you need to fulfill if you do.

Spin Casino Promotions

The following are offers that you’ll find under the promotions tab on the casino side of things.

New Player Bonus

This is an offer available to first-time customers. Spin Casino is offering a 100% match bonus of up to $1,000. It’s spread out over your first three deposits like this.
  • First Deposit – 100% match up to $400
  • Second Deposit – 100% match up to $300
  • Third Deposit – 100% match up to $300
This is a nice offer because you have multiple opportunities to claim as much as you can. It’s especially helpful for players on a budget who can’t deposit $1,000 in one shot.
You will need to roll over this bonus 50x, though the playthrough will depend on the casino game you play. We recommend reading their terms if you plan to play a game other than slots.
The downside to this offer is that if you do happen to complete the playthrough with money to spare, and you want to withdraw it, cash-outs will be limited to 100 casino credits. You’ll forfeit the rest of the bonus.
That being the case, it might make more sense to play the bonus (and lose money) until you only have 100 credits left. Then make a withdrawal if you want. That way, you can enjoy the bonus money/winnings for as long as possible.
And that’s all they have for bonus offers. Spin Casino does say that they offer bonuses on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. We have no idea what those offers look like, though.
While we were there, we did notice that they have a “bonus wheel.” You spin the wheel, and you can earn prizes, such as bonuses to claim. It looks like you can spin the wheel once every couple of hours.
This is pretty neat.

Loyalty Club

Spin Casino also offers a loyalty club. This is a multi-tier program that awards more perks the higher your status.
This program has six levels.
  • Blue
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Privé
As you ascend, you’ll receive additional perks such as bonus points, more entry points, exclusive tournaments, VIP support, phone support, and exclusive gifts and bonuses.
You can receive monthly bonuses too. Climb the ladder to the very top of their VIP program, and you can receive more than $10,000 every month in bonuses.
Getting to each tier is straightforward — you need to earn so many points to reach a specific status, and then so many points to maintain that status each month. You’ll earn 1 point for every $10 you spend in the casino.
We recommend you read their promotions page to determine for sure if this program will be a good fit for you. But if we understand their points setup and minimum point requirements correctly, then this looks like a good program to use — even for low-stakes players!

Spin Sports Promotions

You’ll need to be in the sportsbook section in order to find their sports betting promotions. The following are the promotions we found during our review, including what you can get and the terms you need to fulfill.
Free Bet – First-time sports bettors will be able to claim a free bet bonus. This is a 100% match up to $200. To claim the offer, deposit at least $10.
This offer has a 5x rollover ($1,000 if you claim the entire $200) before you can withdraw any winnings. We recommend you read their terms and conditions for their other rules, as you’ll need to abide by odd minimums/maximums when you make your bets.
And that’s the only offer we found for sports bettors during our review.
This isn’t a bad offer by any means. That said, it would be great if they had a few other promotions running. It’d be nice to see some kind of cashback or rebate offer or additional bonuses.
But as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

Mobile Friendliness

Both Spin Casino and Spin Sports are mobile-friendly. You don’t need to download any apps. All you need to do is go to the casino or sportsbook from your phone or tablet and log in. You’ll be able to play all games and make bets from your browser.
It looks like you’ll have the full sportsbook at your disposal. And considering that they work with Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, we wouldn’t be surprised if most or even all of their casino games are available.
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Customer Support

You can use the following options to contact Spin Casino.
The email address above is addressed to the parent company of Spin Casino. The issue with that is they manage several other casinos.
For that reason, we recommend that you make it clear that you’re a Spin Casino customer when you contact them. That way, you eliminate any confusion and reduce the chances of any unnecessary back and forth.
We were disappointed to see that they don’t offer phone support despite saying they do in multiple places throughout their website.
That said, phone support still isn’t a standard communication method offered by online gambling sites. It wouldn’t be fair if we held the lack of phone support against Spin Casino.
Besides, you can contact them 24/7 using the methods above. We sent Spin Casino an email, and we were surprised to receive a response less than two hours later. They answered our questions, too.
That’s better than the average casino for sure. For that reason, we give Spin Casino’s support two virtual thumbs up.
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what are the rules for blackjack in vegas video

How to Play (and Win) at Blackjack: The Expert's Guide ... How the Cards Are Dealt - Learn Blackjack Best Time to Play Blackjack in Vegas Las Vegas Blackjack Strategy Best Casinos in Nevada for Playing Blackjack - YouTube Blackjack Made Easy Blackjack Basics (part 1) Top 10 Tips For Beginning Blackjack Players - Part 1 ... How To Play Blackjack

A staple of casinos from Las Vegas to Monte Carlo, blackjack is arguably the world’s most popular casino card game. Thanks to its popularity, almost every casino in the world has a blackjack table – or 10, or 100 – set up waiting for new players. You’ve probably played blackjack before, either online or in a casino. However, the game of blackjack is significant different when you’re Strip blackjack - Las Vegas ForumAbout Pete’s Auto Transport . They did have to wait for a seat though. It's blackjack of a hole too. I do know that as of blackjack month you can only double strip on Consider strip a tax qusar gaming low-rollers lol. Vegas Strip Blackjack Game. Actually black of ironic, the ACG has coupons for Silver Nugget and I couldn't jack them listed on my 'maps' so I It’s useful to know where the worst blackjack games in Las Vegas are, so you know which tables to avoid. Even more useful, of course, is to know where the best games are. Check out my post on the best Las Vegas blackjack games in 2020 to find out where you should be playing. Welcome to the 2021 Las Vegas Blackjack Survey. It covers all 3:2 blackjack games and variants in the Las Vegas market, including rules and minimum bets. The common blackjack rules that actually tilt the game in the player’s favor (assuming perfect strategy is used) are as follows: Single deck or two decks used; Early or late surrender allowed; Unlimited doubling allowed; Players can re-split aces and draw to them; Player wins automatically if they draw six cards without busting When you have a great hand which includes Ace/8, Ace/9, or Ace/10 (Blackjack which pays 3 to 2), stand regardless of the dealer’s up card. With all other combinations of Ace and another card, always hit because with the 1 or 11 option you can only improve your hand. The Worst Blackjack Rules in Las Vegas Are at the Strip Casinos. 80% of the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip are owned by the same 4 companies. They all have similar blackjack rules – and those rules aren’t as favorable to the players as you’d hope. Your best bet as a blackjack player is to just avoid the blackjack games on the Strip altogether. You can find better games elsewhere in the city. This terrible rule started paying players 6:5 on a blackjack, as opposed to 3:2. This means that a $10 blackjack would pay $12 instead of $15. Once the casinos got away with this at single deck games, the 6:5 rule started infecting double deck and shoe games. Most single deck blackjack tables have disappeared from the Las Vegas Strip because of this. A 6:5 payout on a blackjack adds 1.39% to the house edge. Your next move at the Blackjack table is to place a wager in the betting area, which is usually a circle or square. If you happen to place the wager in the wrong area, don't worry, the Dealer will let you know. Next, Players and the Dealer are dealt two cards each. One of the Dealer's cards faces up and the other faces down. Specific Vegas Strip Blackjack rules are as follows: The dealer stands on soft 17. Blackjack pays 3:2 in most Vegas casinos, though several games pay 6:5. The dealer peeks for blackjack. Players may double down on any initial hand. Players may double down after splitting. Players can split to up to 4 total hands.

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How to Play (and Win) at Blackjack: The Expert's Guide ...

Blackjack basics video produced by Station Casinos including info on rules, doubling down, splitting cards, insurance and a few helpful hints. How to Play Blackjack by a Las Vegas Dealer - Duration: 11:32. ... The Rules of Blackjack - Duration: 4:53. Crazy Vegas Online Casino 115,984 views. 4:53. Hollywood Blackjack IV - Duration: 15:00 ... In this video, American Casino Guide author, Steve Bourie, gives his top 10 Tips For Beginning Blackjack Players. This is part one of a two-part series with ... Did you know that if you're hoping to get more chances of winning at blackjack, then there is certain best time to play blackjack in Vegas. Take a look at some tips that will help you win while ... The best casinos for playing blackjack are the El Cortez in Las Vegas, the Boomtown and Western Village casinos in the Reno/Tahoe area, the Peppermill and We... This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue Want to beat blackjack? It all starts with learning how to play. In this video, professional Blackjack players Colin Jones and "Loudon Ofton" break down the ... My Las Vegas blackjack strategy has changed over the years but it is still a very beatable game. Todays Blackjack has a variety of options with different ways to play. For example I play “Super ... Breaking Vegas Documentary: The True Story of The MIT Blackjack Team - Duration: 1:30:22. ... The Rules of Blackjack - Duration: 4:53. Crazy Vegas Online Casino 123,174 views. 4:53 . LOOK WHAT ...

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