Not Just Violence: Things To Know About Cali, Colombia

is cali colombia safe for tourists

is cali colombia safe for tourists - win

Getting Robbed or How I Became Too Comfortable Traveling Alone

Writing is therapeutic for me, so here goes.
The first thing I thought was "yeah, I was probably overdue for that." Lost my smartphone. Lost my emergency cash (400 USD). Lost a few other odds and ends - backup point-and-shoot camera, cheap sunglasses. All replaceable. Lost a few photos. Mostly lost my dignity.
I'm in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Not the world's safest city by any stretch, but also not the reputation of Johannesburg or Nairobi. I've been to "unsafe" places before. I spent time in Cali, Colombia for several weeks. Mexico City. Guatemala. The south of India. I've been traveling and living nomadically - my vagabond life, as I call it - for the last two years, so being on the road and calling my own travel shots is second-nature at this point. I told myself I needed to be more vigilant. "This isn't Argentina. You've gotta' be smart," I murmured to myself on the plane.
But it still caught up to me. It's weird how it eased in. It seems so dumb in retrospect. But at the moment - acceptable. I know one reason most of us travel solo is to be open to new ideas, new experiences. To roll the dice a little bit with the chance to learn about new people or different countries or cultural ideas. But sometimes when we roll those dice, we really only learn about ourselves.
So as I walked back to my hostel in a nice neighborhood after getting some shots at a clinic, I crossed the chaotic street with a local man. As one does. "Do as the locals do," we often say.
And we made small talk. Which country is home, where I have visited. First name. I was starving. I asked if there is a place nearby with chapatti, a south Indian bread common in Tanzania as well. He said just up the street on the left.
"I'm just coming back from the clinic. My friend might pick me up along the way. Maybe he can give you a ride, if you like."
I should have perked up. But we were going the same direction. I've accepted rides in a foreign country before on occasion. I'd evaluate his friend when the moment came.
Which it did. And the car seemed normal and his friend was a chubby dude who seemed uninterested and I was still in a nice neighborhood, so I slid in the backseat.
Then we picked up another friend very quickly. This is when I should have gotten out of the car. But the friend looked respectable. He had a nice watch, was well-dressed. Spoke reasonably good English. "I'm a teacher at St. Mary's Prep," he stated confidently. So I stayed. It didn't feel uncomfortable. We talked for a minute.
And shortly after, they got serious and drove me to a dirt lot where they rummaged through my bag and took my emergency cash and my phone.
I wonder if there was a red flag in my mind that would have been there 10 years ago but doesn't come up anymore. Probably. I'll admit it: it was dumb. I shouldn't just freely jump in to cars with people. But it also didn't feel that sketchy until it actually was, which is exactly the intent.
So as I look forward to the next several months where I'm supposed to be backpacking across southern Africa, let this be a reminder. I had gotten cocky. And now I've been humbled. Go forth and explore. Learn something along the way. And be just a little more vigilant.
Edit: There are a few different strains of questions. I knew Argentina would get some LOLs. I only used that because I was there recently and I felt pretty comfortable there. I can see how BA could be sketchy though. YMMV.
"Uninterested" isn't the right word to describe the dude - just not...imposing. He was doing an errand: "picking up his friend". Also we shook hands, even though the two guys talked in Swahili for a moment.
And, no, I don't usually carry so much USD . But (1) it was cheaper to withdraw in the States before I left, (2) it's essential for many land borders in Africa, (3) it's a widely-accepted backup here (which I used a surprising amount already), and (4) I'm just at the very beginning of my trip. I've been here for a week. I normally separate things a bit (200 USD in my big backpack with another credit card), but I just hadn't gotten fully in the mode yet. At moments the guys seemed pretty daft, but they did know to check my socks/shoes and look for a money belt. I don't usually use those methods, so I feel oddly...validated?
I'm not going to defend my dumb decision, but when I was in the moment, few things were clear. Shades of grey. Yes, I became suspicious. In my head I asked why. And while I answered that, I asked myself how I might get out. And while I thought about both of those things, we turned down a dirt road and my gut told me I wanted out. Which was right when they demanded money while I was surrounded in a car.
Like so many things there's no "right way" to separate money and belongings. In short, if you don't want anything stolen and nothing to ever happen to you, put your things in the safe at home and never leave your house. But generally separation is a good rule. Generally many forms of payment - domestic and foreign cash, two credit cards in different locations, two debit cards - is a good rule. Generally if I'm headed out from a hostel to a market or for an errand, I have some pocket money and a credit card, and maybe my phone (50/50) depending on the type of errand. In this case, I was going to a clinic and thought I might need some pertinent details, so I brought it. Maybe I bring my backpack as well if headed in to a museum or otherwise safer "touristy" place where I can put my phone or jacket to avoid being pickpocketed, which is the most likely crime in most places. I agree with "look poor" - more like try to look less wealthy (which any white tourist is in Dar, by definition) - maybe good life advice in general. Looking wealthy is totally overrated.
Next time: separate my USD, affirm details - where we're going, what people's names are - before I get in any car, think twice about taking a smartphone to do routine shopping/errands, be slightly more skeptical. There was a moment or two when I probably could have jumped out of the car, even if I scraped a knee. I'm regretting that a bit, but I literally could not think fast enough about what was happening. It's a process of fine-tuning as I go forward about what's actually safer without sacrificing curiosity. I didn't come halfway around the world to only sit in a hostel with other white people, you know? Also I didn't read up much on Dar since I thought I'd only be here for a day or two for medical stuff. I've since read in multiple locations that this express kidnapping situation is common, especially in this part of the city. So some light research might have prepared me better.
How I'm doing this? Short answer: working holiday visa (USA only has Aus and NZ) and lots of saved money from a previous job. An occasional online gig or two. It's surprisingly easy to survive on $1000 per month outside wealthy countries. But it also means living out of a backpack, which is admittedly starting to get old. I'm happy to answer more specific questions about this via PM.
submitted by todouble to solotravel [link] [comments]

Trip Report: Cali, Colombia

I recently got back from Cali, and while I was planning the trip, I was frustrated by the lack of information out there about Cali specifically as opposed to Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota, etc. So here are some thoughts on Cali that will hopefully be of some use!
Obviously I can't pronounce a city "safe" or "unsafe." All I can say is that despite all that I had read (i.e. that Cali is one of the ten most dangerous cities in the world), the areas that I frequented felt incredibly safe. I stayed in Miraflores, and hung out mostly there and in Old San Fernando, San Antonio, El Cedro, and Ciudad en Jardin. While of course the necessary precautions should be taken (don't wear flashy jewelry, keep everything in your front pockets, etc.), Cali felt no different than any other large Latin American city. We had no issues walking home from bars late at night, riding the Cali Mio buses, taking taxis hailed on the street, or walking around the markets and shopping districts. The only advice we got from locals was to be sure to hike the Hill of the Three Crosses early in the day because you're likely to get robbed in the afternoon after the police go home, and also to be careful around the clubs in El Centro at night. Most of the violence is contained to the east side of the city and to the hillside favelas, which is not a place you'll ever find yourself.
While Colombia can get a bad rap for food, I really enjoyed the offerings in Cali. First of all, it's extremely cheap - like $2 for coffee and a pastry, $3-$4 for a sit-down lunch, and $7-$8 for a sit-down dinner with a beer or two. In terms of drinks, beers in bars were roughly $1.50, and cocktails around $2.50. You can also drink the tap water, so you don't have to worry about eating street food or anything like that. Highlights were:
Things To Do
Cali isn't exactly rich in tourist attractions. This is a city that's best enjoyed by strolling its streets, sitting in its cafes and parks, and generally enjoying the slow, comfortable pace of Colombia's third biggest city. That said, I would recommend hiking either the Cristo Rey trail or the Hill of the Three Crosses to take in some great views of the valley, enjoying the weekend night scene in San Antonio Park (where the locals gather to hang out, watch performers, and drink beer), and definitely going to a salsa class or two - ask around at the hostels to find the right one for you. Also be sure to head to a salsa bar on at least one night, just to see the incredible skill of the dancers.
Anyway, hopefully this is helpful to whomever stumbles across it as they consider Cali. Not many backpackers seem to make it here, but I found it to be incredibly rewarding and well worth the trip.
submitted by longlivetheking100 to travel [link] [comments]

[NEWS] Elections Debate

|| This is the Official 2047 Election Debate on the BNN ||
Hello and welcome to the first election debate on BNN, where the leaders of the Socialist Coalition, Republican Party and the Democratic will go face to face on questions picked out from the audience and journalists. None of the candidates know the questions and will all be asked the same question for two minutes.
Before we begin, please can the audience remain quite throughout the debate; when the leaders answer your questions respectively.
Now Mr Luis, Alessa Stepankova, a reporter for RT, has asked you:
''Mr. Luis, I would like to hear where you stand on ties with the PFLA and the Latin Commonwealth. Certainly, we have seen rising tension between the two, and many have feared that Gran Columbia would possibly become a hot-spot of clashing interests. While this never sufficed, we would like to hear how the Democratic Party would maintain ties with the PFLA and the Latin Commonwealth - if at all."
What is your response?
Mr. Luis, leader of the Democratic Party
'Thank you for your question Alessa Stepankova. The Democratic Party has always aimed at improving relations with our allies and our 'distant' friends. The PFLA and Gran Colombia already endure a close relationship economically, militarily and politically. With the threat of war, our administration will work closer with the PFLA. The Latin Commonwealth and Gran Colombia, simply is a very hostile topic. Under our administration we will not stand-for any aggression that is blamed on our country, as they have done before. We do not support the LC, we do not trust the LC and we will not bring closer economic ties in fear that one day they will back-stab us as they have done when they kicked started the second-cold-war in 2040-44. Our party will only support a 'non-aggression' pact and that is final.'
**Presenter: Now, the Government of Florida have personally asked us to include this question:
What are the candidates opinions on North America and the NAA, as well as nations Gran Columbia has ties to, such as Columbia, Florida, and/or the USA?
Nicolas Alejandro, please begin first:
Nicolas Alejandro
'Again, thank you for the question. The Socialist Coalition believes in democracy, fairness and peace. Some North American states in our view are the opposite. The hostility between the CSA and the USA is something we find as a potential threat to war in the Americas. The CSA and Gran Colombia have never shared any 'good' relations even before the URSA formed in 2022. Florida in our view is a country that we have little problems with. We are only concerned that they will not back us in a event of a war. We would like to continue our relations with Florida, and bring more economic, political and military ties when we eventually abolish the neutral policy put in place by the current administration.'
Presenter Now you, Santiago Andres Jr.
Santiago Andres Jr.
I think it's pretty clear on the situation here, the left are threatening peace by stating the removal of the neutral policy that keeps us safe. We don't hold any ties with the CSA at all not even economically and we don't intend to amend that after their support for the Latin Commonwealth. Florida is an unusual one, we have some ties, but we feel the relationship is not something valued by Florida. Of course, we would like to open more ties with Florida, but I personally feel they will not with the event of war.
Presenter: Luis?
Our administration would work incredibly closely with Florida, the United States and try and establish ties with the CSA, it's only a matter if they would like too. We as a party are hesitant to extend ties with the LC for reasons already discussed presenter ...
Ok, interesting, now, a member of the audience has a question.
Man from audience
For the last few years Cali has lost most of it's tourists because of the mega-projects in Quito, Bogota, Barranquilla, Monteria, Medellin and Cartagena. My family have fun a family business for over 92 years, that is dependent on tourists from abroad. We are close to closing down. What will you do to help us here in Cali?
Franco Luis
I'm very sorry to hear this. Sadly the current administration hasn't exactly invested in Cali since 2043. We aim to increase the number of tourists from it's current 65 million people yearly to 90 million by 2060. This means a complete overhaul in investment. Something around 10% of the budget will go towards funding places like your business. I can assure you, if you vote for us, the future of your business will be brighter.
Nicolas Alejandro
Again I'm sorry to hear this, we too would focus on increasing investment in areas such as Cali. My father was from Cali, so I know the city pretty well. Cali has a lot of issues, not just from tourism but also its size. Cali in 2017 was around 2.1 million people. Now it's around 8.9 million people. This means a lot of the infrastructure is not suitable, lots of traffic and noise. With increased tax on the rich, we will be able to create a new plan for a infrastructure overhaul. I hope that answers your question.
Santiago Andres Jr
When I first entered office, I promised those that the future will be better. That was the truth until two years ago. Investment has been cut for investment since the so called 'third' cold war between the LC and our country began. The threat of war means more money is needed as our country is simply not ready. When the crisis is over, we promise that the investment would come flooding back in.
Audience Member
Thank you.
Finally, what are you stances on the neutrality policy?
Nicolas Alejandro
The coalition is completely against it. The policy is a wound to the nation, a wound that can kill us. The policy means that we cannot increase militarily as we once did. With the threat of war, we would like to 'amend' the neutral policy and adopt the current policy of the Brazilians and rebuild the army greater than current agreements.
Franco Luis
It's in our best intention that we adapt the current policy. we agree to the policy but it is some part, void as said by the President of Brazil. We need more investment into the military budget if we are to defend ourselves from a war that could break out in the next decade. We are not fit to fight. We must increase ties, but the policy restricts aspects of this.
Santiago Andres Jr
I must be honest, the policy was implemented before the whole aggression started. The policy was hoped to continue the peace and neutral stance between the LC and Gran Colombia. My advisors as we speak are in a conference with all of south American states on adopting a new policy that would see increased conscription, funding and defence of all south American nations.
Well thank you for your responses to these questions. This is all we have time for tonight. Please join us next time when BNN hosts the official, final count down for the results later this month. If you continue watching, stay tuned for 'The Next Super-state in South America?'.
submitted by Mr_Silverhawk to worldpowers [link] [comments]

I Start a campaign on Gofundme to find money to emigrate from my nightmare country Venezuela

Hi!, As some of you may know, my country is on an regime, and this is really a nightmare, so, is almost impossible save money to get out of here, my friend who is on Florida is helping me with this... please read the history and share ! ..
This is my Gofundme campaign.. Please Read it!
Hi!,I was thinking a lot before doing this, because I was trying to do it by my own way, but this is getting really hard
I'm 31 years old Venezuelan, hopeless and desperate of the situation on my country, as most of you may know, the situation on Venezuela is really hard and getting worse every day, the minimum monthly wage is almost 4$ and the minimum that a family need to survive one month is almost 100$ only for food, for that reason on November of the last year my little sister and my little brother had the need to emigrate in way to find a better income and the resources to send money for they children meanwhile my mother, her husband and I stay here to take care of them and our granny, our granny is a beloved woman who did everything for us on the past, but on January of this year she suffer a transitory ACV and now is even harder because she need 3 pills everyday and is hard to find them, but with the help of my uncles we've solved to make her follow the treatment till now, and we have some boxes of pills for the next few months.
My sister: She is at Cali, Colombia, working on almost anything she find daily, but she is alone and she doesn't know but I think she is starting to suffering of depression, because everytime we talk by Facebook she is sad or crying, worried about her little son, and us.
My brother:He is at Guayaquil, Ecuador, he used to be at Cali too, working on a carwash, but the owner was just exploited him, he was getting paid a month and another no, he got sick of his feet, from the excess water, since he worked without safety boots, and in view of that, he found himself in need of continuing south in search of something better, he is working now on the beach helping fishermen, but this is not a fixed job, and he is alone too, sleeping on the beach because he haven't rented a room or something.
Me: If you've read till here, you may notice that I'm still on Venezuela, I used to work on my own little company of turism (ProKings Tours) Doing The Route with tourists from the cruise with my partner and best friend Eddy!
Since the country got worse, the company Pulmantur decided to cancel the route of his cruise, I was the CEO with my best friend and a tour guide, and I used to love that work, meeting people every week from different countries, showing them a little part of my beautiful country and sharing our culture, and learning from theirs was awesome, also my sister used to work with me as a guide too, and my brother as a driver, we used to work with friends and help them to find an extra income, but now that is over since March of 2016, I keep doing some things to survive since then, repairing android phones, repairing computers, doing some money on the web, with games, looking ads, and even gaming, but now that is not enough, I was trying to sell my car, a Chevy Optra 2007, but on this country he laws are a joke, when I was going to sign the sell, they find that there is another car with same id serials than mine, and even that my car is the original and the other is the clone, my car is useless for that, and I've pay for the scam of others, I'm selling some things like desktop table and chair, old computer, spares of my car, and anything that could help me to collect some money to emigrate, but is not easy, because we have to waste the savings everyday on food and services
So, why am I asking here for help?
My idea is to emigrate to Peru or Chile, and in the path pick up my sister and my brother and take them with me and work together to send money to our mother and granny, and save money to take them with us later and reunite them with us in any os those country, this is not for pleasure travel, this is not a scam, and can even take this as a loan, and commit to pay back to everyone who help to achieve this for me and my family, and I'm not joking, I know I will work hard to pay back, but on a normal country, were
We can work normally with a decent wage, or on a normal country were we can undertake a own work, that will be "easy" for us three, my brothers didn't know anything about this, this will be a surprise for them, but I will do anything for them on this life, and for that feeling of happiness, seeing their faces, reuniting again, and looking for a better future together for us and our mother, grandmother and my nephews, that's all I need now.I know that there is a really needing people in the world, with bigger troubles or sickness, but if you could help with anything even if that anything is little bit, that will be a huge help for us
I'm not asking for money to move all my family, only to take my sister on Colombia, my brother on Ecuador and work together on Peru or Chile, we can do the rest.
I would like to create an ONG to give the opportunity to young people with talent to get out of this regime, but that will be another poyect in the early future, we used to be a happy place, and nobody deserve to deal with this situation, begging for food, services, and basic things like medical care, making eternal lines to buy a single food..
It would be a liar if I say that I'm not doing this for me, or to help me, but I also do it for them, to see them calm, happy and united again in a safe environment.
Thank you for reading this!
submitted by Madehope to u/Madehope [link] [comments]

is cali colombia safe for tourists video

What is the ZOO like in Cali Colombia? Is it SAFE for ... Cali Colombia Tourism - YouTube Is Colombia safe? (I was wrong about Colombia) Are You a Cocaine Tourist?  Colombia Safe Travels  World ... IS CALI SAFE FOR TOURIST  WHAT TO EXPECT IN CALI COLOMBIA ... New Tourists in Cali #Colombia Start here! 🇨🇴 - YouTube Colombia Travel Channel – Traveling Colombia

Is Cali Safe to travel for tourists? Cali has a bad safety reputation among travelers, especially at night. The city is poorer than its sibling, but it’s not a reason to avoid it. Reconsider travel to Colombia due to COVID-19. Exercise increased caution in Colombia due to crime, terrorism and kidnapping. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. The Bottom Line: Is Cali Safe? Security in Cali and Safety Tips. The biggest question I have received since living in Colombia has been “Is Colombia Safe ?” And my answer has been “yes”, as long as you follow some common-sense guidelines. Colombia unfortunately still has a bad security reputation to overcome that is for the most part undeserved. Cali Warnings and Dangers Cali is a center for sports in Colombia and a very big city full of things to do and many people. With a big city, precautions need to be taken and tourists should be Although there has been a huge effort recently by the Colombian government to market it as a safe place for tourists (with the slogan being ‘The only risk is wanting to stay’) and much of what I have read online has emphasised that it is safe, the agenda behind the government's efforts is clear, and many tourists or expats often use the fact that they themselves have not been victims as a justification for this view. Despite high levels of crime, most visits to Colombia are trouble-free. See Crime If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy Is Colombia safe for tourists second Update Sept. 2019 If you plan to travel to Colombia keep an eye on the news or, better, hear what the local has to say about the area where you are going. It seems that Ivan Marquez (Timochenko) has left his civilian clothes and FARC could be prone to start a collaboration with the ELN group (probably responsible for a car bomb in Bogotá in Jan. 2019). Originally part of the rescue plans for Cali River and the beautification of its banks, the Cat Park of Cali is now a great recreational space for locals and tourists. Cat Park, Cali (El Gato Del Rio) Address: 2-100 Calle 23, Cali, Colombia. Website: River Cat Park, Cali Throughout the 80s and 90s, Colombia was considered an extremely dangerous place. It was a country seemingly off-limits to American tourists. Safety in Cali: Is Cali Safe? In short, yes and no. I know it’s not the direct answer that you were looking for, but it’s the truth. Will you witness a shooting and see danger lurking around every corner? Probably not. Safety in Cali comes down to petty theft, which is a real issue here.

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What is the ZOO like in Cali Colombia? Is it SAFE for ... Sixth Avenue or Avenida Sexta in Cali Colombia is a main Attraction for International Tourist visiting Cali. This Cali Video is whe... What is the best starter nightlife for the first-timers to Colombia?A basic guide for Men looking to enjoy Colombia Cali for first time.#Colombian #nightlife... Since the early 2000’s the country became safe for receiving international tourists and since then is growing a lot. Still, Colombia is far behind other destinations. My first time traveling to Colombia and I loved everything about it , join me as I bring you along on my 10 day trip to Colombia . I started my join off in the city of Bogota and ended in the ... I know you have always wondered, Is Cali Colombia safe for tourist... Well you are not alone. We wondered the same thing and we quickly discovered the answer... Cocaine is one of Colombia’s most notorious exports. For those that have had a taste of the drug back home, the low prices in Colombia, plus TV series like N... Are there family friendly things to do in Cali Colombia? Colombia is a beautiful county with so many affordable things to do and enjoy. Come with me on a tou...

is cali colombia safe for tourists

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